Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

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Thanks SwiftTales! *hugs back* :D Speaking of being back and completely off topic... I don't think I've friended you yet. So, may I? :)

Okay, back on topic. Yes, I wanted to keep this thread out of the bottom of the shippers pile, and I'm glad everyone's been posting. :) That way, we won't have to dig this up again, you know? ehehehe... :lol:
Sure you can friend me :D no problem

and yeah, I'm so glad that we're spreading the Hardy Boys love, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :lol:
Thanks Shadowfax. I'll try to force myself to finish it. It's not going to be a multipart story so I might be able to complete one for once. :D Btw, I have really enjoyed reading your stories. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of When Curves were Straight, but I understand how easy it is to be stuck on a chapter. I always seem to know how my stories are going to start and end, but it's the getting from part A to part Z that's difficult for me.

And I agree that it's nice to find this thread near the beginning of the others. I think the last time I posted here back in November (?!), and it was buried several pages back. I finally gave up because there seemed to be so little interest in it at the time, and since I'd seen so few of the episodes, it was hard to really get any conversation started myself. So I'm happy to see it taking off, and I'm looking forward to the new episodes and being able to discuss all the subtle shippiness between the boys..or at least what we read between the lines. ;)

Speaking of the new season, I've been thinking about a possible discussion topic. There have been a lot of stories about how Eric and Ryan get together. It's usually centered around the past episodes. Now I think it's a given that TPTB will never actually get Eric and Ryan together on the show. BUT suppose they decided to shake things up and got the two of them together. How do you think they would go about it? Or how would you like to see them get together?
SwiftTales said:
Hey, AliGtr, I'll be happy to read it for you ^^

Oh, Swift Tales , I would be honoured if you would read it for me. I'm OK on spelling and stuff, but I've never written anything like this before. I'm just not totally sure on how well the story's coming across. It's in my head, I don't know how well it reads. May I send you a chapter or two when it's going a bit more? It seems to be growing, BTW. I thought to start with I'd do a short story for my first one, but it's up to 5 chaps in the planning, 3 actually written. Do yours grow like that? It's like an inflatable dinghy! :confused:

I want to post it on WolfeDelko eventually, but I have to get a LJ account first. Also it's bound to be a little slow as I'm writing it in secret. I don't think anyone I know would understand slash. My husband would be shocked to his back teeth to know that's what's going through my mind! :D

Oh, and yes, BITW is the one with the bong. I'd never heard that word before.

Another question's just popped into my mind. What's a wife-beater? I know it's a kind of t-shirt, but I can't picture it. I read it in one of your fics, Swift T .
Alright AliGtr, just send me what you feel comfortable with, my stories do grow like that, usually I have an idea that sounds: wouldn't it be cool if *enter plot*

then I think of the start and the ending and I come up with a number of chapters it might be, but it always ends up being more then I thought it would be :p

a wife beater is a sort of tank top, wait I'll give you a picture

The top the guy is wearing is a wife beater, it was kinda the best picture I could find Wife beater
Could I ask that everyone reads and replies to --> A New Announcement from Your Mods. Thanks :)

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Sorry, that's probably my fault. I apologise *grovels* :eek:

Going back to topic, I was thinking that something changes with Eric & Ryan between the end of S3 and the start of S4. The end of S3 was understandably tense because of the way Eric thought Ryan had leaked to the press and the keygun thing in Sex and Taxes. The start of S4 doesn't have them together much, but when they are together they don't show the kind of tension they'd built up. This is what's got my mind working. Something happened, must have done to change the atmosphere like that. I'm thinking that they could be starting to approach each other tentatively without totally ruining their working relaionship. What do you think?

I'm waiting with bated breath for Nailed. I hear that this is a real Eric / Ryan episode. It should be showing in the next week or two in the UK. :cool: :D
Well, there is still tension but I think they tride to hide it because they have to work together

but you're right, maybe something did happen :devil:

*clears throat* maybe they met up for drinks or something and decided to become friends, yes... friends :devil:
I saw this season 5 Promo pic and Ryan and Eric were both wearing the same shoes! I swear to god! of course now I can think of this entire theory around those shoes :p I could think of loads of theories behind them wearing the same shoes, more specifically Ryan had his shoe on his left foot and Eric had his shoe on his right foot you don't see the other foots. So imagine that it's just one pair of shoes :lol: okay, that's ridiculous
Not ridiculous at all. It raises possibilities. What if their own shoes look kind of similar but not the same, and they got mixed up putting them on.

I watched Three-Way last night, and there was the tension I've been waiting for. Bucketloads of it! Something's eating Eric. Maybe he's jealous of Ryan saying that Erica is "very pretty and..." I so wanted Ryan to finish that sentence. But maybe it's better left to our imaginations...
Yes! Yes!

Of course! I hadn't even noticed that ^^

Yes, he's so jealous of Eric because Ryan called her pretty and oooh, I hadn't even noticed that before :p

I think Nailed comes after Three Way, you're gonna love that :D
Hello Ladies!

Long time no see, eh? hehehe... :lol:

FieldMouse I hope you don't think I was ignoring you. I've been extremely busy and then I was out of town for the weekend. I think I'm finally catching up on some of my work, so hopefully I'll be able to write updates again soon. :D Anyway, I hope your writing's going well. I can't wait to see what you come up with. And I promise I am working on the next chapter of 'When Curves Were Straight' so, stay tuned! :D

Okay, back on topic... have we decided yet if 'Hardy Boys' is going to be the name of this ship? If so, has anyone gone to the shipper's name thread to put in this name? :confused: Just curious. Personally, I like 'Hardy Boys' since they were fictional sleuths plus the fact that Eric/Ryan were referred to as the Hardy Boys in the Silencer.

I dunno... *shrugs* What do you guys think? Should we name this thread 'Hardy Boys'? Of course, we could always generate some more ideas or take a poll (and I'm NOT volunteering for that btw, heheh! :devil:).
Well, we decided for Hardy Boys at the Wolfe Delko Romance Journal, but we never actually made anything official on Talk CSI

(I admit, I started using it) but because of that we never went to the shipper's name thread to put it in

If we're going to have a poll I would vote for Hardy Boys but if anyone has other ideas please share :p

(At the WDRJ I came up with Cuban Compulsions :p)
Okay, so far we have the following names:

The Hardy Boys
Cuban Compulsions (courtesy of SwiftTales)

Does anyone else have any ideas? :confused: Come on, peeps! I know you're out there! :lol:

How about:

O.C.D. = One Cute/Competitive/Compulsive/Crazy/Etc. Duo? :lol: :devil: (Pick one... Yeah, I know, it's corny, but it's all I got.) :lol:
I think the OCD side of Ryan is so cute, but it's just him, not Eric. So, sorry Shadowfax , I like The Hardy Boys. I haven't seen Urban Hellraisers yet though. :( We're so behind in the UK, we've just had Under Suspicion and next week it's going to be Felony Flight. I think it might be Nailed after that. I'm going to have to video that to watch when I'm alone. I've heard so much about it. I can't wait on one level, but on another I don't want to look. I'll definitely watch it on my own! :eek: :( :eek:

Under Suspicion - loved the scene with Eric & Ryan on the bridge. Eric was all defensive about the cheque, Ryan was embarrassed for having to ask right then. I was thinking, "just open up to him, Eric. Tell him what the matter is. He'll love you anyway". I can dream. :p
I also like 'Hardy Boys'. They mentioned it in the show, so it's something special.

Did I understand that correctly? Eric borrowd money from Ryan because of his sister?
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