love_fan said:
I actually don't like CSI Miami (mostly because of Horatio) but I stumbled across such a cute story (Compulsions) that I got interested.
I started to watch a few episodes and I must admit there's really some subtext there.
A testament to the power of the Hardy Boys! An even stronger attraction than Horatio! (I have to agree with you there. Sorry, Need4Speed.
It is just Ryan and Ryan/Eric that I watch for now. Plus the bright colours. That's sad, isn't it? The bright colours cheer me up. :lol:
There are some fabulous R/E scenes in S3. I've just started going through them for a fic (what else?) Their first meeting in Under the Influence is promising. The way that Eric looks after Ryan and says "Thorough!" is very appreciative.
In Speed Kills, I just adore the scene between them in the lab after Ryan's been to the head-boiling. His reaction to "Good work" is so sweet!
I also like the interaction in Sex and Taxes. The frisson is growing incredibly there. It's not the right kind of interaction but they're really getting under each others skin. Promise of more to come!
COTC is great! Love it! I've been working on a fic for that too. So many plotbunnies, so little time... I'm also working on a 100icon challenge for that episode. I hope to make some Hardy Boys icons for that.
love_fan , welcome to the Hardy Boys goodness!
Welcome gift. I'm pleased you're enjoying the fic. You might like to try CSI:Forensics - Out of the Lab too. Some of the fics are duplicated there, but there is a good collection of R/E ones.