Eric/Ryan Slash #2 - Stay With Me

Hm, well, I guess I agree with you. Eric's definitely bi. He's such a sexual being that he wouldn't limit himself to just one sex.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You're right, they kinda make Eric out to be some kinda animal with zero self control!
Honestly, I doubt they will put Eric and Ryan together. They might lose some fans that way. I'm not really a slash fan, but I wouldn't like... quit watching the show. I do like seeing the two in the same shot though..haha makes the show more fun to watch! :) And it's always interesting, cause they're usually arguing about something :rolleyes:
Just had a peak at CSI Files:

It looks like the writers want to pursue the whole Eric/Calleigh thing. Well, I guess, that's one way to deny any attraction between Eric and Ryan :(
Anyway, what do you think about that? How will a possible canon relationship between Eric and Calleigh affect us shippers?
I don't really think the spoiler will effect us much. I don't see TPTB being brave enough to ever have any of their csi's in a gay relationship. I would really love it and I think it would bring a whole new outlook to the show. Plus maybe pull in more peeps. A lot of shows are having main characters being homosexual and to me I think it could really do something for a csi. Imagine the story lines of two male csi's being caught in a relationship. I'm sure in that line of work it would be frowned upon and really hard for them to come out. I can think of a dozen storylines they could do for it. BUT no matter what happens on the show, we all still have some brilliant fan fic writers out there that give us what we need in our life of Hardy Boys.

While I'm thinking about it, I want to say congrats to Ali and Swifty for being nonimated for fan fic awards. Best of luck to both you gals! :thumbsup: You both rock when it comes to pouring on the hottness in the fics :drool: