Eric/Ryan Slash #2 - Stay With Me

Happy birthday AliGtr ^^

I completely agree of course, more fanfic is never a bad thing :D

I think that if Eric and Ryan had a son together they'd make sure that he was a good boy, you know, always respect women, stick up for what you believe in, respect your elders, have a good life, stay in school, be well behaved, don't do drugs

I suppose if you had Eric or Ryan as a father you wouldn't dare to use drugs or something, you'd be too scared of what they would do to you if they found out!

Anyway, I do hope that the boys manage to find some good things in this season, I'm kinda sick of all the bad stuff happening.
AliGtr Yes I admit, it's a trick candle, because I want to wish for the same thing and don't want anyone else getting it before me. ;)

And I understand all too well about about getting older. On my birthday earlier this year, I officially turned "older than dirt". But I'm not feeling it. :D

And on that subject, here's a question (and a possible fic idea for someone). What would Ryan and Eric be like growing old together? Would they still fight in their sixties; would they be able to complete each others sentences; would they spend time taking their grandkids to the beach?
Where is everybody? It's awefully quiet around here

Anyway, to answer FieldMouse's question, I do think they would spend time taking their grandchildren to the beach and stuff. I'd think they'd love to get involved with their family stuff, especially Eric.
They'd really bicker, like an old married couple, which they'd totally be even if they wouldn't be legally married... Or can you get legally married with a samesex partner in Florida? I'm not sure. *Shrugs* I suppose it wouldn't really matter to Eric and Ryan either way.

I do wonder what's going to happen between Ryan and Eric now that doesn't work at the crimelab anymore and we don't know how long it might take for him to get his job back? Would Eric come looking for Ryan? Would Eric and Ryan keep in touch when they stopped working together?
What do you guys think?
Alright my lovely talented writers. I want a story about Wolverine. Now. Asap. Now. haha Sorry. That episode was great. To have Eric come and see Ryan just to make sure he was ok. That's a second story all on it's own. Then to come out with that nickname.. There's like fifty stories that could come from that. Ok, yeah. Sorry. I enjoyed this episode. I know I don't come in here often, but that's because I don't have anything to say. But they we get an episode like that, and BAM! Seriously.. I want a story ;)
wow it's been ages since I've been here. I seriously couldn't find this thread a few times it was off the map.

I thought last night ep was a great one for the hardy boys. I loved it when Eric called Ryan Wolverine. Do you think that's his pet name for him while they are in bed??? I'm so bad, sry. What would Ryan's pet name be for Delko?
Wolverine? Tell me what that's about, pleeeeease! It sounds so good. :p Maybe that is Eric's pet name for Ryan in bed. Wolverines are meant to be pretty ferocious, after all... Sorry, who's bad now? :devil: *blushes* Maybe Ryan calls Eric "Bunnyrabbit"? :lol:

Happilyhappy , I wrote a fic for the first episode of S6 which you might like. I don't know if you've already seen it. Here's the link - (it is PG-13, mods)

I'll have to get thinking about "Wolverine" now. Can someone explain the context to me? :confused:
Can someone explain the context to me?
Wolverine is a X-Men character. He has claws sheated in his forearms.

Ryan scratched attacker and so he got some DNA from him.
Maybe Eric also played with Ryan's last name.

This scene is soo funny.
and aww, Eric is concerned about him. :D
It's about time we get new cute scenes between them. ;)
Ali, to be honest, I've read all of your stories. And I love every one of them. ;)

As IngeSaid, Wolverine is a character in X-men who had metal sheaths in his hands... and he loved scratching people (hence the nickname for Ryan.) Eric also mentioned something about pulling hair. :lol: He really makes you think you know?

I thought it was way to quick for Eric to come up with that nickname, and it made me wonder if he had any other scars besides the one that is on his head. :devil: ;)

I was so excited to see Eric be concerned for Ryan, and then being honest about it. And then the nickname. And then teasing. Double. Bonus. :D
Did anyone else watch that scene over and over? No? Okay never mind. :lol:

I honestly can't remember that last time that the two of them were in the same scene together. I just loved watching the two of them interacting, but maybe that's because it's been a while since I had my Hardy Boys fix on the show.
Yeah, I watched the scene over and over again. :p
This episode is so sweet!
Eric even waved his hand to Ryan before he entered the room, like he just can't wait anymore.
More than that, Eric said he want to make sure Ryan is ok, straight.
And Ryan responded "That's very sweet of you." :lol:

They also had lots of eye contacts. Way too much. :D
"I heard about the attack, and I wanted to make sure you were ok."
"That's very sweet of you."

"Not bad, Wolverine."

Since they said "See you later", where would they go and do what? :p
FieldMouse said:
Did anyone else watch that scene over and over?
Me, me! *waves hand in the air* Don't ask how. Wasn't it fantastic? :D

Now I understand. "Wolverine". I get it. It's definitely a pet name. Maybe Ryan's a scratcher? :devil: :p (I've always thought he has beautifully kept nails).

And "see you later"? *cackles* Yeah. :devil:
:lol: i loved the Wolverine part!!!! it was GREAT!!!!! it was almost like old times!!!!! and the "See you later"....oh yeah the so have plans later :devil:
Aww! I saw it on randomsciblings, it's awesome ^^
The look on Ryan's face when Eric says "wolverine" is just priceless, absolutely priceless :p
And Calleigh: Don't let him fool you, we're all very exited about having you back here

Yeah! I'm sure Eric's exited to have Ryan back :D

And by the way, why was he there in the first place? He didn't even need to be there, Calleigh actually did all the work.. he just went along so he could see Ryan :p
SwiftTales said:
The look on Ryan's face when Eric says "wolverine" is just priceless, absolutely priceless

What Ryan really meant with that look was:

"Eriiiic, that's your private pet name for me when we' know.. I can't believe you called me that in front of Calleigh."