Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Glad to be here!! Recently i bought sesaon 4 so i'm in a Nat Eric mood!! Funny thing i saw in seson 4 is when Ryan ask Eric if he keeps his kids on a short leach!! So honestly Eric is a lucky man cause Natalia was the only one he had a pregnancy scare with! wich kinda makes her special!Honestly Natalia is my favorite character and since Eva is such a great mom i wich Natalia was a mom to! Eric would be a great dad to he proved it when he tool care of Marisol, he's the youngest in the family but it looks like his 2 other sister didnt help very much.
Hey guys,

There's been some complaints about the ship bashing in this thread. You can talk about other ships in relation to your ship but you cannot bash other ships and characters.

Please feel free to take it to the Debate Thread - CSI:Miami located here .

First of all please don't take this post here as me having an attitude, but I have a few things to say. :)

Its a little difficult to NOT make any comments about other ships when the characters here do infact have a big connection. What I really don't understand is why all the non e/c fans are getting "modded" over the last day. Ive been to Ducaine & cake & have seen the warnings. So, how come there can be so much cake bashing & eden bashing in e/c's thread & in inappropriate threads such as Adam's, episodes' & spoilers. I get that Cake is in the picture right now so is e/c but I still don't think that should give them the right to speak their opinion but we have to sit back & bite our tounges. We are in the appropriate thread for support of EDeN, we are simply discussing the differences in couples. Ive always been told that if I don't like a certain ship or their opinions to not go into their I don't go into their threads, plain & simple, shouldn't that be the same for others as well? Im seeing alot of unfairness in all of this to be quite honest. I understand e/c is a much loved ship in this forum but believe me there are also amongst EDeN fans, Cake fans, Ducainers & Carwashers who don't like e/c either. How is it fair to us? We should be able to speak our minds as long as were not attacking poster or thier comments, which we are not doing! If its e/c fans that don't like the points we make in here then I have to ask...why are you reading them? This thread is in support of EDeN. And I have read millions of nasty comments regarding Natalia & Jake in other threads that eren't even in shipper central; & yes Ive made comments & I get the same response...NOTHING. Its like their the majority so they can say what they want??? That isn't exatly fair to ALL the other shippers or to just the fans of the individual character. I certainly don't go into e/c's thread & say these things, nor would I ever. Its their thread, I don't agree w/ what they say but oh well its thier opinion. Shouldn't they see this thread as the same way?

If I have offended any of EDEN SHIPPING buddies...please let me know ive done so & accept my apologies, otherwise what I say in these threads along w/ everyone else is OUR opinion & we should have the right to speak it just the same as others do in their favorite thread! And they do! Somehow it still comes back on us though :confused:
mjszud said:
First of all please don't take this post here as me having an attitude, but I have a few things to say. :)

Its a little difficult to NOT make any comments about other ships when the characters here do infact have a big connection. What I really don't understand is why all the non e/c fans are getting "modded" over the last day. Ive been to Ducaine & cake & have seen the warnings. So, how come there can be so much cake bashing & eden bashing in e/c's thread & in inappropriate threads such as Adam's, episodes' & spoilers. I get that Cake is in the picture right now so is e/c but I still don't think that should give them the right to speak their opinion but we have to sit back & bite our tounges. We are in the appropriate thread for support of EDeN, we are simply discussing the differences in couples. Ive always been told that if I don't like a certain ship or their opinions to not go into their I don't go into their threads, plain & simple, shouldn't that be the same for others as well? Im seeing alot of unfairness in all of this to be quite honest. I understand e/c is a much loved ship in this forum but believe me there are also amongst EDeN fans, Cake fans, Ducainers & Carwashers who don't like e/c either. How is it fair to us? We should be able to speak our minds as long as were not attacking poster or thier comments, which we are not doing! If its e/c fans that don't like the points we make in here then I have to ask...why are you reading them? This thread is in support of EDeN. And I have read millions of nasty comments regarding Natalia & Jake in other threads that eren't even in shipper central; & yes Ive made comments & I get the same response...NOTHING. Its like their the majority so they can say what they want??? That isn't exatly fair to ALL the other shippers or to just the fans of the individual character. I certainly don't go into e/c's thread & say these things, nor would I ever. Its their thread, I don't agree w/ what they say but oh well its thier opinion. Shouldn't they see this thread as the same way?

If I have offended any of EDEN SHIPPING buddies...please let me know ive done so & accept my apologies, otherwise what I say in these threads along w/ everyone else is OUR opinion & we should have the right to speak it just the same as others do in their favorite thread! And they do! Somehow it still comes back on us though :confused:
mjszud you just stole these words from my mounth....I couldn't agree with you more :mad:
this situation is so ridiculous :mad:
Why can certain people (mods included) talk in a very bad way about people (oh yeah Jake Jerkley is not offensing) they don't like while other can't say well..."I found this couple too forced"? because they are the mayority??
This is a show...and this forum..well it should be free with every kind of opinion in the limits of politness ;)
Right doen't look free especially for people who don't like E/C very much.
There should be democracy all over the world especially in forums ;) well everybody is free to express their opinion in the limits of politness...well right now I don't see this democracy and I only see iniquity all for E/C :mad:

I' ve always respected everyone's opinion also if I din't like it...and I've always respected the actions of mods and admins of this forum (to me is the best one in the world for CSI, really :D) but when these thing happens I can't stay here without saying anything.

I'm telling these things as a very frustated user of this forum :rolleyes:
Im glad Im not the only one who felt strange about the comment but since mjszud pretty much said it all, on to merrier topics

on Tuesday the finale of S4 was on here - the one where Eric was not very nice to Nat :( and my mom said that they looked really cute together

I just dont understand what happened in between S4 & S5 cause in 5.02 he was all friendly - not that I mind it just felt weird

are there any good EDeN moments in S5 so I have at least something to look forward to since my other Miami ship seems to be sinking quite fast?
Ok guys, here are some quotes from the Shipper Central rules which are located here . Everyone needs to read them and become familiar with them.

Please pay special attention to these:

Shipper Central is designed to be a FUN place for people to discuss their favorite FICTIONAL pairings. Shipping is NOT life or death - it's fun AND it's fiction. So, let's please not take things so seriously. If someone doesn't like your chosen pairing, SO WHAT? You do and that's all that should matter.

We expect EVERYONE to have RESPECT for the other posters in this forum and their ships. Treat other ships the way you want everyone to treat your ships.

To quote TBonz - "Insulting couples (characters) and/or real life actors. DON'T. If you don't like a ship and feel compelled to say why, do it dispassionately and with respect for those who might."

If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being
shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread.


Discussion in each thread should be limited to the ship it pertains to. Brief, on topic mention of other ships is allowed (for example, if you are discussing a double date between two pairings),
Otherwise, discussion of other ships is OFF TOPIC and should be avoided.

This means that there is too much discussion of other ships in this thread. It's time to knock it off.
Ive read all the rules before ;) You've somehow gone around what we are REALLY angry about here..... this isn't just about "the rules". Its why "other people" can say what they want (bashing & disrespectful) & yet we are the ones who get followed by Mods. Why is that??

If those are the rules...fine, but at least be fair & acknowledge what others are saying is wrong too. And yes i've hit the old "notify Mod button" before & I was told a basically deal with it, because they didn't considerate it disrespectful or bashing. "oh, its just their opinion, they have the right to say if they don't like someone". THATS what I was told! Thats all were doing & were getting slammed for it. Moving on.... :rolleyes:

Hey CAROLINA, yes epi 2 of S5 was great. It was in the writers blog that they were "rekindling some of their heat" in that epi. I believe Corey Miller said it. More reason for us to believe that EDeN IS NOT OVER!! Watch for these other great epis for S5.."if looks could kill", "darkroom", Internal Affairs" & "throwing heat". Then he takes a bullet to the brain & well, uh, ...dont worry ...he'll be back!!
Eden's had alot of good scenes this season. I think they still care about one another, its just taking some little fun courses to go through. We'll get it back, you'll see :D
We will, most definately! The writers won't let all that "EDeN goodness" they've been building up for so long now go to waste! They've put too much into them for it to mean nothing. ;) Their relationship is going kinda backwards; first the attraction; then the sex; then pregnancy scare, so slowed down; then they got more personal.. on a much different level. They'll eventually go out on a first date :lol:
Where do you think this first date will take place? -- They built all of that up for something, they gotta get it on again, dangit, I demand it! It would be really cute to see them back on. They have so much going for them.

Wonder what would've happened if Nat would've been pregnant?
yeah, DH is right, they definitely need to go dancing. Salsa is good. and I would love to see them Tango or Rumba or anything slow and sensual

as for the baby talk in the My nanny episode - he found the right woman already, he just let her slip through his fingers
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