Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #5

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I never knew he had a blog. That was cool to watch. Great find. :D

I got the CSI magazine today and scanned the Eric article for you all who cannot get it.

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Thanks so much Dizzney. I really enjoyed reading the article, and I liked the questions the interviewer asked Eric.
Aww you are all welcome. It has a few other good interviews in it too. One with Jorja, she talks about him a little bit.
So I was attempting to organize my photobucket today, and didn't realize till I started tagging pics how many I have of Nick and Greg together. So I thought I'd share the wealth since I know this thread will appreciate at least 50% of each pic :D

[URL=""]a little grainy[/URL]
[URL=""]too cute[/URL]
[URL=""]good on so many levels[/URL]
Thanks for those. He is soo hot. I've just been watching a couple of old CSI episodes, hasn't Eric matured so much in a few years? He's still as hot as ever though ;)
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