Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

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Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

You can also buy the DVD box in Europe ;-) (it's available in English and French) ... just got it myself some time ago via ebay since I live in Germany and I have to say it's pretty good :)
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Hi all, I got some caps from last night's episode. Very short scene means only a few pics.

pic 1

pic 2

pic 3

pic 4 (imagining how much more screentime he'll get after she's gone)

pic 5

But he sure looked hot!!! :D

FYI- FannySmackin is on SpikeTV tonight. (7pm EST)
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Thanks Wojo, he does look hott. :D

And hopefully once 2/3 of the ladies are gone there might be more screen time for those who deserve it!
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Wojo said:

pic 4 (imagining how much more screentime he'll get after she's gone)

:lol: That cracks me up. I sure it what he is imagining comes true.

Isn't Fannysmackin' on CBS tomorrow night too?
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

(imagining how much more screentime he'll get after she's gone)

Sigh. :( If only that would come true, Wojo. I figure once Sara leaves, tptb will enlarge the new girl's role or expand Hodges role. I'm going to hate it if they do that, but I'm not very optimistic that Greg's role will increase.
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

The new girl is only around for 4 eps...and if my calculations are correct she should magically disspear as fast as she appeared, unwanted at that.

I'm hoping for more screen time for Greg as well. Eric has pove that he deserves it. Why not let him shine though.
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Well, I've heard that Ronnie's role may be expanded (according to Carol Mendehlson), and I'm betting that will happen.

I'd love it if she disappeared after the 4th episode, but I never seem to be that lucky.
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Wojo i have a request can you recap the one where Greg is sitting crossed legged to include the full shot? If you can that is...

Awww No one is liking Ronnie that much awww. I agree with you all Greg sooo needs more air time. You think that his working week is taken up by waiting to shoot the only scene? Then what does he do? Wait for hmmm well some one to play battle ships in his trailer poor Eric.
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Well if he only has one scene he probably only goes in on one day and they usually have a call time for that day they need to film. So probably the rest of the week he has off.
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

candygirl1uk said:
Wojo i have a request can you recap the one where Greg is sitting crossed legged to include the full shot? If you can that is...

I sent you a PM.

I too fear Greg's role won't expand but Hodges will and I can't stand the thought of that because I can't stand Hodges and I am sick of TPTB trying to make him the funny one. One good thing about Sara leaving is that Greg can now work with other CSI's who arn't named Sara for a change. :)
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Oh Wojo that is sooo funny, is that why Greg (or Eric) looked sad because now how many scenes will he be in..

Will he be calling Sara.... Sara... Sara? and no reply...

You have a very good and valid point, i was thinking that no he has scenes with other people, but i'm watching a repeat of season 7 and wow who was Greg talking to none other than Ms Sidle.

Dizzney how much does Eric get to play Greg... No wonder he likes his job, he goes in for one day and then does nothing for the rest of the week. Good work when you can get it.

Sorry but i think that Eric is a great actor, he deserves more air time than one line...

I mean how much of his talent does he need to say "Hey Sara how's it going?"

Or " Grissom, i think there's a problem"

Or better still " I'm on in!"

Not that he's said them words well he might've but you get my point.

The poor man was probably giddy when he had more than 5 lines in A La Cart.

Is it me or does anyone else think that Greg's character is just a lab rat in the field. I mean ok it should be one week less lines and one week more lines.

Ah here we go again more lines with Sara.. Wojo i sence a theme. Bitter much?
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Yeah it is annoying that Hodges seems to be getting more screen time lately than Greg. Greg has been on the show longer and he gets put on back burner.

He does look good in the striped shirts.
Striped grey shirt
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

Eric, stripes and leather. Cannot go wrong.

Dizzney said:
You mean the scene at the beginning of that ep, when they are on the bus talking? And how can you not grow to like him? :)

Nope. Meant later on when they're talking in that music guys caravan/campervan/house thingy, checking the stuff on the computer. But I did love that bonding moment on the bus.
Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3

I don't recall If this pic has been posted before so I'm posting it anyway because I love his beautiful smile!

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