Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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Yes, the blond pic is from The Net, his hair was dark in True Vinyl. Nice pics, the promo one really shows off his pretty eyes!
csimonkey said:
jeez guys! miss me?
i've had so much homework to do lately!
Yurek those pics are great! i love the pose one pmsl at his face! :lol: :D and you know i adore his hair in the promo pic!
but tonight i am hyper! :D and i have a chocolate muffin :p
so pics for you lot. although i'm going at 9 for the new CSI episode. hoping for lots of greg!

Sure! I missed you very much. Has been so boring in here! I didn't want to talk to myself.^^
Tomorrow I'll also bake chocolate muffins. Shall I send you one of mine too? :D

Which epi are you going to see later? I also want another new epi. Spellbound memories are fading away. :( *lol*

:eek: Haven't seen those pics before. Sooo cute!! :D

Some random pics...


Okay..enough for this moment. :D
Okay... I don't know if this is the right place to put this:
But does anyone know where I can find the pic that was from this wallpaper?

If anyone knows I'd really appreciate it.

BTW... this I found this wallpaper on this site.
That pics are from the 'Stuff Magazine' Dezember 2002.

You can see all the pics from that shoot here

It's one of my fave shoots though. :D
Newbie to this board. Just want to say love all the Greg/Eric pics. He is totally my favorite.
I'MMMMM BACKKKKKK *waves* heyo ma fellow greggo fanatics thanks for all the lush pics they're goeogroegus :D

Welcome to Dizzney and LoveCSI

And ta Yurek I did have a great time ta but on the plane journey back i thought it was gonna crash or sometime so ta for all the great pics they were needed :D

Also what do you think I finally got ma avitar up YAY gregness :p
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