Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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No hair discussion today? *oh no* :D

Killer hair

You'll need long to get an ava? For choosing, aren't you?
I also never know which one to take. There are so many beautiful avas! :rolleyes: :D
stop encouraging me! :p :D
yes he has lovely hair in that pic! still doesn't top iced though. uh oh, i'm away again on the hair! :lol:
what episode is that pic from? i love it when he puts his concentrating face on :D
That pic is from 'Killer' the title says. :lol:

The title of the epi is also saved in the name of the link. :)
I uploaded those pics in my own album per season and episode.
It's easier to find pics then.

Up in smoke Greg
aah i get your pic names now lol. how do you make the link onto a shorter title?
his hair looks too big for his head on that pic because of the light! :lol: :D
csimonkey said:
aah i get your pic names now lol. how do you make the link onto a shorter title?

You can enter the following [*url=link of picture]Name for that pic[/url] or you simply click on the "URL" you can find on the right side of the smilies. A new small window will open. First you enter the link and then click 'OK' or just use the Enter-button and then you can enter a name for your pic. Finally you push the Enter button again and you should see something like that in your text field:
Test pic[*/url] (just without the *)

If you didn't make any mistakes you should see something like this.


Try it. YOu'll get into that soon! :)
err i dunno lol. saw it aaages ago and can't remember! :rolleyes:
hehe i love his funny expressions :lol:
well i have to go now. bye xx
Great pics everyone... oh I'm so glad I have people like Yurek and monkey to give pics...
I'm calling you monkey too hun!
I fixed the oversize picture and put it into a clickable URL. ;)

ETA: I also tried to fix the stretching on page 13, got most of it but there is a slight stretch after working with it for a while I can only gather that the slight is coming from the title, other then that I cannot figure it out, hopefully this will be abit better.
Thanks Destiny.

I was also confused that the thread is stretched though the pic wasn't that huge. ^^
But can it really be the title? Because there's still some free space between the title and the Edit/Reply button.


So..Good morning fellows!

Throws in some Eric love!

The last pic really fits that sentence! :D
God! that 2nd pic so just so freakin' hot! I've always loved that shot. S.E.X.Y A.S H.E.L.L

So I'll contribute on of my fave pics of Eric, he has the most Adorable smile in this shot. (love his hair too)
Yurek said:
Thanks Destiny.

I was also confused that the thread is stretched though the pic wasn't that huge. ^^
But can it really be the title? Because there's still some free space between the title and the Edit/Reply button.

Well we found anything over 400x400 will stretch it a bit depending on the persons screen resolution. On my desk top which I had switch to it showed up as it has the old resolution on it (800/600). Where as my Lap top (1024x768) didn't show the stretching as it has a larger resolution. But we have to figure that everyone has a low screen resolution to be on the safe side.

I am not totally sure the title has anything to do with it, on the contrary it could be the quoting that does it, it could be to long a name for a link, heck maybe the style size of the board was shortened, there could be so many things, but I got it down as low as possible on stretching.

I went through each post to be sure and did what I could to try and get rid of the stretching, which is why some might see edited but no explaination why except for a couple.

This is why we caution people to not do the long letters or alot of smilies as in the example I did on page 13 (which I checked didn't contribute to the stretch) there is a better way to get a point across without having to over use on letters and smilies.

You all are welcome on the help I just wish I could do more, But I will look into it further. As it is perplexing.
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