Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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hey guys! had a major panic there beause internet wasn't working! i just unplugged everything! :lol:
i don't mind you calling me monkey Yurek ;) and i love those pics! *drool* :p
here's one from me! :D hard hat anyone? :lol:
Sandle?... I think I don't have any real ships like that. ^^ :D

Are those pics from s7? They're familiar but I'm sure I haven't seen the episode yet. I would remember.

OKay..I think I would never dance along the hall with that showgirl accessory. :lol:

I think Greg can do it the best!

See? :D

It suits him well

I must looks hot.
Bones? Bones will also be aired in half an hour here. I hope my mum will go to bed soon. She's already sleeping and snoring on the sofa. :rolleyes:

See you tomorrow!

Goodbye pic
I've never seen all of True Vinyal but I've seen that bit ahhhh a wet topless Eric lushhhh

And ahhhh creepy same pic not that i'm complaining its a gd pic :)

I'm gonna have to go for a bit :( but don't stop with the great pics what would i do without this thred how could i live without the great pics of this face
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