Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Thank you frickangel :) We knew there would be an angel out there somewhere who would get the magazine :)

Go Canada Go
You all are most welcomed, though I do agree that the interview was much too short.

Thanks so much frickangel! I saw this mag for sale on Ebay so now I know whats in it and don't have to spend the money. Hope you don't mind that I posted this on Eric & George LJ?

Sure. You can just point them over to my Eljay post for the full pics. =)

Wait, you mean people are selling Galaxie on Ebay?? 0_o I could make some mega bucks that way. I have tonnes of old mags from UK and stuff. Hmmm....
Oh I have sold my old magazines on Ebay before. People will buy them.

I would love to have TV Guide have a cover with Eric and George (I guess Ray is necessary) on it again. They had one with Catherine and Sara this season.
I like the thought of a Men of CSI version of the latest TV Guide cover, it is only fair, afterall! Well, I like the thought as long as it is Eric and George:lol:!
Now, that I would rely on you lovely people from US to scan for me... IF it ever happens on 'TV Guide'. But then, I always loved the 'In Style' interview they did years ago. The photos from that article were just amazing.
Now, that I would rely on you lovely people from US to scan for me... IF it ever happens on 'TV Guide'. But then, I always loved the 'In Style' interview they did years ago. The photos from that article were just amazing.

If I ever get a scanner, you've got it:)! I promise I'll scan it, if it ever happens. I loved the pictures from In Style too, how nice to see him at home! I love Eric...:)
Oh I get TV Guide so I can scan it too if it ever happens. I have a scanner so no worries.

Yeah the InStyle article was nice.
Wow. I haven't been here in ages. *Curses work and financial aid paperwork*

On a good and hilarious note; I've been babysitting my three year old niece for the last two weeks (due to my brother and his new girlfriend getting ready for a baby in a few months) and we always watch the CSI marathons on SPIKE and due to a secondhand-Greg obsession, she now yells out when Greg comes on screen but she says it as 'Gweg!' So cute.

It sort of makes up for the lack of new Greg for a few weeks :p
Alright, question time again. If you could interview Eric and only ask him three questions, what would you ask him? (Keep it decent :lol:)
Alright, question time again. If you could interview Eric and only ask him three questions, what would you ask him? (Keep it decent :lol:)

Can you sing/play any instruments? What's your favorite color? And : Will you go out with/marry me? :guffaw: Sorry, I had to throw that last one in there. :lol: Seriously, I don't know what the last question would be. Maybe what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? :lol: I dunno.
[1] Do you have any hidden talents that no one knows about?
[2] Favorite Pick-up line?
And I'd ask the sing/musical instruments question too :D
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