Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Oooh only three?

Ok...A La Cart, Roshomama and..and...and...gosh there's so many!! Probably Precious Metals.
Three episodes, alright..I'd go with Rashomama, A La Cart and Iced (or Viva Las Vegas).

I hope someone can get their hands on that magazine too. I did however find another video of Eric in Monte Carlo from last year. Nothing new but I hadn't seen it yet.
I'll go with Rashomama and Appendicitement, not only my Greggo favs but all time as well. Can't decide about the third one. There are so many. Oh well, I'll guess I'll go with the two. For now.
For sure Appendectiment! Also Iced, and Rashomama. I love episodes where Greg works with Nick, like Bull, A La Cart, and Internal Combustion.
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I said 3, you all are going beyond 3. :lol: Just kidding. I just picked the eps I tend to watch the most. Iced would be up there too.

I did however find another video of Eric in Monte Carlo from last year. Nothing new but I hadn't seen it yet.

I can't get that video to play all the way through for me.
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Only three is difficult...I think I would go with Chasing the Bus, A La Cart, and No Way Out...but then there is Sherlock, Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, Lover's Lanes, Internal Combustion, Double Cross, I could go on, but I'll stop myself :lol:...
I know, 3 is difficult. But I know we could all list a whole bunch of episodes. It was more of which episodes came first to mind.

I feel better about the Rascal Flatts episode now, since the new video on CBS shows a bit of Greg in it! :)
Yeah there are so many to list! I just watched that video and it was pretty good. I was happy with the amount of Greg too.
That is not a US magazine. It is a Malaysian magazine from what I saw about it on websites.

You're right, it is. Alright, where are our Malaysian Eric/George fans. :lol:

Hi guys,

Normally I just lurk and read most of your reactions to eps and such. But then reading *points above* the past few posts, I just had to help you lovely people.

So, I got out and picked up the latest issue of Galaxie (and cringed at the fact that I ACTUALLY bought a mag with the Jonas Brothers on the cover), battled the installation of my old scanner (stupid Canon), and voila.

<-- This one is a bonus.

The larger scans are posted at my livejournal. Just click the text link.
Thank you so much frickangel for scanning that. Too bad it was very brief. I guess I was expecting more. But still nice to see some new comments. Loved him talking about touching and feeling the fake gross stuff and liking it. :lol: The old article has a few things I did not know either. Thanks again.
Thanks so much frickangel! I saw this mag for sale on Ebay so now I know whats in it and don't have to spend the money. Hope you don't mind that I posted this on Eric & George LJ?
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You're an angel frickangel. Hope you don't mind if I post copies of them over in the Texan Charm thread for us George/Nick fans. :thumbsup: We've been pulling our hair out since this came up as a news item and then finding out that none of us could get our hands on it. :lol:

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