Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Yeah I really hope so. Of course they were all foreign reporters but still we should be able to find them if they are online.
I suppose the reporter actually has to sell the footage right? Or the paper/magazine has to decide when to run it? I'm not sure how it works, let's just hope for some action soon!

Otherwise, filming starts end of July right? We've still got a long wait ahead.
Yeah filming usually does start at the end of July. I wonder if filming starts just before his birthday or around then....hmmm.

Added due to this find in the news briefs:
Robert Hallowell will be the new Head Hairdresser for the upcoming season of CSI. Hallowell will be designing hairstyles for the cast, and he will also work with some of the stars. The hairdresser said Marg Helgenberger(Catherine Willows) is "gorgeous with perfect alabaster skin and stunning cinnamon red hair."
Makes me wonder if we might see a bit of a different hairstyle for Eric this upcoming season at some point. :lol: :p
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ROTFL! Dizzney, I just now saw that on the sidebar. I was about to post about it, but you beat me to it. :lol: I was wondering the same thing about Eric/Greg's hair. :lol:
:lol: New Head hairdresser! Good point Dizzney.

I am ok with Greg's mature style now but it has been a long time since Greg had something different. Btw, now i realize that nobody asked him about his hair styles in the interviews. What a shame :eek:
Oh I love his hair now too, but just a tiny bit different would not be so bad either. :lol: It's just so weird after having so many hairstyles over the first 7 seasons all of the sudden there has been no change in 2 years. :lol:
I was watching Little Athens and i saw the tv channel cut the most important scene :scream: .You know... that ehm... lovely gymnastic(!) scene on the bed. Shame on you, tv channel! :p
I'd write a letter to protest!! That's like...such a pivotal scene! :lol:
They cut the whole scene or did they still show them at least talking in bed? I can understand them cutting the other part if it was regular tv.
Wojo said:
Yeah but in all seriousness, it was an R rated scene and too hot for TV.

True! Although, I've never actually understood ratings and stuff. I mean, I've seen worse on evening television :rolleyes:.

Something I just remembered I wanted to post. There's a music festival in Ireland coming up in July where M83 are playing...I'd love to go see them live as I really fell for their sound after Eric interviewed them on erockster. If I win the lotto between now and then I'd be there for sure! :lol:
A lot of the bands Eric had interviewed on erockster have played here but I never have any money to see anyone either. :( There are only two music bands/artists I will dig up money no matter what, to see. Everyone else it just depends.
I'm the same Dizzney. I *did* scrounge up enough to buy a ticket to a concert this year that I'm desperate to see. But a music festival is just totally out of my price range.

Wonder if Eric has been to any good fests yet? Glastonbury was just on, though I doubt he'd go to that. Wasn't there a festival in Zagreb too? Now Croatia is a coooool country. I loved it!
:pYeah, they warn the viewers for the adult contens in the begining and then they cut the scene, they change the what the character said with the dub or sub... The soul of the movie changes completely.
Anyway i think the movie could be better but it was nice to see some young familiar actors in the same movie and liked to see Eric playing a different character. Whatever...

And , i also first met Friendly Fries in Eric's erockstar interview and i decided to give a chance to the band. They are good! The man has a good taste in music.
That's why I am glad I have the movie on DVD. :lol: I finally saw the whole Freaklinks episode yesterday. I've seen the clips a lot but seeing them bigger and clearer were nice. I sort of liked his longer, slicked back hair in that show. I liked him sort of playing a bad boy. I think he needs a role like that again.
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