Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Actually the last time he was seen listening to music was his last scene in "Kiss, Kiss, Bye, Bye". The famous at the locker, bopping to his iPod as he put his hat on.

I didn't notice the ipod. :lol:

I want to see where he lives so I want to see him listening to music at home. I swear they have talked about his place a few times but we have yet to actually see it.

Yeah, Sofia's been there. :lol:

About Greg feeling like the low man, I think it is mostly due to Ray now that he would feel that way. I mean Ray is new and look at how much more he has done in less than a year than Greg has done is a few. I mean Ray has been lead already on some cases and he was only a Level 1. I can see that pissing Greg off after all the years he has put in.

I think it's funny that they are addressing the very thing that the fans have been hollering about. I still find it difficult to believe that it won't continue though. I mean Ray is their "star character". It ticked me off a little that Ray was the one that got to take Wendy into the field. It should have been one of the others. It would have been perfect for Greg. I mean, both are DNA techs turned CSIs (well, she's not yet, but she wants to be), so they could use that common ground for them as lead in to a friendship. Now that Riley is gone and Sara's not staying, I think they could make Greg and Wendy become really good friends.
Personally I thought that was very poor of the writers when they had Wendy out in the field with newbie, Ray.

I could very much see Greg helping Wendy into the field, if that were to ever happen. They both have the similar background and they already get along well enough.
Greg listening music... how it sounds nostalgic. Actually he was listening music in the car before the beating in Fannysmackin'. There was the other episode from same season but Sara said she was the one who turned on it when Grissom get mad. So Greg wasn't really listening then.
So he did in the car, in the locker, in the lab when he was a lab rat. Now it is time to see Greg's listening music at his place of course :adore:

Poor guy no humour enough , no music...Plus now he feels like the low man. It is really time to break it this season.:)
I don't know if Greg feeling like the low man or that he's not getting respect is because of Ray because what I read made it seem like it was because of Sara's return.

Ankeila - thanks for the intreview link, that was awesome. Plus he looked amazing. I cannot wait for Greg to "Demand Respect!"
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The way I took it was maybe that her return gave him someone to talk to about it. Although he probably wouldn't have a problem with talking to Cath or Nick, I think he'd be more comfortable talking about it with Sara because I think he was always closest to her than anyone else on the team. :) But, it could be that she's given more to do than him and that upsets him.
Thanks for the link Ankeila! :D I've said this before and I'll say it again, even if I have to blush...but I love his teeth!

I'm allowing myself a little hope for next season. Just a 'lil mind. We shall see in a matter of days! :lol:
Is it just me, or was there a lot of cute little smirky smiles made by him in that video? :lol: He's just so cute. :adore:
I kept looking at his smile and of course, those big gorgeous eyes of his. They always mesmerize me.
PrincessJ88 posted this in the Texan Charm thread:

Next week on Entertainment Tonight, George and company will be appearing sitting and chatting with Mary Hart. I'm assuming it'll be on Thursday.

They showed Laurence, Marg, George and Eric all sitting with Mary Hart on this cushioned bench type thing and they were all humming the Entertainment Tonight theme song.

Just thought y'all would like to know ;)
Oh is that next week. I thought she meant the whole thing was on tonight. I guess I'll have to record ET every night next week. :lol:
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