It wouldn't be so bad about them letting Ray run with his own scenes, if the dude hadn't been totally lost about how to even do fingerprints. Come on, he has no experience and had to be taught everything and now he's a lead on investigations? I not only feel bad for Greg, but I feel bad for all the csi's. Catherine is the supervisor but so far she's shown very little authority this season. Like Wojo said, Greg even invited her to his scene. Look how long it took before Nick was a lead? The big deal between him and Sara leading. Okay back to Greg. This season has totally sucked for him. He's being bossed around by a newbie when he's doing someone else's job, Archie in the av lab. He's barely worked any crime scenes and when he does someone else usually takes over it. When the case came together this week, Greg was out of it. Why didn't he go with Nick and Riley to the airport? He's the one that figured out about the low flying plane. I'm finally up to season 8, I started from season 1 a couple months ago and I sort of wish Greg was still a lab rat. He was funny and had more screen time and made more of a difference in cases, it seems. Plus, it seems like the lab rats are getting more screen time than him. I miss funny, happy go lucky Greg.