Eric/Greg Leggo Our Greggo Thread #13

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Yeah I agree, I don't need a story arc either. I just want to see Greg utilized as a character. Let's see some solo cases, and some drama that does not involve him getting his ass kicked.
Oh yes something nice for Eric to act, and for us his fans to watch.

Nothing wrong in that.

Ahh a little Greg loving? :drool: I think everyone knows my views on that particular score.

Yes and nothing that causes us his fans to seek therapy because he is only doing his job, and nothing that TPTB can not finish.

Ladies, turn your frown :(upside down.:)

To cheesy for me?
Well it seems by some spoiler talk...we might be in luck after all for some Greg drama by season end, if the spoiler talk comes true. You will have to go to the spoiler thread if you want to know. :)
Yeah I am thinking if anything it will be such a minor deal we will be mad anyway. I mean Greg actually get a major thing happen again? Nah...too many others for them to focus on.
Well if you actually listened to Catherine when she was first talking to Ray in "The Grave Shift" episode, she mentioned that his training coordinator thought he was very thorough, so he was trained, we just never saw it. He probably went through straight training whereas Greg was doing double duty, training to be a CSI and still doing DNA.

If he was thorough and he'd been trained there's no way on earth he'd have messed up the fingerprinting that badly. I'm in my first year Forensic Science course and one of the first things they tell you is how you badly you can mess up fingerprinting by putting too much powder on. That's a basic error he should never have made.

I'd like to see Greg kicking ass in the interview room. Not being sympathetic, but turning up the heat on a suspect. That'd make me happy!
I'd like to see Greg lose his temper once. I do not think we have ever really seen him very mad. The closest he came was when he approached Mrs. James in the hallway at the LVPD. He is like the calmest person I have ever seen. :lol:
You're right. I've never seen so calm guy too. Everyone had some moments when they were mad, maybe time for Greg? But well, it's hard to make him mad or they don't want to show his character in that way.
hey your all right... Hm, not to sure if I wanna go to the spoiler page, but I hope that Greg has good storylines.

Hmm Greg with some issues, now that would be interesting to see, and Im sure Eric would like to do that, give poor old Greg some depth.
^The other time that he was supposed to have an angry scene was in Goodbye & Good Luck. I'd been looking forward to that episode just to see the Greg-Sara fight scene that was promised. Perhaps they thought he was too calm of a character for that too, but I do really hope that they at least say why that scene was cut at some point in the future.
I looked at the spoiler section :shifty:

:brickwall: wish I hadnt now.

Greg was meant to have a fight sceen with Sara?- much prefer a fight seen with Nick-but thats just me.
We do not know what he signed for a contract, only because it has never been mentioned. Overall I think he went for two more years, as did Marg and George and everyone else, but overall he, once again, was never mentioned in the article pertaining to their contracts.

Yes he is a calm character, but everyone has their breaking point where they can lose that calm and get angry or upset. I would have loved to have seen the Sara/Greg fight too but alas if it has to do with Greg, he ends up on the cutting floor half the time.
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