Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

New name?

  • My destiny in your hands...

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • A Ho No Mo' so let's get nekkid

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Between us

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Because I feel for you

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Do it for us

    Votes: 18 33.3%
  • It's No Longer 'You' And 'Me', But 'Us'

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Even nuns want to see some action!

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Without you I wouldn't know what to do

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • 80% Hotness By Volume

    Votes: 4 7.4%

  • Total voters
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You know, Donahue has been out of the spotlight for a couple years now. I remember she used to give a lot of interviews. Now the only attention the show gets is aimed at E/C. That's sad.

Well, in my opinion, EC is one of the rare good things about CSIM, nowadays... I used to love the whole science and investigation stuff, but now it's all about Horatio and all the criminals who are after him...
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: Name to come

Whoever is an anti-shipper to EC, doesn't have that much to go on. I mean COME ON, I've analysed those episodes so seriously. There is that SERIOUS and OBVIOUS connection, there is no way that any other shipper could exist. It's actually killing me and I bet everyone that they aren't together. Remember patience is a virtue, and we WILL see a HOT SCENE between them that makes up for everything.

Welcome Illesha!

I agree fully. I'd put money one them not being together - infact, I have. I'm totally torn. Half of me really wants to see them together at the beggining of the season so we can all be happy, the other half of me doesn't want to lose £20 :rolleyes:.

And just a little heads up, I'd be a bit careful what you're saying about other ships - the rules on here are rediculous and the mods enforce them passionately. I'm always getting into trouble ;). Don't want you to be too.


Oops! Thanks for the heads up, wouldnt want the moderators getting on my case. Just a thought, does the romance between Eric and Calleigh, for example if they were to get together, because you know work romances complicate everything. Does that mean that season 7 will be it? I HOPE NOT. I don't even know anymore. I'm so antsy. I'm feeling the angst. Just the other day I was watching Season 1 and now I look at Season 6, and I'm just like, why don't ya'll just F*** already. Excuse the language.
Just POUNCE. Okay, I feel much better for expressing my feelings. Phew.

*Prays and crosses fingers*

Okay, Im done.
You know, Donahue has been out of the spotlight for a couple years now. I remember she used to give a lot of interviews. Now the only attention the show gets is aimed at E/C. That's sad.

I wouldn't call that sad, what would be sad is if it was all aimed at Horatio! It's bad enough that we're subjected to all the Horatio drama episode after episode, year after year, but to have it continuously trotted out in the media would be pathetically sad.

I live for ET interviews that center on Eric & Calleigh, especially when Adam and Emily talk about how the characters are coming together. Or, as The Hotness That is Adam Rodriguez says, when they are ready to pounce on each other. :drool: Yeah buddy... sure hope that happens sometime this season. Sweeps month would be great... be it November or February... although I would prefer November :lol:.
You know, Donahue has been out of the spotlight for a couple years now. I remember she used to give a lot of interviews. Now the only attention the show gets is aimed at E/C. That's sad.

Well, in my opinion, EC is one of the rare good things about CSIM, nowadays... I used to love the whole science and investigation stuff, but now it's all about Horatio and all the criminals who are after him...

agreed. i love watching the science and the investigation, its awesome, and i love LOVE the e/c moments we get here and there, but if it was less about H and criminals, and more about the science, and other characters we see less of, i'd be happy, but i kinda like it this way, but i know i might get sick of it around mid-season.

(QUICK QESSTION, does anyone know how i can make my own avatar? thnx)
Welcome, Manuela! Don't worry, your grammar is much better than a lot of member's, who are, shockingly, native English speakers. I swear if one more person spells "sequel" as "sequal" over at I'm going on a murder spree.

You know, Donahue has been out of the spotlight for a couple years now. I remember she used to give a lot of interviews. Now the only attention the show gets is aimed at E/C. That's sad.

I kind of agree. I loved CSI: Miami before I loved EC, and now it's the only thing I, and the producers, seem to care about. Aside from the immortal Horatio, that is (though I could give a crap). But even he hasn't been getting the usual attention.

Not that I'm complaining, of course. EC hogging the spotlight is hardly a bad thing, but the fact that they're the only reason I still watch the show is.

OnTheEdge, you need to have been a member for 2 weeks and have posted a minimum of 50 posts before you can even get one. After that you can make one on photoshop, or similar graphics/image editors. Check out the Fan Art section for more information/help:
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I gave up on the science a long time ago. I think the last case that really excited me was Pro Per. That was years ago. Maeda was good with the cases, then he left and the show went to hell.

I think it's sad that the media is more interested in E/C, especially since the season ended with Horatio getting shot. And yet nobody cares if he's alive or not.
I think it's sad that the media is more interested in E/C, especially since the season ended with Horatio getting shot. And yet nobody cares if he's alive or not.

That's 'cause nearly everyone knows that he is. I mean, he's Horatio; I wouldn't be surprised if he has 800 lives, or something.
exactly, i think it is sad that the mmeida is interested more in e/c ( not that i blame them) then is h alive, but based on what we have herd, i think we all know he is, he's the lead character !
I think it's sad that the media is more interested in E/C, especially since the season ended with Horatio getting shot. And yet nobody cares if he's alive or not.

That's 'cause nearly everyone knows that he is. I mean, he's Horatio; I wouldn't be surprised if he has 800 lives, or something.

Aww come on, this is H we're talking about. :rolleyes: Y'all know he is immortal. I keep waiting for him to grow long canine teeth and start reacting negatively to sunlight :lol:. As for Eric and Calleigh, I think that all of the attention is on them right now because Adam and Emily are just so friggin' hot together. I mean they practically melt the TV screen every time they have a scene together...:censored:
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*Sigh* I just want the new season to start now. We need something new and fresh to talk about, instead of all of this speculation. Since the spotlight is on Eric and Calleigh at the moment, TBTB need to deliver. And they need to do it fast.

Yep, ASAP.
Kaz, this has to be the best avatar yet!:devil:

I agree with you, the writers need to deliver and soon. If the attention is on Eric and Cal then they need to play that up. If they don't then it is possible that the fans will start paying attention elsewhere...:shifty:

God Forbid!:eek:
Yes, I think the fans would get tired of waiting, I mean I like the suspense and waiting, but I hate waiting to long, maybe a few episodes into the new season we would like to see them together. I am willing to bet if the writters keep only "moments" going to long, like a year in a half (HOPE NOT) to many people would get tired of it, (maybe not).

Lets hope they get together soon, and season 7 wont disapoint us.
Hey, I'm new here.. Thought I'd join in on the discussion about EC.

Speaking of, I'm definitely ready for the new season. Let's hope they get together this season. I'm a little nervous though because as we all know, there's been mention of Jake returning.

I'm not so sure that Jakes only going to be in just the season premiere either, in a pretty recent interview with Emily Procter, she mentioned that in season 7 the love triangle is going to go 'deeper' between Jake/Calleigh/Eric.
Hey, I'm new here.. Thought I'd join in on the discussion about EC.

Speaking of, I'm definitely ready for the new season. Let's hope they get together this season. I'm a little nervous though because as we all know, there's been mention of Jake returning.

I'm not so sure that Jakes only going to be in just the season premiere either, in a pretty recent interview with Emily Procter, she mentioned that in season 7 the love triangle is going to go 'deeper' between Jake/Calleigh/Eric.

Welcome JoannaRose!

Do you have a link to that interview??
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