Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

He wanted her to go for the lips. His eyes closed and she went in- and kissed his cheek. I loved his expression afterwards though. That blushing small smile glint in the eye look. So adorable. And the interaction between the two in the entire episode! Even without the scene with the kiss. She was obviously flirting with him (not to mention helping him). Anyone else notice how she bent protocol? "This looks like a desk to me."
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

And I think it deserves to be said again that that was NOT a friendly kiss. That kiss was way too long to be friendly. There was too much touching for it to be friendly. She let her lips linger far too long for it to be friendly. And then she pulls back, gazes into his eyes, and it's truly an "...oh my god..." moment. :D

I don't know what he was expecting, but he was totally wishing for a kiss on the lips. The way he closed his eyes...aww. He's so cute. :D I still can't get over the way he stared after her as she left. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think the kiss shocked Calleigh as much as it shocked Eric, she just knew how to hide it better. Eric is SO transparent, though. I loved his reaction when Natalia asked him about it. Like a little boy who'd done something wrong. I'm glad Natalia wasn't jealous, either. I don't want the writers to go there, ever again.

I wish I'd taped it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

COULDN'T TAPE IT....!!! GRRRR!!! I thought I'd be home in plenty of time to watch it, or at least tape it to savor later...but I got home way too late! SUCKS! Now I have to count on Itunes or Innertube...which I guess both of them are pretty good...but still, I wanted it taped so I could analyze every! Can't wait to see it now though, more than ever...especially after all y'all have said about it! :D YAY!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Do we still have to use spoiler code???

I just finished watching and the scenes we got were sooooo awesome! And not just the kiss! Their whole interaction... the divorce thing (Yay for some Calleigh angst!)... and the way she handled that Carmen bitch! Wow! I'm gonna watch it again NOW! *big content smile*

And I'll post some caps soon!

And and the ET thing worked.... gonna have the clip up in about two hours!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think we can do without the spoiler thingy :D

Damn I'm so hyper I think that my stupid grin certainly can't be erased from my face. Some already tried and didn't succeed.

This is one of the greatest E/C episode we had in years... okay erase that :lol: That was the best ever :D at least for now ;)
I mean I would already have been happy with the different interactions they had, but their kiss was so precious and anyone saying that this was just friendship are either blind, not watching the same show or in complete denial :lol: When I peck a friend I certainly don't cup his face and take my sweet time when my lips are on his cheek ;)
Emily and Adam played that scene so well. I love the little twitch on Calleigh's face just after she kissed him. You could almost see her wondering what just had happened. Girl you just kissed him and you enjoyed it, that's what happened :lol:
And Eric's grin when she left? Excellent and the more so when Natalia came in and asked what that had been about? Within a sec he became serious again and quickly dismissed it. It would have been perfect if Natalia had grinned a little like to show she didn't believe him for a sec :lol:

Damn I could go on for hours :D I definitely need to finish the porn today. I guess that episode was great incentive :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

but their kiss was so precious and anyone saying that this was just friendship are either blind, not watching the same show or in complete denial

AMEN! :lol:

Ok, I just watched the scenes again! And I can't stop! This was so well acted - damn they're so perect for each ohter!

Anyway, I can't form any intelligent prose right now, without sounding like a teenage fangirl, so here are the first caps in chronolgical order):





They LOVE each other! Look at Eric's face! He's in it soooo deep! *cough* Sorry.... emotionally, of course!
And Calleigh can't deny very much longer that she's in love with him! *dreamy sigh*

I'm the Cheshire Cat on ecstasy right now! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

^^ WHAT A GREAT EPISODE. It was so great! But with the E/C, it was even... BETTER! Thanks for the caps, honey! He is in love. You can totally tell by that adorable smile!
This was so well acted - damn they're so perect for each ohter!
Oh honey, you took the words right out of my mouth!
Their little smiles were so adorable. It was so clear that they're just so smitten and in love with each other! Eric & Calleigh: It's on. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Oh Leela, I'm so glad you posted those great pics. Thanks a lot. I could hug you for that!!! Now I can keep this page open at work and stare at them the whole day!!! Well until I get home and can watch the episode once more!!!

I still can't believe Eric :lol: The more I think about his answer to Natalia's question and the more I have to laugh and have problems to keep my face straight.

I mean this will start rumors and not only because they kissed, but mainly because he said nothing happened :lol: He should have said anything, given any kind of explanation why she had kissed him. This looks more suspiscious because he doesn't want to speak about it.

And I honestly don't think that Natalia was fooled by his answer. I bet she could hear him hyper-ventilating when she entered the lab :lol: Not to mention his heart thumping like crazy ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Jackie! You're my hero!!! :D

Guys, thanks to HOURS of transatlantic yahooing we now have a clip of last night's ET!

Adam wants them to get married!!! Yay! He's the biggest HipHugger of us all! He should get a medal or something...
Emily's more like: "Yum! Adam! Yummy!" *lol* I understand her though... ;)

Anyway, if you want to see the clip, just click on my sig and you'll find it!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I bet she could hear him hyper-ventilating when she entered the lab Not to mention his heart thumping like crazy
:) Awww! Of course he was! I bet if I was Natalia, I'll suspect something too.
I mean this will start rumors and not only because they kissed, but mainly because he said nothing happened He should have said anything, given any kind of explanation why she had kissed him. This looks more suspiscious because he doesn't want to speak about it.
Great point, honey. I totall agree. Hmmm, I wonder if H knows anything about it. I'm sure he'll approve though, after all Calleigh's like his sister--and he did date Eric's sister. Vice versa!
Adam wants them to get married!!! Yay! He's the biggest HipHugger of us all! He should get a medal or something...
Emily's more like: "Yum! Adam! Yummy!" *lol* I understand her though...
Ahh! Adam is so sweet! He's such an AWESOME HipHugger fan! :) Kudos to him! And yep.. I understand Emily: Adam is so yum!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Oh I've got a bit more for you to stare at! Hehe!
Made caps from that ET thing (coz in it we see the kiss from a different angle!).




Best angle ever! Isn't it? Looks so.... non-cheeky! :lol:

Found our official E/C emoticon:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Hmmm.... :devil: those caps from ET are indeed the perfect angle, Leels! :D Great emoticon, I tihnk I have like 6/7 variations of it on my computer :D

Adam wants them to get married? I do too! :D I mean, I've dreamt about it enough times... :rolleyes: :lol:

Since I live in Australia, we've just seen 'Death Eminent' for the first time and watching that clip made me squeal so damn had I turned bright red... :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Thanks so much for the caps, Leela! :D

*sigh* That ET angle totally looks like she went for the lips. And the way she's holding his neck...they're so hot! :D

If a cheek kiss is this hot...what's it gonna be like if/when they finally actually kiss? I think I'd die. :D

And in those first caps up there...I love the way he's staring at her in the second one. It's almost a kind of, "Clothes off NOW" kinda look. :lol: :devil:

Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

That clip was awesome. Adam is the best! And yes, that angle does make it look like they're making out. Sigh.

I'll be at the hospital all day today. Pick a nice title for the new thread, will yas? Something about the smooch! Best episode ever. I'm gonna watch it again when I come home.

I love how Adam said that Eric and Calleigh have been in denial about their feelings for a long time. Sometimes I feel like Adam is the only one who understands us. Sigh.
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