I really hope that CBS is being totally honest with us. They've been known to lie in the past - and certainly the people in charge at CSI Miami are known liars - with Donahue the Queen of it.
I won't believe that Procter's pregancy isn't going to be written into the storyline until I see it. For a couple of reasons, but primarily because Procter stated publically that if she became pregnant she WANTED the pregancy written into the story. She indicated she thought it would work perfectly into the Calleigh and Delko nomance.
When was the last time Procter publically announced something she wanted for her character that she didn't get it? So hence my doubts about what CBS is telling us.
OTOH, this will probably keep Calleigh a little closer to the lab - and in lab coats and behind counters. So the blessing may be that Natalia may finally get to show that she is more than capable of being the lead female CSI - and has been for a very long time.
However, if they don't write the pregnancy into the script, what drama will they invent for Eric and Calleigh to explain why she ISN'T out in the field?
Let us not forget that it's all about Eric and Calleigh!
Each E/C drama becomes more and more unbelievable and repetitve.
I guess we wait as we always do with absolutely no control over what they will serve up to us. It's under the control of those who see only their little part in a whole picture, and those in charge who don't seem to have a clue! :scream:
slower, it doesn't surprise me at all that the petitions and protests have started. Both those in charge at CSI Miami and CBS deserve any of the harassment they get. They were the ones who led fans to believe that the petition/Twitter campaign was the reason that Rodriguez returned.
However, CBS has made it clear that the 2010-2011 season massacre is all about money and the bottom line. So it's really hard to believe that what fans want is going to be taken into consideration. There was a tremendous uproar when A.J. Cook's contract wasn't renewed with Criminal Minds, and she had public support from her co-stars. CBS didn't care. It's a done deal and no petition or fan uproar was going to change it.
That said, I'm back to when has Procter NOT gotten everything she's requested for her character? Same story for the past 4 seasons and going into the 5th! Don't see any reason why it would change now.
I just had a thought ... I wonder if Procter fans have thought about the fact Procter may have changed her mind and requested that her pregnancy NOT be written into the show. Maybe this pregnancy, that she's waited so long for, is something she wants to keep for herself and the father now that it's finally happened. Maybe she has chosen not to have it be a part of her character? Maybe when she said that when the time came she wanted to devote herself to being a mom, it wasn't just lip-service? Maybe she was serious and maybe she really is tired. Just a thought!