Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

Well, I have some information. I was just lurking the Calleigh thread and I found out that Miss. Procter is pregnant. The source, The article is here. But according to this article (I'll put this into a spoiler box to be safe)
Miss. Procter's pregnancy will NOT be written into the storyline. So that means we won't have a Baby Delko. Phew! But of course, I do not trust the writers in the least, so I will NOT be surprised if a baby delko does make an appearance on the show. :brickwall: Hopefully TPTB will stay true to their word... For once..
I guess I should offer my congratulations to the actress *turns to Emily and says congratulations*, but I must also hope that there will be no Baby Delko, because that screams uneven screen time, not that there will be even screen time in season 9... :scream:

That's great for Emily, congrats to her and the father of the baby. Being pregnant, Emily won't be able to do any dangerous actions scenes, so I wonder if they'll give those to Eva instead.
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I'm happy for Emily and so glad CBS is not giving us a pregnant Calleigh. I couldn't stand all of the Delko baby drama. Its time to tone this relationship down any way. I gues we can expect to see her carrying big bags, file folders, and standing behind the desks (like the old days, when stars would get pregnant), this could prove interesting. I just hope CBS and the writers stick to their dicision and not write it into the storyline.

Ok not meant to bash anyone. I just dropped in over at the CBS site and they are already talking protest. I am so tired of this same old mery-go-round; can someone please let me off.

I am so ready for a season free of the E/C drama.
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My feelings for the romance aside, it's really what's best for the show. NY just finished off thier season with the D/L baby drama (& more to come in the new season I can assume) -- that sort of thing doesn't need to be all over the franchise.

I hear she's already 5 months pregnant -- there's not exactly time for them to announce that Calleigh's preggers in an episode then take her through a 9 month pregnancy before Emily actually delivers & takes a maternity leave.

I wish Procter a safe and happy pregnancy....but please don't destroy my show. I want a season 9 of Horatio, Natalia, Ryan, and Frank -- not e/c and baby drama.
I'm happy for Emily's pregnancy but I think that it should be better not to write about her situation in the show.CSI:NY has already made that mistake.
Oh well look who's pregnant :lol: I'm happy, I am truely happy for her 'cause that's what she wanted for a long long time and I wish her the best.

As for not putting her pregnancy the show, I wish they'll go on with this idea but, as always, I have a bad feeling....yep since she's already 5 months pregnant, I can see TPTB using it as an excuse for a possible departure of the character....after all she won't be present in every single episode :p
I am very pleased for Emily, it is fantastic news.
But I am also pleased that they are not writing it into the show, and I hope they dont change there minds this time because of any internet campaigns. I dont think either character is mature enough to have a kid, and we have already gone through the whole unexpected pregnancy thing on NY. If they did write a pregnancy in it would only lead to angst and more angst. Delko sat by her bedside (again) declaring his love... Seen enough of that.
I really hope that CBS is being totally honest with us. They've been known to lie in the past - and certainly the people in charge at CSI Miami are known liars - with Donahue the Queen of it.

I won't believe that Procter's pregancy isn't going to be written into the storyline until I see it. For a couple of reasons, but primarily because Procter stated publically that if she became pregnant she WANTED the pregancy written into the story. She indicated she thought it would work perfectly into the Calleigh and Delko nomance.

When was the last time Procter publically announced something she wanted for her character that she didn't get it? So hence my doubts about what CBS is telling us.

OTOH, this will probably keep Calleigh a little closer to the lab - and in lab coats and behind counters. So the blessing may be that Natalia may finally get to show that she is more than capable of being the lead female CSI - and has been for a very long time.

However, if they don't write the pregnancy into the script, what drama will they invent for Eric and Calleigh to explain why she ISN'T out in the field? :rolleyes: Let us not forget that it's all about Eric and Calleigh! :rolleyes: Each E/C drama becomes more and more unbelievable and repetitve.

I guess we wait as we always do with absolutely no control over what they will serve up to us. It's under the control of those who see only their little part in a whole picture, and those in charge who don't seem to have a clue! :scream: :(

And slower, it doesn't surprise me at all that the petitions and protests have started. Both those in charge at CSI Miami and CBS deserve any of the harassment they get. They were the ones who led fans to believe that the petition/Twitter campaign was the reason that Rodriguez returned.

However, CBS has made it clear that the 2010-2011 season massacre is all about money and the bottom line. So it's really hard to believe that what fans want is going to be taken into consideration. There was a tremendous uproar when A.J. Cook's contract wasn't renewed with Criminal Minds, and she had public support from her co-stars. CBS didn't care. It's a done deal and no petition or fan uproar was going to change it.

That said, I'm back to when has Procter NOT gotten everything she's requested for her character? Same story for the past 4 seasons and going into the 5th! Don't see any reason why it would change now.



I just had a thought ... I wonder if Procter fans have thought about the fact Procter may have changed her mind and requested that her pregnancy NOT be written into the show. Maybe this pregnancy, that she's waited so long for, is something she wants to keep for herself and the father now that it's finally happened. Maybe she has chosen not to have it be a part of her character? Maybe when she said that when the time came she wanted to devote herself to being a mom, it wasn't just lip-service? Maybe she was serious and maybe she really is tired. Just a thought! :)
I just had a thought ... I wonder if Procter fans have thought about the fact Procter may have changed her mind and requested that her pregnancy NOT be written into the show. Maybe this pregnancy, that she's waited so long for, is something she wants to keep for herself and the father now that it's finally happened. Maybe she has chosen not to have it be a part of her character? Maybe when she said that when the time came she wanted to devote herself to being a mom, it wasn't just lip-service? Maybe she was serious and maybe she really is tired. Just a thought!
I had that very same thought Delynn.Wo knows what she had to go through to become pregnant (maybe fertility treatment route) she may want it to remain really special.
Also already being 5 months, think of the huge mess that could be made trying to write a pregnancy in for the Miami writers.Emily will need to be out on maternity leave sooner than we think. The time frame just isn't good,which could work in our favor.
Look at all the changes made this summer,CBS seems to be taking a tougher stance now,maybe they will stick with their decision.Melina from NY was a shocker for me,gone and replaced so quickly.
I just looked at the ratings. The shows on Monday night for CBS have all been pretty consistent with their ratings this summer and doing pretty good for re-runs.

CSI Miami has been averaging 7.46 million viewers since the season finale - pretty decent actually. Their lead-in, The Big Bang Theory, has been averaging 8.54 million viewers.

Until this past Monday. The Big Bang Theory (a really terrific show, btw) came in at 7.73 million viewers. CSI Miami came it at this summer's re-run low of 5.42 million. That's a 2.31 million loss of viewers from its lead-in!

Well, they came in at 6.2 million last night. Still a substantial drop from their lead in however, The Big Bang Theory, who had 8.2 million.

I can see why CBS is bumping them out of that time in mid-August.
If people want to see a drama with two CSI's and a baby, I hear CSI: New York has that angle covered (And based on what I've read, I heard their season finale had some of the lameness that you guys see in our "unwanted romance")

Besides Miami has its own parents and children for background stories (Kyle/Horatio, Frank and his Children etc..)
I'm happy for her. Maybe she'll decide to be a stay-at-home mom and leave the show. Then no more E/C drama. Everybody wins. :devil:
OK, I posted in the SPOILER thread, but I also thought I'd share a few things here.

First, I'm incredibly happy for Emily - congrats to her! Second, I still like Calleigh, and feel she can be "redeemed" if she would just detach from this E/C mess, and this might be the chance to do it. Third, I'm BEGGING TPTB NOT to write the pregnancy into the (very badly written) storyline - it's a soap opera plot that's already been played out on one CSI show. And seeing as how vocal non-E/C fans are, I don't see how putting a baby in the mix would help ratings.

OK, so here's what I'm hoping for Miami - Calleigh has some REAL character development when her dad or another family member come back into her life and she has to make some hard decisions. It would be refreshing to learn more about her as a PERSON rather than a sex object. I know a lot of people here feel Calleigh is played out, but I don't think they've scratched the surface - they just kept her so damn dumbed down the last few seasons w/the E/C stuff. I think there's a chance to "redeem" Calleigh, if they handle this the right way.

I'm so done w/E/C fans crying about how outraged they are that the pregnancy isn't being written in - you already have your ship on-screen - why do you have to complain about this? There are actually people out there who really dislike this ship, and adding a baby to the mix will only push more viewers away - just more contrived drama, like a soap opera, not a good cop/science show. And what about everyone else who's been hoping to see their ship on-screen - what about them? E/C is not the be all and end all of CSI:Miami - and there are other perspectives out there. When E/C fans complain about this pregnancy thing, it really gets to me.
Well, they came in at 6.2 million last night. Still a substantial drop from their lead in however, The Big Bang Theory, who had 8.2 million.

I can see why CBS is bumping them out of that time in mid-August.

"Big Bang Theory" is also being bumped from the Monday line-up. We know this because CBS promo's it nearly every hour. (i.e., for past 2 Mondays, CBS promos announcing moves from Mondays schedule: BBT - 6+, CSI M - 0.
BBT is old and tired, like "2 1/2 Men", though that whole comedy block has been a good lead-in to CSI M. Our new lead-in will be "Undercover Boss." I can hardly wait. Maybe now's the time to invest in that Kindle.
First, I'm incredibly happy for Emily - congrats to her! Second, I still like Calleigh, and feel she can be "redeemed" if she would just detach from this E/C mess, and this might be the chance to do it. Third, I'm BEGGING TPTB NOT to write the pregnancy into the (very badly written) storyline - it's a soap opera plot that's already been played out on one CSI show. And seeing as how vocal non-E/C fans are, I don't see how putting a baby in the mix would help ratings.
Has anyone considered the possibility that TPTB aren't writing a baby into the mix, when we've previously been told by Emily that she'd love it, because:
(1) TPTB recognize the huge backlash that would result if they followed that storyline, and
(2) an open rebellion would ensue on the set by other slighted cast members?
"Big Bang Theory" is also being bumped from the Monday line-up. We know this because CBS promo's it nearly every hour. (i.e., for past 2 Mondays, CBS promos announcing moves from Mondays schedule: BBT - 6+, CSI M - 0.

BBT is old and tired, like "2 1/2 Men", though that whole comedy block has been a good lead-in to CSI M. Our new lead-in will be "Undercover Boss." I can hardly wait. Maybe now's the time to invest in that Kindle.

I have an overwhelming feeling that CBS considers CSI Miami a lost cause. Can't say that I blame them.

While I grew very tired of "2 1/2 Men" some time ago, I still enjoy the other CBS comedies on Monday night, including BBT.

I do have to admit that A&E, USA, ION and my Netflix account has been getting a workout since mid-season on CSI Miami. Also, I haven't watched one repeat this summer ... and I haven't missed them.

Looking at the bonus features on the Season Eight DVD set that was just announced -- I'll pass "again" on the CSI Miami DVDs. The commentary by Procter and Rodriguez was the deciding factor. Since there was nothing else that caught my interest and THAT particular little gem brought on the nausea again, I've decided to make due with the episodes I saved on my DVR and save the Maloxx.

Has anyone considered the possibility that TPTB aren't writing a baby into the mix, when we've previously been told by Emily that she'd love it, because:
(1) TPTB recognize the huge backlash that would result if they followed that storyline, and
(2) an open rebellion would ensue on the set by other slighted cast members?

I would add one to that:

Procter, now that she truly is pregnant, has reconsidered and realizes how very special this is for her personally and has decided not "use" this special moment to add to a freaking storyline. I might regain some of my lost respect for her if I could believe that were true.

While I remain extremely skeptical, I truly hope that CBS is being honest here about NOT allowing this pregnancy to be included in any CSI Miami storyline. I can see that they are assuming a hard position and holding to it for most every decision they've made lately, but I still have a hard time trusting when it comes to this show, this character and this storyline. Been lied to one time too many!

I hope this means that they've finally heard and are listening the the large number of fans who have been increasing in numbers and noise protesting this lame nomance and what it has done to the show in general and other characters on the show specifically.

My fear is that the fans who have been pleading with TPTB and CBS NOT to make E/C the focus of the show and warning for several seasons that it's killing the show, got their attention much too late. The "ship" hit the iceburg several seasons back and has been sinking the show for much too long to raise it back up.

And I'm thinking CBS realizes that now (with the increasing complaints and decreasing ratings) and that is why the show has been moved and is receiving very little promotion.

If this really is their final season, I hope they have the common decency to use the time left to give those characters who've been so criminally ignored (Ryan, Natalia, Frank) their moments! It's still woefully short of what they deserve.