Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

Thread Titles?

  • Because "It" Keeps Happening

    Votes: 16 40.0%
  • Looking Forward to Cute Little E/C Babies

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • It's Meant to Be

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • Because They Just Can't Stay Away From Each Other

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • True love never dies

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Your Place or Mine?

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Now and Forever

    Votes: 4 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yes, let's please respect the message the mod wrote.

I know how you feel kala about the lack of spoilers and EC information. It's frustrating and it makes me even forget we are in the middle of a season. The big break we have now doesn't help either. I hope we have pics soon of Adam's episode. I think that's about all I'm looking forward to right now until I hear something exciting. At least Emily will soon have more screentime. Hopefully that leads to EC screentime :).
EC made round 2 in the ECONLINE Top Couple!!!!!!! If I'm late with this news; sorry. We are behind a few couples but we can make it up but only if WE VOTE VOTE VOTE! We are able to vote multiple times but because the list was so long it didnt seem like voting was making a difference but it was. Hopefully, the shorter list wont make it as long to see results. Anyway, PLEASE VOTE as often as you can and ALSO Spread the Word!!!! Thank you!........We've been using a strategy over on the CBS thread for Internet Explorer.....send me a private message if you would like to know. Its nothing top secret but seeing as though we are lagging we need all the help we can get. ECFOREVER!!!!
uh ec_ology are you trying on purpose to closed the thread or what?...I mean seriously if you do something about this mister the mod you should blocked this user but not punished everyone here...i don't really like the feeling that this is done on stop posting seriously!!!
I am so sorry everyone; Miamikiller, no not done on purpose.....ive been posting without reading.....this will be my last post because i do not want this thread sorry; not use to the rules.....sorry again really:-(
Vegaslight posted on the spoiler thread that in episode 9.20 Calleigh and Eric are out in the field together. Finally!!!! At least if they aren't together in episodes before 9.20 then we can look forward to this one. It also appears that Natalia and Calleigh will have a chase scene. I know it's not EC related but since I've been in Calleigh withdrawal too I'm glad she's back and getting some action scenes :). Things are slooooowwwlllyyy looking up this season. Hope it continues and we get more spoilers about EC working together and especially about their relationship :).
Vegaslight posted on the spoiler thread that in episode 9.20 Calleigh and Eric are out in the field together. Finally!!!! At least if they aren't together in episodes before 9.20 then we can look forward to this one. It also appears that Natalia and Calleigh will have a chase scene. I know it's not EC related but since I've been in Calleigh withdrawal too I'm glad she's back and getting some action scenes :). Things are slooooowwwlllyyy looking up this season. Hope it continues and we get more spoilers about EC working together and especially about their relationship :).

I think I have a little EC crisis, because I don't believe that something will happen between them this season anymore :/ Surely we could get some spoilers already. I'm afraid that writers will make them behave like nothing ever happened between them...that's why I don't get excited that they are working together, it's just work. This season is nothing but bore for me. I fully feel Jesse's fans pain for his character being dropped like that - it's the same with EC.
But the most boring Mala Noche gang is still the focus, even thogh I have yet to meet 3 people who actually like it.
You all know I don't usually post here, I am not a big shipper in general...I love CSI:Miami with everything it brings. I have been thinking about EC lately and I have come to my conclusions, from a general viewer's point of view.

I think that the whole Emily being pregnant not been written in the show thing could have been handled better. I mean, I agree it was a tad early to consider a pregnancy, it was even a bit fanfictional, you know, those fanfictions Eric and Calleigh look in the eyes once, marry the day after and have a football team of babies in a few years...:lol: but that doesn't mean that having Emily hiding behind desk would have mean just a break up or whatever it is.

CSI:Miami writers have been really dense, more than other times. They could have written a bearable storyline for everyone, a smile sometimes, a "see you at home" whispered..I mean, it's not like we need X-rated scenes to understand they are still together.

This is just what I wanted to say, adding that writer have a long way to walk now...

..oh, if you are interested, I know you all are, the voting for the TV couple thingy has started for the new round. EC needs a big bust, since they are running against a though one this time: LINK

Happy Valentine's Day to all of You!
You all know I don't usually post here, I am not a big shipper in general...I love CSI:Miami with everything it brings. I have been thinking about EC lately and I have come to my conclusions, from a general viewer's point of view.

Thanks for stopping by! You're welcome here anytime :)

I think that the whole Emily being pregnant not been written in the show thing could have been handled better. I mean, I agree it was a tad early to consider a pregnancy, it was even a bit fanfictional, you know, those fanfictions Eric and Calleigh look in the eyes once, marry the day after and have a football team of babies in a few years...:lol: but that doesn't mean that having Emily hiding behind desk would have mean just a break up or whatever it is.

I definitely agree with this. While I'm a huge fan of E/C (they're the only couple I actively "ship"- I like/support plenty of other couples on other shows, but I don't tend to get involved in their online communities or read fanfiction about hem- E/C is the only fanfic I read), I also thought that it was too early in their relationship to have a successful, happy baby story.

I do like fanfiction that portrays Eric and Calleigh getting married and/or having kids in a realistic way and at a stable time in their relationship. But I think I may be in the minority in that I could picture them not having kids either. I think they'd both be good parents and have adorable children if they chose to go that route, but I could also imagine them coming to a decision not to have kids, or deciding to forgo birth control and adopt a "whatever happens, happens" mindset, and not being destroyed if the outcome was no children. In fact, I've kind of had an idea in my head for a fanfic in which they come to a decision to not have kids. I don't know how well it would be received, though, so that and my irl schedule have kept me from writing it.

I do wonder how much of the Calleigh-hiding-behind-a-desk thing was TPTB's choice, and how much was Emily's (or even if it wasn't initially her idea, she believed it turned out to be good for her). Granted, I've never been pregnant, so I don't know what it's like, but from my understanding even a relatively normal pregnancy with minimal complications can take a lot out of a person. So in some ways I can understand why they did that, but TPTB didn't need to break up E/C just because Emily had to hide behind a desk.

CSI:Miami writers have been really dense, more than other times. They could have written a bearable storyline for everyone, a smile sometimes, a "see you at home" whispered..I mean, it's not like we need X-rated scenes to understand they are still together.

Again, completely agreed. It's as though the Miami writers only know how to do extremes- extreme action, extreme drama, but subtlety? A background story like a relationship between to characters that exists, but doesn't have to be front and center all the time? Blasphemy! E/C really didn't have to break up- the writers could've easily inserted a couple lines referencing the relationship once in a while, even with Calleigh behind a desk.

..oh, if you are interested, I know you all are, the voting for the TV couple thingy has started for the new round. EC needs a big bust, since they are running against a though one this time: LINK

Oooh, thanks for letting us know! I'm happily surprised we made it to the second round, as we were matched up against some stiff competition the first time (Elliott and Olivia from Law & Order:SVU). I will certainly vote a couple times for E/C, but I won't be too disappointed if we don't make it to the next round. :)

Happy Valentine's Day to all of You!

Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Again, thanks for stopping by :)
I agree that the writers had no idea how to handle Emily being pregnant. I have no idea why because it really wasn't difficult at all to keep the relationship and just have them share small hints here and there like it has been mentioned. This is why I'm so curious as to what will happen now that Emily returns full time. Will they throw more drama their way to get them back together? Or will they simply go on as if nothing ever happened? It doesn't take much for them to get back together. Just a simple converstaion saying how much they've missed each other and laying down the cards on what went wrong between them. Now that they've had some time apart and have reflected on some stuff they want to give it another try. That's it. I hope something happens and they get back together because the show is so dull right now. Though that also has to do with Emily not being around much.
you're right #17... it doesn't take much for them to get back together. It didn't take much for them to pull them apart so getting them back together should be simple. I think these writers have one track minds. The show is pretty dull right now without the personal touch and the relationship.
I think that these writers are not very talented. Not only cases are very predictable and sometimes the actions of the characters stupid, but also they tend to do too much of everything. This season has been too many chases, shootings and generally testosterone. Fans complained that there was no team focus - here you are, there is team focus, however they cut character and stories developement :(
The season is really boring and if we don't get EC solution until the season finale, I quit CSI Miami, it's just not worth my time. I'd rather watch CSI or Law&Orders for their stories.
Have they totally shelved Eric and Calleigh:confused: haven't seen them in scenes like forever, he's also in this more than she is. Hope this will change soon:confused:
Haven't posted in a while; the lack of EC in the show hasn't excatly been very inspiring. Even the fanfics seem to have dried out :rolleyes:!
As I already mentioned, I haven't been interested in watching the show this year, especially since after the second epi. However, I used to come here and get some news, read some opinions; I don't even feel like doing that anymore; I feel that the entire forum has turned into a very hostile environment.
It's no secret that my favourite characters are Calleigh and Eric, and that their relationship (when properly written) is one of my favourite aspects of the show. But, out of respect to the other actors and their fans, I don't go around bashing the characters I don't like! Unfortunately, not everyone has the same sensitivity and there's so much bashing right now on every general thread!
I am tired of reading negative comments about Calleigh, Eric and EC! There's so much hostility towards my two fav characters, especially Eric, who apparently, for some reason, can't do anything right :rolleyes:! Anything and everything he does is criticised, and I'm for one, growing very tired of all this negativity.
I guess if the mods are not stepping in, it's all within the allowable parameters. But what they need to understand is that by allowing such comments to be continuously posted, a lot of us are losing interest and will soon focus our time and energy elsewhere.
Hoping to get some (positive) spoilers about our fav couple very soon.
^^Yep I know exactly what you're saying. Miami's forum is the last I go to read and it used to be the second (right after shipper central). Now it's all so negative and hostile (well it's been a while) that it's just not fun anymore. Eric gets all the criticism no matter what he does. I hope that after Emily gets back full time we have nice EC scenes :).
Have they totally shelved Eric and Calleigh:confused: haven't seen them in scenes like forever, he's also in this more than she is. Hope this will change soon:confused:

We really don't know, to be honest. Emily has had less screen time this season because she was pregnant, but I think even with her being shown only from the shoulders-up they could've kept Eric and Calleigh together. One of them could've made a cute comment to the other very easily, just to let us know they're still together, instead of giving us the scene at the end of the second episode to make us think they're not together.

This week's episode will not have Emily in it because she was on maternity leave, but the episode after that- the one that Adam wrote/directed, will be her return. Hopefully, she'll begin to have more of a presence on the show, and they'll address the Eric/Calleigh relationship. I remember in an interview with a producer shortly after the second episode of the season aired, in which he said they were taking a break, but that they'd revisit the issue in the future. We just don't know if "in the future" is the latter part of the season, or if they're not going to come back to it until next season...or never :(. But hopefully, it'll be sooner rather than later. I still have faith!
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