So I just went back to check who this "lovely" episode's writers were and which other ones they have written... and low and behold, they're the exact same pair as the ones who wrote"Time Bomb"

Could it be that they're giving us continuity from the last scene in that episode when Eric told Cal that it was going to take some work on his part to gain her trust back

Of all the storylines to give us
continuity on

Or lack thereof, as the case might be! As
kala79 said, in that final scene on the pier in "Time Bomb," Eric & Calleigh's chat was very affectionate and loving. I didn't get the impression that they were on the verge of a breakup at all. Yes, Eric did acknowledge that he needed to win back Cal's trust. But a breakup seems very sudden, extreme and out-of-sync with the tone of that final "Time Bomb" scene between our couple. Maybe the "Sudden Death" writers should have gone back and actually
watched the final E/C scene that they wrote for "Time Bomb," and then we wouldn't have gotten this abrupt switch to Cal and Eric just being "friends" again in "Sudden Death."
Plus, it's almost as if these writers totally skipped over "All Fall Down" and "Fallen." :wtf: In those episodes, Eric was saving Cal's life and acting like a concerned boyfriend. And then, boom, now they're back to being just friends? Huh?
If the internet forum chatter is any indication, even some non-E/C-shippers and many casual fans found Calleigh's "like family" comment to be totally out of left field. I understand that the show-runners want to keep viewers interested in the show and its characters, but I'm thinking that making people completely confused might not be the best idea. Especially with the show being in a new timeslot.
My optimistic side is hoping that the writers will explain last night's E/C scene after-the-fact. But, as we learned from "Bolt Action" and "Bad Seed," oftentimes the writers never go back and explain confusing E/C scenes in retrospect. So while I'm going to hope that they break with tradition and do so this time, I'm not going to hold my breath that they will.
I'm not going to lose all hope, at least for now. Last night's episode didn't completely close the door on Eric & Calleigh's relationship, so I'm going to give the writers a chance to redeem themselves. However, if the writers try anything as moronic as having Eric and Cal dating (or sleeping with) other people, I might have to take a little hiatus from the show. Hopefully, it won't come to that.
P.S. I didn't see any chemistry between Eric and Dr. Mercier in "Sudden Death." I think that she was just being friendly and, at most, doing a bit of harmless flirting. But she was nowhere near as obvious as Dr. Price was in early Season 7. So I didn't see anything to worry about there. (Of course, you never know with the CSIM writers ... :shifty