Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

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  • Because "It" Keeps Happening

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  • Looking Forward to Cute Little E/C Babies

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  • It's Meant to Be

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  • Because They Just Can't Stay Away From Each Other

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  • True love never dies

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  • Your Place or Mine?

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Question all to all you fanatical Eric and Calleigh fans [I'm loving their chemistry] are the real life people Adam and Emily married? cause' they sure do heat up the screen, thanks:thumbsup:
Thank's vsuga OOPS on the wrong name I did mean Adam Rodriguez right? how old are they both? I was blown away everytime I saw them and am now tuning in every Monday:thumbsup:BTW the beginning 'WHO" song is the best of all 3, just a tid-bit. I think their so perfect with each other, so in tune and bonded :p

Emily is 41 and Adam just turned 35 last month. Neither of them is married, but, if I recall correctly, Emily has serious boyfriend who she's been with for quite a while now. I don't think that she's ever publicly named him b/c she prefers to keep that stuff private. She's apparently serious enough about her significant other to want to have a baby with him ... last year, she said in an interview that she'd like to become a mother sometime soon. As for Adam, the tabloids (for what they're worth:rolleyes:) have dropped hints here and there, but I haven't heard anything from a reliable source about him being in a long-term relationship with anyone.

I totally agree that Emily and Adam have incredible acting chemistry, and it really comes across between their characters on-screen. :luvlove: I find Eric & Calleigh magnetic to watch ... whenever they have a scene together, my eyes are drawn to the TV screen, and I just can't look away!:lol:;) I think it stems from Emily & Adam's long-standing friendship and genuine fondness for each other as people, which they've both acknowledged in interviews. Emily has made no secret of the fact that she campaigned hard for Adam's full-time return to CSIM, and for the E/C romantic relationship storyline.:thumbsup:

I love it when new folks join the ranks of "Hiphugger-land" (the Eric & Calleigh fan universe); and many of them have made similar comments to yours, Desertwind. It's always great to share stories with people who became fans of CSIM because the chemistry between Eric & Calleigh drew them into the show. I was a faithful viewer of CSIM from the beginning, but what really made the show "must-see TV" for me was the sizzling attraction between Eric and Calleigh since Season 1. :adore: Desertwind, I'm looking forward to "chatting" with you in this thread in the future. Hope you'll visit us often!:)
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Thank's so much Delquesne your a doll, how sweet. And are you kidding me on Emily, OMG I thought she was about 28 and him too, boy do they look young and so good, Guess I'm not good at ages at all, not that it matters, She's so sweet and so pretty, I get lost in her face, and he's a hottie too:p I was and I guess still am a hard-core GSR fan, but that's a strange situation as of now. I love to see love connections on these shows. All the horror, and gore, it's nice to see some romance, to lighten it up and they sure do have it. Again thank's for the lovely warm welcome, I appreciate that:thumbsup: I as well hope to chat with you.. now the long wait till the next season:rolleyes:
The finale ep was great...i love the last Scene whent Eric look for Call
I also loved the Scene when Eric and Ryan run in to the extreme ep;)

soooo....Now that the 8 season is over...
What was your Favorite Eric & Calleigh moment of the season?

was it the hottie bed sence in 8.14 - In the Wind -

or maybe the sence some other scence from 8.20 - Backfire

So what was the moment that made you say - Awww:adore:??
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I guess its time for me to add my two cents in about the finale:

The end was heartbreaking, see Eric holding Cal, begging her to breathe :(
I am holding on that everything will be alright next season and they will be happy and in love, cuz really, how much more can they take?

So my opinion on the best & worst of the season:

The opening scene of In the Wind--well for obvious reasons
The end of the episode where Calleigh is a ghost (name escapes me for some reason) -- he called her babe, that made me giggly
Delko for the Defense -- he checked her out and he took her advice about talking to the SA
Out of Time -- Calleigh crying in Alexx's arms, that spoke volumes of her feelings for him

The worst:
LA - no scenes or anything telling between them.

Bad Seed -- the ending when he leaves. That still made me cry even after we found out that he was coming back to the show.
Out of Time -- Eric looks at Horatio, not Calleigh, WTF
The third episode where they don't talk, the scene in the locker room was absolutely heartbreaking and Stetler tries to make it look like they are turning against each other
Ghost Calleigh episode: where she almost dies

Keep the faith EC fans, they can't be this mean to us 2 yrs in a row
I don't know if everybody agrees with me, but, IMO, season 8 was the most "Hiphugger"centric season ever.
-We watched with heavy hearts the premiere, "Out of Time", having found out over the summer that AR's contract was not renewed and that he would only make limited appearances during the season. The faith of our hiphuggers was very bleak :(!
-The 3rd epi, "Bolt Action", was both heartbreaking (locker scene where neither could speak to the other), and confusing :confused: (end scene where we were left wondering on the status of their relationship)
-Then "Bad Seed" came with the heartbreaking end scene in the locker :(!
-Following a long absence, Eric returned in "Delco for the Defence". Even though this episode didn't shed any light on our couple's faith, it still gave us some kind of hope that maybe, just maybe, they will be OK.
-And then came "In the Wind" :adore:! What can I say? I can only repeat Calleigh's words as she entered the gun vault, back in season 1: "Be still my heart!" :luvlove:. But the writers couldn't let us just enjoy and celebrate E/C's reunion; they had to throw in that end locker scene (again! what's with all the E/C locker scenes this season anyway :lol:?)
-IMO, the "defining moment" we were promised came in "Bacfire"! Loved, loved, absolutely loved the episode:adore:! And the icing on the cake was that, by then, we had found out that Adam's contract was renewed and he was coming back as a regular next season!!!
-"Time Bomb" just confirmed that the E/C relationship was solid and that it could withstand any turbulence.
-Finally, the end scene of the finale, "All Fall Down"... heartbreaking :(!

It was a real roller-coaster ride in "Hiphuggerland", but all's well that ends well... and I have a feeling that the best is still yet to come ;)! Season 9 can't come soon enough!
@CSIMlover88-- sorry but I can't PM you yet.:(

Even if Season 8 was EC free more than half the time I can say there were a lot of grest *EC moments. Here are my faves:
1. The sizzling scenes in ITW!
2. Sunset scene- so cute!
3. Tender scenes in the morgue- it shows that they're so in love.
4. Cal & Eric at home!

I know a lot of EC fans are anxious about next season on whether Cal will make it. I will remain positive that everything will be okay - it doesn't make sense to give a tragic end to this romance after all the build up over the years. We loyal hiphuggers deserve to see this relationship through & I know that TPTB is aware of that. So my hopes for Season 9- a wedding & a baby.:lol: *
This was a bittersweet season for me. It started bitter because Adam was leaving and ended sweet because Adam came back :D.

Moments I liked most:

-Out of Time: flashback scene. The flirty banter when they first met was adorable to watch.

-Delko for the Defense: The scene when they were talking about him coming back to Miami: "I missed Miami" "And Miami missed you" aww :)

-In the Wind: I don't think I have to elaborate much on this scene :lol: The ending was also nice with "yet it keeps happening".

-Backfire: Eric coming back from Tampa, the bedside scene with all the smiles and the "just relax" :D And of course the last scene with him calling her babe and hugging each other :adore:

-Meltdown: the scene where Calleigh is telling Eric that she is leaving and Eric tells her to "save a little something" :D

-Mommy Deadest: Seeing them in what appears now to be their home (though I did not enjoy Eric lying).

-Time Bomb: sunset scene :adore: too sweet "flattery will get you nowhere today" :lol:

-All fall down: him realizing Cal might be in danger and running off to find her :)

Moments I was not too crazy about:

-Bolt Action: the last conversation between Eric and Cal when they are saying they can speak to each other again. Were they together, were they not???? I was really confused by that scene at the time.

-Bad Seed: Eric leaving and the way he left. 'nuff said :shifty:

Angsty moments I enjoyed:

-Out of Time: Calleigh crying with Alexx :( Really emotional, really well done.

-Bolt Action: locker room scene when they can't talk and Stelter trying to put them against each other and not succeeding.

-Backfire: Calleigh almost dying and Eric screaming for her to wake up.

-Time Bomb: their "fighting" scenes. Well job by both actors and the script was good.

Looking forward to season 9 :)
Out of Time -- Eric looks at Horatio, not Calleigh, WTF

I'm so glad to see that I wasn't the only one who was incredibly bothered by this! I also had a WTH :wtf: moment when Out of Time ended with Eric looking at Horatio rather than at Calleigh. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really like the surrogate father/son relationship between Horatio and Eric, and I think that it is one of the nicest relationships on CSIM ... a distant second place behind Calleigh & Eric's, of course. But a man who's awoken after being at death's door is going to look 1st and foremost at the woman he loves, not at his (former) boss/mentor, even if the latter is also a father-figure. After the E/C hell that was the Season 7 finale, I felt cheated by that final moment in the 1st episode of Season 8. Then again, that was just the start of the "weirdness" between Eric & Calleigh that the writers tried to create in the 1st half of Season 8, before they came to their senses. (Thank God they finally saw the light!). Anyhow, here's my 2 cents on Season 8, from an E/C perspective, now that the season is over:


- The E/C bedroom scene in In the Wind, of course!:adore: Hot, steamy, dreamy and romantic. Not to mention that we Hiphugger-fans had been waiting for this type of scene for ages and ages! The ending locker room scene was pretty sweet also. A bit ambiguous, but the sizzling chemistry between Eric and Calleigh was amazing.
- The flashback to when Eric and Calleigh first met in Out of Time (that was about the only good scene in that episode).
- The "I missed Miami / Miami missed you" scene in Delko for the Defense. You just knew that they weren't talking about Miami, but about each other. *SIGH*:luvlove:
- The "save a little something" scene in Meltdown. Seeing Eric and Calleigh flirt always makes me grin like a kid on Christmas morning.
- Anything remotely "domestic" involving Eric & Calleigh in episodes 8.21, 8.22 and 8.23. All the references to "home" and seeing Eric and Calleigh at his place in Mommie Deadest made me feel all warm-and-fuzzy inside.
- The E/C hospital and morgue scenes in Backfire. Seeing Eric doting on Calleigh after she woke up in the hospital was so adorable. And hearing him call her "babe" and that intensely heartfelt hug at the morgue totally made me melt.
- The pier scene at the end of Time Bomb. Eric laying on the flirty, boyish charm, and Calleigh trying to sassily resist him, but not really wanting to. (What woman could really resist Eric, anyway?:drool:) I even liked the scenes of Eric and Calleigh arguing at the beginning of the eppy. There was so much passion between them even when they were disagreeing! And "sassy Calleigh" was fun to watch, as always.:D


- As I said above, Eric waking up in Out of Time and looking at H. rather than at Calleigh.:rolleyes:
- The frustratingly-ambiguous way that Eric left CSI in Bad Seed. :( That final locker-room scene is still difficult for me to watch.
- More ambiguity about the status of Eric & Calleigh's relationship at the end of Bolt Action. They only talked about being able to work together again, but the status of their romance was the 1,000-pound gorilla in the living room.:shifty:

Like hiphugger17, I also found Season 8 to be bittersweet. I really missed Adam/Eric in the episodes in which he didn't appear, and the way his absence was handled made the E/C relationship seem disjointed and uncertain. In the first half of Season 8, the CSIM writers seemed determined to destroy the wonderful E/C relationship that had been building for so long and had finally come together in mid-Season 7. :shifty: Thank goodness they realized the error of their ways! And I'm sure that Adam announcing his full-time return to the show next season (YAY!) didn't hurt, either.;) The writers really stepped up their game in the latter half of Season 8 and gave us some really priceless E/C moments. :thumbsup: Let's hope that his trend continues in Season 9.:)
-IMO, the "defining moment" we were promised came in "Bacfire"! Loved, loved, absolutely loved the episode:adore:! And the icing on the cake was that, by then, we had found out that Adam's contract was renewed and he was coming back as a regular next season!!!
-"Time Bomb" just confirmed that the E/C relationship was solid and that it could withstand any turbulence.
-Finally, the end scene of the finale, "All Fall Down"... heartbreaking :(!

It was a real roller-coaster ride in "Hiphuggerland", but all's well that ends well... and I have a feeling that the best is still yet to come ;)! Season 9 can't come soon enough!

Well - well there you were :guffaw::guffaw:. What took you so long;). Hi D&D

Now we are just missing rhee.

A big hello to Texmex and Jonnarose. Nice to see you.:)

I agree if writers see "Backfire" as the defining moment for E/C then couple should be ok. And TPTB has invested a lot in the couple. We have had the bedroom scene. We got Erics flat and Call. We got the pier scene. If they "go back" on us now. They are down right stupid because they got the disliker as well as the likers all work up.
so much sweet moments to choose from but here is my fav of the season -

8.14 - In the Wind - the opening of the ep was (for me anyway) totally suprise. we finally get a little info about what going on between them and i have a smile on my face untill the end :)

8.03 - Bolt Action - the end sence - "you shot me" / "you drove a car at me.." cute:))

8.05 - Bad Seed - i loves the sence when Eric and Calleigh sit in some wainting room in the CSI and Call tells Eric that she didn's have the chance to say to him how glad she was that he's ok and come back.
the loker sence in the end - "you know me to well"

8.11 - Delko for the Defense - we are still in don't know land with E/C but we get a cute moment - Eric tells Call "I'm just here to Observe"
and the Checking her out look (well he sure was observing;))

8.01 - Out of Time - Call cries over Eric situation - so sad :(

8.20 - Backfire - basically i love the whole ep but the fav is -
Eric run's into the hspital room and Call said - "i knew you're going to be mad.."
the sence when Eric scream to her to come back to life (and the amazing song that tells everything)
"just relax..." moments.
and of course - the end sence - calling her bebe, the wormy cute hug:))))

8.21 - Meltdown - the save a a little something and that Call
count them as twosome - "is five a crowd..."

8.22 - Mommie Deadest - this ep made me feel like everything is gong on the right way..they are together even living part time together...cute and wormy sence:)

8.23 -Time Bomb - the sence where Call confronting Eric about lying to her was really made me Heart breaking and i really in that sence was mad abot Eric (but no for could i?)
the all feference to the "HOME" - " wearing the wire when we were home"
the end sence - so romantic, so Eric boyish smile, "i'm not talking about the view..."

8.24 - They All Fall Down - last sence - Eric call for Call - Heart breaking

moments that made Frustration -
8.03 - the end sence - when Eric tells Call - I'll see you at work - WTF?
What that Supposed to mean???

8.05 - the loker sence when Eric tells Call - "I guess CSI is not the only game in town.." i thing i ask all the people that i know what does it mean - i was so Frustraded - why they have to talk in code? why thay could said it Clearly?

8.01 - Eric looks at H and not at Call :confused:

sooo we had kind of drama and amazing moment, i hope next season everything will be much calm that it was otherwise i will watch it from the Cardiology Department because i will get Heart attack :lol:
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Well - well there you were :guffaw::guffaw:. What took you so long;). Hi D&D

Now we are just missing rhee.

Psst Aj my friend, if you cleared your message box more regularly you'd know why it's been so long :lol:! 9 out of 10 of my PMs to you come back to me!
Nice to be here in hiphuggerland with you and all my fellow hiphuggers! We now need to support each other through the summer hiatus and all the withdrawal symptoms until September rolls in, hopefully with a great E/C season :thumbsup:!
Unfortunately, I have some not-so-great news, fellow Hiphugger-fans.

On May 27th, Adam Rodriguez gave an interview to a member of his fan group, "Adam Rodriguez Connection." The interview itself was quite nice, and Adam was his usual gracious self.:) EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: The interviewer gave Adam the wrong impression that a large group of CSIM fans are against the E/C romance. :rolleyes: Here's the relevant part of the interview:

When asked about the negative reaction to Eric's relationship with Calleigh, he admits, "You know, I'm surprised. I don't really know which side has the stronger force behind it. It seems like it's 50/50. I'm pretty surprised. I thought they really wanted to see that. I don't know if we waited too long to deliver it. I can understand they feel that way, I really can. I thought it was something people really would be excited about. I was excited that we finally got to that place. Who knows where they'll take us."
The interviewer, who is clearly not an E/C fan, gave Adam the misimpression that the number of CSIM viewers for and against the relationship is about 50/50, when this is far from the truth. It's more like 90/10, with 90% of viewers being in favor of the relationship. It's just that that the 10% of those against the relationship tend to be very vocal, making them seem like a larger group than they really are. And I'm so unhappy that this distorted view of support for our favorite couple has been passed onto Adam.:(

I don't have a Twitter account, but for those who do (and are inclined to use it), I think it would be a good idea to send Adam a tweet to let him know that the vast majority of CSIM fans are in favor of Calleigh & Eric's romantic relationship. :thumbsup: (If you're a member of the Adam Rodriguez Yahoo Group, a post on their message board couldn't hurt, either). I myself plan on writing to the show-runners. Normally, I don't pay too much attention to what's posted on the internet, but when incorrect information gets back to people that are on the show itself, I believe that it's time to step up and take action. After all, it's false rumors like these that can lead to storylines that will make a lot of fans very unhappy ...:scream:
Long time lurker and hiphugger fan here. I don't normally like to post but I really wanted to comment on the interview and give some kind of perspective (hopefully!!).

Whenever there's an interview done with any of the cast/crew/writers fans tend to misinterpret what's been said and come to their own conclusions and that's exactly what's happened here.

The interviewer, who is clearly not an E/C fan, gave Adam the misimpression that the number of CSIM viewers for and against the relationship is about 50/50, when this is far from the truth. It's more like 90/10, with 90% of viewers being in favor of the relationship. It's just that that the 10% of those against the relationship tend to be very vocal, making them seem like a larger group than they really are. And I'm so unhappy that this distorted view of support for our favorite couple has been passed onto Adam
You don't know if any of what you said is true. You don't know if the interviewer is a fan of E/C or not, you're making that assumption. There's no real way of knowing what the actual percentage is, you're assuming it's 90/10 in favor. When you think of how many people are vocal (on both sides) they're a very small minority when compared with the millions of viewers. All Adam said was "it seems like it's 50/50", he wasn't given the "false impression" he was being asked a question about the negative reaction, the interview didn't say "it's 50.50". I personally liked the fact the negative reaction came up as it was good hearing his opinion on it. He's constantly asked about E/C in a good way. And how can you call it a "false rumor" when it was Adam that was giving his opinion on it?

As for hipguggers "paniking"... why? There's nothing to panick for. Adam doesn't have control over the relationship, that's down to the producers and the writers. I'm really upset that some people on message boards have started to add their own sections to the interview making it appear to be completey negative. It was a great interview conducted by a website that is in full support of Adam, cut them some slack.

Being a hiphugger I don't want them to split, but again it's down to the writers. I can also understand non hiphuggers who dislike as it did take the producers a long time to give hiphuggers what they wanted.
^^^ Adamsgirl, thanks for your post, and many of your points are very well taken. Believe me, my post here about Adam's interview certainly wasn't meant to cause panic or bash the interviewer at all. And I sincerely apologize if I came across that way.
I'm not a member of Adam's Yahoo Group, but I've only ever heard really good things about them and their support for the actor, the character he plays on CSI Miami, and, in many cases, the E/C romance.

That said, I know that I'm not alone in expressing a certain level of frustration among E/C-fans that the small percentage of anti-E/C-shippers often appears to be much larger than it really is, because that group tends to be very vocal. If you visit the various CSIM forums, blogs, news articles, etc., you quickly realize that it's the same small group of people posting negative comments about E/C over and over again. I really believe that the vast majority of CSIM viewers -- close to 90% -- either support Eric and Calleigh as a couple, or are neutral about their romance storyline. Perhaps I should have made that clearer in my last post. As you correctly said, most people who watch the show aren't for or against the E/C relationship either way. When I read Adam's comment about his belief that the for/against-E/C numbers are 50/50, the shipper in me just "instinctively" wanted to reassure him that this isn't the case. I almost wish that the interviewer had said something along the lines of your post, i.e., that the vast majority of CSIM viewers either support the E/C 'ship, or don't have an opinion about it one way or the other. I didn't conduct the interview, so perhaps the question was put in this context, and that just wasn't published. But Adam did say that he was surprised to hear about the negative reaction, so that naturally made me wonder.

Anyhow, at the end of the day, I don't think that anyone in this thread is going to panic or react inappropriately in response to the interview. After all, sending letters, tweets, etc., expressing how much we love the E/C romance storyline is never a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I'd say that it's just about the most positive thing that a Hiphugger-fan can do.:thumbsup::)
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You are right delquesne- I also had the same initial reaction to that 50/50 bit that Adam said. We have no idea how the question was posed so I don't why he answered it that way. I know that he totally supports the EC storyline and that is good enough for me.

Adamsgirl- Thanks for your post and it is always nice to hear a voice of reason!

If you are feeling the EC blues here's something to cheer you up. This is my first EC video- I really enjoyed making it and I hope you will like it. I would love to hear your comments!
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