Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

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Welcome Hounds of Love! I hope you'll have fun with us. :D

Delkolover said:
"All good things come to those who wait" ;)

And, you know what, if Eric can wait for Calleigh to make up her mind, we can wait as well. :p:)

texmex327 said:
It would have been cool to see Eric helping Calleigh up but in my opinion he probably would have dropped her because he would have been distracted :guffaw:

You're probably right. :guffaw: But I wouldn't mind that if he dropped her on himself. Now that would be a scene with a lot of sexual tension.
Welcome Hounds of Love! I hope you'll have fun with us. :D

Delkolover said:
"All good things come to those who wait" ;)

And, you know what, if Eric can wait for Calleigh to make up her mind, we can wait as well. :p:)

texmex327 said:
It would have been cool to see Eric helping Calleigh up but in my opinion he probably would have dropped her because he would have been distracted :guffaw:

You're probably right. :guffaw: But I wouldn't mind that if he dropped her on himself. Now that would be a scene with a lot of sexual tension.

Sunil Nayar wrote this episode and she wrote "Down To The Wire", so I'd say that's good for us, right?
(standing up) hi my name is bel im 26 married with 4 kids from australia im seriously addicted to csi miami and eric and calleigh in particular.
I am such a supporter of E/C.
I have followed the series from day one even though my tv stations have messed with the past 3 seasons i went and recently bought the whole collection and watched each and every single ep plus extras lol.
Each week after an episode has premiered i download it and watch it as i am so impatient waiting for it to hit our screens.
Each and every week i pay close attention to detail to eric and calleigh and if i just get one hot lustful longing kiss from eric and calleigh this season id be the happiest person in Oz.
Iam a fan fiction writer too im currently on my 3rd story my first was 100 chapters long second same although i only have the last 60 chapters and my current one is up to its 365th chapter lol a bit obsessed i am!!!
Oh plus i made some you tube vids too! lol
:lol: anways it took me all day to read the whole 37 pages of this and the mastercard take oh so freaking hilarious!!! well best be going its late but great meeting you all

cheers bel
Welcome belluvsmiami!

So glad that so many ppl enjoy Cal and Eric ;)

And i can't wait for the epi 7x10. ITS TODAY! :eek:

talk to you later guys :)
WOW! Welcome Bel and Hounds! *Hands out more Christmas cookies and Eggnog* The HipHugger movement is spreading. I'm glad you guys decided to join us.

You know, when I was a child my Mother told me that all good things come to those who wait. Now I think she was trying to teach me patience, but since I think that instant gratification takes too long I have to say that she failed in that lesson. However, in the case of Eric and Calleigh, though, I think that our patience will bring us a wonderful reward this season. All of these "baby steps" TPTB keep talking about are building into something lasting. When we finally get "the moment" that officially marks the turn in Eric and Calleigh's relationship it's not going to be something temporary. These two will be forever. :luvlove: That's why we've had to suffer through missed opportunities and the other people (who shall remain nameless) that have sidetracked our star-crossed couple.:shifty:

Our moment is coming. My thought is February (or March) Sweeps will be the big HipHugger moment that we've all been waiting for. ;)

Have I rambled enough?? :p
Wow! And I thought I was addicted to this in a wierd way! Glad to have you aboard Bel hows thing in the land down under? Where can I find you Fanfiction at I wold love to read it?

Hey Delkolover you should tell Cory we're branching out and callin in all the E/C fans from all over the world to get ready for the big event we just need it to happen now.
If they think this thread moves fast now, wait until we get a liplock and this ship sails out of port!

I'm waiting for tonight with baited breath! Hopeful that we will be happy by 11:01pm. I hope we will al be here tonight for the after ep. party.
Wow! And I thought I was addicted to this in a wierd way! Glad to have you aboard Bel hows thing in the land down under? Where can I find you Fanfiction at I wold love to read it?

Hey Delkolover you should tell Cory we're branching out and callin in all the E/C fans from all over the world to get ready for the big event we just need it to happen now.
If they think this thread moves fast now, wait until we get a liplock and this ship sails out of port!

I'm waiting for tonight with baited breath! Hopeful that we will be happy by 11:01pm. I hope we will al be here tonight for the after ep. party.

CSISDFlash, you are not the only one addicted in a weird way.

My sister in law asked me over the weekend if Calleigh & Delko were together yet (my brother is stationed in Germany, and she hasn't had the opportunity to catch up yet). We were talking about the relationship between them and my mother gave us a funny look. Ok, sorry, I am rambling.

I really hope there is something for me to be excited about in tonigh'ts episode. After the scene in How does that make you kill I couldn't sleep because I was so excited.

See you tonight after the episode. :)
As for tonight's episode I hope we get although a little something between Eric and Calleigh. Like her being concern about him and saying something sweet to him, just to make him feel better. I mean his life is in danger again, so maybe we get some of these baby steps finally.:)
Welcome hiphuggers belluvsmiami and hounds of love :) Yay for more hiphuggers!

So tonight's episode was written by the one who wrote Down to the Wire, huh? That gives me even more hope :) She was the one who gave us "Do it for us" which we even used as a thread name. Plus "There's this woman at work her name's Calleigh" and "we never talk about it". So I'm happy and hopeful and will be really sad and mad if there's nothing.
I think that the fact that we spend so much time on this thread stressing about a fictional character's relationship is a sign that we are all obsessed. I wouldn't say weird, I'd go with unusual. Unusual is good. That just means we're different from the majority. :rolleyes: :p

I won't be here for the after episode party, because I live in the other part of the world and it will be sleeping time here when the episode airs, but I expect to read about everything that happened first thing in the morning.

As I already said, I'm very optimistic about tonight's epi, so please, writers, don't disappoint me. I'm sure that Emily and Adam will do great as always. I think they are the biggest Hiphuggers in the world. But, who could blame them? They are two drop dead gorgeous people who have a chance to make out (writers, there's gonna be making out, right? RIGHT?). If I were Emily I'd be begging the producers and writers to make it happen.

Anyway, enough with the rambling...
Wow! And I thought I was addicted to this in a wierd way! Glad to have you aboard Bel hows thing in the land down under? Where can I find you Fanfiction at I wold love to read it?

Hey Delkolover you should tell Cory we're branching out and callin in all the E/C fans from all over the world to get ready for the big event we just need it to happen now.
If they think this thread moves fast now, wait until we get a liplock and this ship sails out of port!

I'm waiting for tonight with baited breath! Hopeful that we will be happy by 11:01pm. I hope we will al be here tonight for the after ep. party.

:lol: I'll be sure to tell him the next time I email him.

Welcome belluvsmiami! :beer:

The more the merrier I always say :D

7hrs 15 mins til tonight's ep!

I won't be here for the after episode party, because I live in the other part of the world and it will be sleeping time here when the episode airs, but I expect to read about everything that happened first thing in the morning.

Well, unfortunatelly I won't be here either when you'll be discussing events of tonight's episode. It will be 4 am here when the show will be airing and I have to be up at 6:40 a.m., but I'll check this thread in the morning too. Actually at work, but what the hell, especially if three will be something worth disscusion, like some great E\C moment, even just a little one. Baby steps, right? So please write everyhing you can in details, cause I won't be able to watch it until later afternoon and the waiting is really annoying.;)
i wont be here either :brickwall:
i'm gonna wake at 2am for me to get the download of the epi and wake up at 5 for me to see it before work. :eek:

yeah ppl that don't live in the U.S suffer. hahahahahha
hey girls thanks for the welcome the land down under is good be better if i could see the eps as you all see them stupid WIN TV you can view my stories at and go to the csi miami forums and go to fan fictions either that or i can email them to you if you like and from tonights ep i really wanna see how they all respond to eric living in the crappy motel and was it just me or on the preview it kinda looked as if eric was a bit disorientated when he was outside the room pointing his gun almost a little tipsy kinda a bit like SYG ep with calleigh? since the bottle was half drunk? just a thought
HCrazy posted the link to youtube where the opening sequence for tonight's ep can be found over in the episode's discussion thread.

Check it looks good.

there is no way that Cal is going to let him get away with the excuse/explanation he gave Horatio. And I really hope that we SEE something to that affect on screen. Not that I think H believes him anyway. I am getting a little tired of Eric/H bromance :rolleyes: when it comes to think like that.
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