Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Jessica237 said:
An EC wedding would be so freaking adorable, aww! I want one, please. (See, I like some fluff. :lol:) Calleigh would look so gorgeous in a wedding gown. And she would so glow as she walked down the aisle, her eyes on Eric alone. And sexy Eric in a handsome tux... God, he would look so yummy. :devil: And the sight of Calleigh walking toward him would make him fall in love with her all over again. :D That would have to be the prettiest wedding ever, heh. The whole idea though makes me wish Tim was still around 'cause I have the feeling Eric would've chosen him as his best man. :( Man, there are just so many reasons why EC should've gotten married years ago! :lol: :D

Oh, nice thoughts! I'd totally write it, but I'm working on my Valentine's day fic, my jealous Calleigh fic, and my stupid fic of doom that doesn't seem to end no matter how badly I want it to.

As far as the writers strike goes, I really do hope it's over. Caro, thanks for pointing out that this is more than just a lack of television. It's easy to lose sight of all of the practical implications (if that makes sense)
That's great news!!! *brings out the party hats and champagne* I'm so stoked!

I've been done with winter since it started (and the winter has been mild in my end too) but now more than ever, I'm looking forward to spring! I really hope they make a resolution to JC so we can move forward to EC 'I really can't live without you' make out session.
Thank god its finally coming to an end. Its going to be weird watching new episodes during the summer.I hope we get closer to 7 than only 4 episodes. If there is only going to be 4 than I hope they give us a little E/C closure.

I never thought we'd hear the words "the strike is winding down" or "it is almost over" ever!!

Ok, they can all get back to work like, right now so we can have our E/C!! :D I too, hope that we get on the side of 7 eps and not 4. They made us wait this long....give us more eps!!!

No worries to all you spoiler whores out there, once I see some spoilers, I will definately let you know ;)

Caro, you must be sooo excited! See, I kept my fingers crossed for ya and look, it worked ;)
yeahhhhhh!!!! finally!!!! I really had no hopes for new episodes and now there may be 4 to 7, so yeah!!! It's great for the people who need to start working like Caro, great for the fans, great for a lot of people, and great for hiphuggers, so I'm soooo happy right now :)
Hi strangers and lurkers... I know I haven't been around since the Christmas challenge... but I thought I'd point out that the Valentine's Day challenge info is back on page 11... the elements were:

a black eye
someone burns someone else accidentally, badly or repeatedly
a strange smell
some mention of Valentine's Day

And since I don't know anyone... I'll pull the guilt card and point out that someone took the time to organize the challenge and there are those of us who read and don't always review or write... now is a good time for us to be good shippers and step up and write a fluffy little fic!! And I doubt anyone is going to complain if it isn't finished before the 14th... better late than never!

And to anyone who's posted an E/C fic on that I haven't reviewed yet, I have enjoyed them and thank you!!
I haven't even finished the Christmas challenge, I'm not even thinking about Valentine's Day. The days go by so quickly. I kinda suck, too, that's part of the problem.
^^^hop on the wagon and welcome to my world...
On the bright side, James Roday is helping me through this CSI:Miami dry season. I've decided that Psych would be Calleigh's secret obsession (that or Avril Lavigne...but I'm not sure why) Eric's would totally be Gilmore Girls :D
Okay, that was really random. sorry.
Tusk, what are you two like?

I managed to get mine done :)


Oh, and enjoy it. Seriously, it's fluff. There's not even a smidgen of angst in there. I never realized how hard it is to write non-angst until now. So Lucy? Thank you dear.

But I mean it, read, smile and go 'awww' coz that's all the damn fluff you're getting out of me :lol:. It nearly drowned me.

In other news. Caro, you must be one happy chicken :D I am, for you, and me, and all the normal TV watching folks.
Jodie, that was awesome! Fluff is very becoming of you :) I must admit that I haven't been really writing feedbacks because I've been having trouble with ff so to all people that has been posting fanfics, thank you and keep it coming!
More good news, oh my, oh my...

According to TV GuideCSI Miami now is expected to shoot 4 to 9 new episodes to air in March/April/May. Yawza!

YYYEEESSSS!!! Even sweeter!! Possibly 9 new eps....Oh they better give us some good E/C or there will be hell to pay ;)

Just kidding...I am just happy both sides worked things out and writers are getting what they are asking and that Caro and many other now have their jobs back! :)

Still 9 eps HELL YES!!!!! :lol:

I thought this days would not arrive!!! I'm sooo happy and excited, so yay for the people who'll start working and yay for us hiphuggers. And they do better give us some great, romantic, smiling, blushing, gazing, jealous, flirting, kissing, breaking up with Jake EC!! :D :D
I actually squealed last night when it came on the news that the strike was officially over. :rolleyes: I'm such a loser. :lol: At least there's something to make this week from hell a little less terrible. :D

I can't wait for more flirty EC. Their adorable "They're lying? You're lying? *giggle*" scene the other night totally made me miss them so much more.
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