Oh Jodie! I'm super excited your muse is all gung-ho now! I'm ready for this fluff!
Regarding shipping, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about the different ships people have for Calleigh and how those might actually play out. I don't know if it's because I'm EC all the way or what, but a relationship between Eric and Calleigh seems the most plausable. Here's what I came to:
Calleigh and Horatio--They both care for people so so so much. Calleigh is always doing her best to make sure everyone is okay and all the fun stuff, and Horatio is always picking up the pieces. However, Horatio needs to play the hero. Not because he wants the credit, but becasue that's who he is. The big thing about his relationship with Marisol was that he could take care of her. If the writers had ever tried to do the HC relationship, it wouldn't have worked because that's not who Calleigh is. Obviously she has her times when it's nice to be cared for, treated like a woman, whatever you want to call it, but with Horatio, it would get way too overwhelming for her. As a co-worker, he sees her as a competent person fully capable of taking care of herself, but as a lover, I think he would be a bit more coddling than she could handle.
Then on top of it, they have a good relationship, but it's more professional than anything. The relationship they have at work wouldn't necessarily carry over to their time outside of work. I can't really explain this one, but that's the impression I get (does that make sense?) And then there's that whole age difference thing. now I realize it's not super huge, but it just seems odd.
Calleigh and Ryan--I think Ryan is definitely the little brother. She can joke with him, work with him, hang out with him, etc. However, at the end of the day, there's no attraction on her side. For Ryan, I think he looks up to Calleigh, and if anything, it might be like a little kid having a crush on his babysitter, but there's not much substance behind that.
Calleigh and Speed--Totally destined to be friends. I think they would end up rubbing each other the wrong way too often. They're good friends and if Calleigh had a boyfriend and Speed had a girlfriend, they might be able to go on a double date, but there really isn't any connection there (and definitely not attraction...at least not in my opinion).
Calleigh and Jake--I'm still getting a feel for this one. I guess of all of the pairings I've listed so far, this is the most likely to be realistic (besides EC, of course). Jake and Calleigh have a history, but I think when it's all said and done, their relationship is based more on convenience and what they once had. In the end, they wouldn't be able to work it out because they aren't both completely into it. Despite the fact that we all have something or other to say about Jake, I think he does care for Calleigh, and I think she cares for him, but it isn't true love. There isn't a willingness to work to love one another (especially on Jake's side), so when times get tough, they're more likely to bail out.
Calleigh and Hagen/ Calleigh and Peter Elliot--I really don't know what to say about these. I guess we all make bad decisions once in a while...it may have been good at the time, but it wouldn't have lasted. In the end, those two only served to show her how easily she can get burned in a relationship.
And finally, Calleigh and Eric--Okay, so they're a bit blind and stubborn at times, but when they finally open their eyes, this is the long haul. They care so much about one another as friends that they are reticent to move to the next level, and with good reason. Neither have ad the best track record with relationships, and together they hve something so special they're scared to ruin it. They need to take that leap, and hopefully they will. Once they do get together, it's going to be work for them both, but if they're willing to work (which I think they are, but it could be hard) they will have something great.
Okay...I sort of lost track of whatever I was going to say after this because I'm listening to the radio, and they just said we shoul expect to have the writers and stuff come to an agreement by the end of this week. Sounds like they came to something and it's just a matter of the formality of paperwork.
So this was a bit long (sorry) I don't know if it makes any sense, but that's how I see it.