Jessica237 said:
Why do I have to write an up-against-the-wall fic?! (Better yet - why do I have to write any fic?! Surely, Jacks, you'd rather write one yourself than read one from me, right? Right?!
You ask why you should be the one to write it? I have many reasons

1. You are an amazing writer with a knack for capturing moments, characters, etc. and making them poetic, full of feeling.
2. Your JC fics are amazing, and they actually make me like Jake more than I do when I watch the show, but he's just not Eric. Jakes got that whole "person from your past"/ex-lover thing going on, but the UST between Calleigh and Eric is enough to make a blind/deaf/mute/no arms/no legs nun in Angora want more.
3. You are so amazingly prolific when it comes to writing. Stories just pop out like nothing, and they always come out good. You don't pop out crap stories that essentially go "Eric and Calleigh were in love. One day they got into a fight and Calleigh pushed Eric against the wall and kissed him so hard his head fell off." (plus any additional spelling/grammar errors because I didn't want to take the time to mess up)
4. I have about as much life experiences as the aforementioned nun and couldn't do justice to the scene we want.
5. You have a gift.
6. I would actually have trouble writing to any standard higher than the babysitters club book series...and even that's pretty far above me.
7. You strike a good balance in your scenes so they aren't too explicit, but the reader knows what's happening.
8. You love us and know that if there was anything we could do to make your day, we would do it.
In summary (you know, I actually hate that transition. But alas...) I would much, much, much, much rather read one of your fics (even if it's JC, heck, even if it's a horse and a penguin) than write my own because you write wonderfully. In essence, if you write the stories, I don't have to subject the world to my writing and myself to the humiliation that goes with it.
9. If you write us a fic, I'll send you cookies
Please give us hope in the midst of the darkness that is this fricking writer's strike.