Jessica, you’re last installment was great! Poor Eric and Maya, getting injured!

And Calleigh for almost having a heart attack!
New episode on the 14th, yey! Hopefully we still get a moment even though this is Horatio-centric!
Claudia, I really wished that was really what happened! Oh what I would give to have that scene play out on screen!
Lucy, wow! You got talent! That’s some art work…kudos!
Hi Sunny, nice to meet you.
Welcome Nora! Oh, and your so oh cute fic! Awww…
Drommie, I agree about kids and ghosts. I had a cousin who died of brain tumor and one time (I wasn’t present but I was told) that her sister’s daughter who was 3 at a time would just stop and pray about her auntie and then resumed playing again like she hadn’t stop at all!
Jennifer, OMG! You’re fic…hot! Damn! :devil:
Caro, where’s the next installment?
Happy New Year everybody!