Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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*sigh* Death Grip...those were the days ;) That episode was awesome! If you can find it on itunes definately dl it watch it.

I hope this ep coming up in the 14th has some E/C in it. I would hate to think that the last ep, possibly for the season, would have nothing to hold us over until we get new eps.

I wish I could draw...well I can draw stick figures; does that count?? :lol:
I wanna say something but I don't know what. It is just discouraging because I'm stuck between hiphuggers and CaRWash. But I don't want to pick one over the other! :( But I won't make it your problem. I actually squeal whenever these two have screen time now. :D

They do have chemistry, but I guess you all have known that for like ever. :lol:
^^ it's pen to paper so, yeah :D

Death grip? *sob* It was so long ago!! One of the best, simply because of jealous Eric and worried Calleigh.

New episode? I hope we get a scene(s) from it. But I'm not holding my breath.

Chemistry? ^ Of course, weve said that since the first episode and no one bothered to listen to us :lol: now whi's laughing? :D Oh, and you're more than welcome to pop in here whenever, we don't mind if you have other ships, most do.

Jodie x
*lol* yeah, me too. I don't want to be Ms. Pessimistic here, but if it's an eppy centred on Horatio I don't think they'll give us much E/C ... I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed though. :D
VaveAma92 said:
It is just discouraging because I'm stuck between hiphuggers and CaRWash. But I don't want to pick one over the other!

Who says you have to pick one over the other? :D There's nothing wrong with multi-shipping two ships...look at me; I ship Calleigh with Eric, Speed, Jake, and Horatio. Now see, that's when it gets a bit excessive. But I don't care. :lol: ;)

The one on the 14th is our last episode, right? :( I'll be just a little more than disappointed if we don't get anything E/C in that ep. But the other episodes this season have been good about giving us little things here and there, so I'm not ruling out the possibility completely. :D

What I can't decide is if I want something big to happen between Eric and Calleigh yet. I like the subtleties, and I'd certainly love for one of them to pin the other against the wall :devil:, but I don't know if I want them to go that far just yet. I kind of want to see one of them snap after one too many subtle touches and glances, and I'd love if the one who snapped and pushed the other against the wall was Calleigh. :D :devil:
*ahem* Fanfic Jessica? I believe you owe us some EC after all that JC :D

Me too though. I've said it time and time again, in my eyes, Calleigh HAS to be the one who makes the first move. I think she'd bury it is she wasn't.

In the chapter I've just finished, Eric pushes and pushes her towards the edge, but she has to be the one to jump off.

I just think that's the only way it could work. What do the rest of you guys think?
Welcome Jenne and delkoaholic and vaveama92!

Jodie, your 'EC look of love' is amazing! Now if we can have a screen cap of them making out, or ripping their clothes of, in the middle...that would be beyond perfection! :D

Caro, love the old school pic! It looked like she was deciding if she was going to jump him or not :devil:

Lucy, your artwork is amazing! I wish I could draw, even my stick figures don't look right!

Is the strike over yet? Gah! So close yet so far from being a CANON!
adorelo said:
*ahem* Fanfic Jessica? I believe you owe us some EC after all that JC

Oh, come on, it was one fic! :lol:

...Okay, so maybe it was two fics (one of which was full of angsty Eric, so that has to count for something :D ) and a chapter, but still. ;) I hardly think I'm due to write more EC until about, let's say March? That sounds reasonable. :lol: ;)

I have a hard time seeing Calleigh being okay with Eric making the first definite move. I feel like if he pushes, she's going to back away, because that's just how Calleigh works. If Eric pushes too far, she's not going to fall off that cliff with him; she's going to run as fast as she can in the opposite direction until she feels like she's ready to take things into her own hands. He can get frustrated and push her as far and as long as he wants, but it's not going to accomplish anything until he lets her be the one to decide it's time. And I feel like that's kind of what he's doing anyway; backing off while Cal figures out what she's doing with Jake, etc. I think at this point, he's kind of realized that he needs to let Cal come to him.

I feel like whatever happens between them has to be on her terms. As long as she's in control (or as long as she *thinks* she's in control ;) ), then she's going to be okay. I can, however, see Eric taking the initiative to kiss her first, but only after Calleigh has given him a definite okay.

Eric has made his intentions known. Now it's Calleigh's turn. :D
Definately whatever happens between E/C will come from Cal making the first move. It has always bee about her and her emotions. Eric knows if he makes the first move he will only push her away and her emotions further into that deep dark cement enclosed chasm.

So I definately think when the time comes for one of them to push the other against the wall and make the move....Eric is going to be pleasantly surprised when Cal does it and in no way disappointed ;)
Okay, so maybe it was two fics (one of which was full of angsty Eric, so that has to count for something ) and a chapter, but still. I hardly think I'm due to write more EC until about, let's say March? That sounds reasonable.

How about you do 2 E/C stories for every 1 J/C story? that you've done a J/C story, you could write 2 E/C stories ;)! And continue that J/C, two E/C, one J/C, two E/C...and then every now and then throw in an H/C or S/C for good measure. ;) :D ;)

*edited* - my apologies Lucy...forgot.
well I can draw stick figures; does that count??

Just draw two stick figures lying on top of each other. That will work.

Guys I'm starting to write my first fic, and that is going to be my new year's resolution, to write a story before the end of the year. I just promise that it won't be good.

I used to ship at first Eric/Natalia and then Calleigh/Ryan. But now I'm fully Eric/Calleigh.

Calleigh will have to make the first move because as adorelo said, Eric is pushing her and giving her little hints. At the end she eventually going to be tired of playing little games and will have to decide.
Wow that was quite a read. ;) You know I always see Calleigh making the first move, never Eric. I agree with Jodie though, Eric is pushing slightly, but knows that she has to make the ultimate move. Its all on Calleigh now. So get your butt in gear girl!
Um...blame iJenne for putting this phrase into my head... said...and I quote here...
It's working for me now. I'm gonna upload chapter 4 soon. your butt in gear girl! ;)

Seriously, just read Resolute Breath again...all 3 chapters. Eagerly awaiting chapter 4! :p
Jennifer said:
The other night when A&E was playing the last episode of season 5, I had to leave the room before that last part where Jerkly kissed Calleigh. I didn't want my dinner coming back up.
Just a reminder that we should avoid insulting other ships. A few weeks ago, these kind of comments caused a lot of bad feeling between the Miami ships, which we need to discourage.

If you wish to comment on other ships, please do so dispassionately, or ideally, take the discussion to the Miami Ship Debate thread. Thanks.
Theres a major conspiracy going on! Which I won't divulge here but if you PM me you can have the full story.

Just draw two stick figures lying on top of each other. That will work.
LOL! Yeah, that'd about do it!

I don't particularly like the last episode of season five either because Erics got that same look as enrique iglesias down to a fine art. Have any of you seen the video to tired of being sorry? That sort of lost puppy dog look enrique pulls is the exact one Eric does at the end of the ep. The kind of face that makes you want to leap into the tv and give him a hug and a cup of tea... not that i don't want to the rest of the time aswell...


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