Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Alright, I refuse to let have the definition for DuCaine *cringe* (no offense) and not HipHuggers/Koquesne/DuDe/any other variation of E/C. I think we should collectively some together and write the perfect definition for our glorious ship.

Oh, and welcome, Nora_73!
Alright, I refuse to let have the definition for DuCaine *cringe* (no offense) and not HipHuggers/Koquesne/DuDe/any other variation of E/C.

WHAT?! :eek: WH...WHAT?! :eek: HOW CAN THAT BE POSSIBLE?! :eek: :confused: Thats just... Hmmmm...

Hi Nora_73! :D *Waves* Hope you're well!

In other news, my sister-in-law managed to this ace 'scribbling' of E/C, but, for all who know me well will know, I have less computer knowledge than a sheep, so I can't make it pop up in one of those little window-y thing's (Very technical :rolleyes:).

And Emily keeps staring at me like she's looking at something behind me. Its like 'Mum, theres a mad axe murderer behind you!' kind of look. That girls gonna give me a complex. It makes me wonder if we don't have ghosts (Cos' Psychic guys say that babies can see them. :rolleyes: Of course they can!) Anyone got any good ghost stories?


Jessica, you’re last installment was great! Poor Eric and Maya, getting injured! :( And Calleigh for almost having a heart attack!

New episode on the 14th, yey! Hopefully we still get a moment even though this is Horatio-centric!

Claudia, I really wished that was really what happened! Oh what I would give to have that scene play out on screen!

Lucy, wow! You got talent! That’s some art work…kudos!

Hi Sunny, nice to meet you.

Welcome Nora! Oh, and your so oh cute fic! Awww…

Drommie, I agree about kids and ghosts. I had a cousin who died of brain tumor and one time (I wasn’t present but I was told) that her sister’s daughter who was 3 at a time would just stop and pray about her auntie and then resumed playing again like she hadn’t stop at all!

Jennifer, OMG! You’re fic…hot! Damn! :devil:

Caro, where’s the next installment?

Happy New Year everybody! :cool:
Happy new year! Anyone else hung over? I got up at 2:30 this afternoon, heh.

Welcome Nora!

Hey, look, I was the last person to edit that wiki.

For the urbandictionary entry, um, someone witty think of something funny. My head hurts.
Anyone else hung over?

I'm starting to appreciate not being able to consume alcohol now... I'm only kidding. It torture. Can't wait till Emily's old enough to sleep through the night so I can have something with more than 2.5% alcohol.

Drommie, I agree about kids and ghosts.

Glad to know its not just my paranoia.

I am neither clever nor witty so I will not even attempt to think of something for the urbandictionary. Not got a clue what are the 'in' words. Up until the age of 16, I thought that 'Urban' was somewhere in Africa.


Thx for the nice welcome! And a happy new year to you all.

I'm glad you liked my story. *claps*

BTW Jennifer, I read and reviewed your story. It's good.

Welcome iJenne and Nora! And damn right Hip Huggers are the best :D

Happy New Year everyone!! My hangover was sooo bad I thought my head was going to split in two!!
Welcome Nora and iJenne!

Am I the only one that's having problems with

I got up at 2:30 this afternoon
So did I. I went to bed at six in the morning.

As for the urbandictionary entry, I'm not as creative as some of you are so I won't try.

Oh and happy new year to all of you. Here's to our couple hopefully going canon! is being a total arse. I m about ready to throw a pillow at my computer...but that wouldnt help. *glares*
Oh well...*sighs*
Anywho Im sure JJ and Jodie already know, but I've written two more EC fics.
Yay me! *smiles*
Happy New Year my HipHugging buddies! :D

No hung over, amazingly enough...tired though, definitely! And I have to work in the morning...suck! :p

So we get a new eppy on the 14th? No Jake in this one? Hopefully!! :D It's about dang time we got some E/C hotness...I mean we got our hug...but I want a freakin' makeout already, come on!! :devil:
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