Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

...just popping in to make a completely pointless post to steal spot #855! Yay!

I'm convinced that for the holidays, along with all of the great fics you guys are up to, we'll receive one giant E/C moment. I mean, it's the giving season. They can't deprive us.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

midnight_tiptoes said:
Miami never does Christmas, I don't know why. It would be nice to see the characters coming together to celebrate since everyone but Eric and Calleigh seems so disconnected.
They really should have a holiday episode. I think that would be cute and funny. Sometimes on NY you see them go out for drinks or something together but on Miami, all you see is work, work, work. They should all (or just C/E) go out for dinner or something like that.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I love the pic, despite how frightening it is. :lol:

I think there should definitely be a holiday episode!! I really wanna see Eric and Calleigh celebrating Christmas!! Or the whole team doing something. But I'm actually glad Mondays not a new episode cause I'm going out of town and won't be back until Tuesday.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Everybody should watch Life on Monday at 10 pm on NBC. The network is showing it at a special time after Heroes and it's an awesome show. Normally it airs on Wednesdays but NBC is airing it twice next week, so since there's a Miami rerun on Monday you should all watch Life.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I second that. I'm going to be quizzing you guys on what happened and anyone who fails is going to get a bunch of horse porn in the mail next week. Unless that turns you on, then you'll get scat. If both those turn you on, then you're not cool enough to watch Life anyway.

I don't know why Miami doesn't show a lot of off-duty interaction between characters, but they should. And get the lab techs involved, because I miss Valera so much. Eric and Calleigh can sneak off later and have some time alone to do... whatever they want.

I'm so excited for the Christmas fics. I love Christmas and I love E/C so yay for both.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't have life so can i be exempt please? Can't wait to start the christmas fic! I hope the writers strike is over soon. No new episodes makes drommie a blue (not literally) woman. Maybe they could do a holiday special.


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ya know I think it is funny that they don't do a holiday episode considering they make a note to do a Halloween ep :confused: I mean why not a X-Mas ep??

The killer could be a Santa in disguised or could be dramatic and interesting while being cute and a type of bonding moment for the team.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

For some reason, that pic makes me think of of Cal singing "Santa baby" to Eric ;) :devil:

So yeah, Miami have never done a xmas ep...they never even talked about it (that I can remember). It'd be nice to have have them do a potluck or something in the break room. Maybe Sam could influence them? A little get-together would be nice because I miss Valera, too! And maybe Eric can sneak Cal away and give her a Christmas gift? Does anybody have the ep list/spoilers for December? Maybe the producers have forgotten why they hated holidays and actually make one for Miami this year...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Bones did one. Two actually. Christmas and halloween.

Maybe we should write them a holiday ep, and send it to be filmed. :D Or someone less biased with the romance.

Ah, caro didn't know it was you :) You should come join the making-pictures-with-only-paint thread in misc. We're making holiday cards of csi's with only paint. Join. Will be fun. You can make a pretty one.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Horse porn?! Oh dear. Unfortunately, that reminds me of a website a friend from High school told me (basically it's furniture in compromising positions) I don't know if it's funny, awkward, or just plain wrong, but there you go.

Okay, that was not on any topic at all (unless you want to add that to the list of elements for the christmas stories).

I agree that Miami needs to do a Christmas type eppy and show the characters doing some off the clock stuff. Do you think talking to Corey Miller would do anything? Who knows, I guess.

I had something else Miami-related, but I don't remember what it was. On the other side, however, we're having a nice little storm warning out here!!! I can't believe it's taken this long for snow to stick...

Oh my goodnes, my computer FINALLY downloaded the the picture! It should definitely be a postcard. I think it's adorable...and for being drunk, you did pretty well at staying in the lines :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I tend to spend Christmas either alone or at work. This time of year just really blows. Hopefully this year I can go visit my horse though. I can't wait until she lives closer to me. I have gotten some really hilarious ambulance calls on holidays though, so working isn't all bad.

I had a really long drive today and I was thinking about Eric and Calleigh as usual, but damned if I can remember what I was gonna post. I'm watching Money Plane now, and Hagen is such a domineering controlling asshole it's ridiculous. He is abusive, although he probably never was to her physically because I think she'd hit back, but who knows. It could go either way. But she's sure taking the convoluted path to Eric...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jodie yeah speaking of the Bones Christmas eppy makes me think...they had a fabulous under the mistletoe kiss moment and I would LOVE to have seen something like that for E/C! They totally could have done a Holiday ep and have had someone as a joke put mistletoe up in the lab and then Eric and Calleigh be passing eachother in the hall or something and Valera (cuz it just fits that it'd be her!) sees they're under the mistletoe and points it out and both E/C grin and stutter for a moment before moving in to give eachother an innocent peck, except OF COURSE as soon as their lips touch it would explode into so very much more and be so much hotter and longer and deeper! Valera's jaw would drop and E/C would finally pull away and after a long moment staring at eachother with "gooey eyes" they'd walk away in opposite directions, goofy happy grins on both their faces, leaving Valera stuttering in shock as she watches them walk away!

Wouldn't that rock! :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Mo? I love you.

Seriously, how PERFECT would that be? Oh, I've gone all gooey inside :lol:. Write a fic, Mo. I hand you the official E/C HipHuggers pen, and place upon you the duty to write that down.

Sigh, Miami needs a holiday ep. It's not like Christmas just doesn't happen in Miami.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

*pops in*

I'm trying to make a long long long overdue new layout for the Calleigh/Eric fanlisting and I thought you fluffy people could inspire me a little by posting your favourite C/E pictures and caps?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ohmygod she's alive! *lol*

Now here's two nostalgic faves of mine:


Those looks!
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