Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey im new here. But I am so in love with Miami.

I love E/C and really really want them to get together. I hate that it keeps being put off. This new episode was pretty good, considering the fact that Cal was mourning in Erics arms and the almost held hands. But did anyone see that ring on her left hand ring knida freaked me out for a moment.

Bloopers would be hilarious for Miami. We get to see that the actors that we love are people too and have a sense of humor.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

thanks hiphuggaholic, Jacks, & Drommie!!

the hug!! I loved how Calleigh didn't even consider trying to tell him she was fine! she leaned on him for support instead of trying to deny what she was feeling. & her holing onto him the way that she did was amazing!!

when she goes to the scene you can definitely tell she is falling for him!! at least she is starting to realize that she is. her smile through the whole scene was great! And as soon as he mentioned Jake she was upset and I don't think it was because she felt guilty. She is starting to realize what kind of guy Jake really is and I don't think she likes what she is seeing. J/C's days are definitely numbered!!

And as for Jake, wtf?! He didn't even ask her if she was ok! If he really loved her that would have been his first thought, it was Erics!! And we all know that he only asked Eric to collect the evidence to save his own butt! If Calleigh hadn't yelled at him he wouldn't have even thought about it. He was just trying to get on good terms with her again and I think Calleigh knows it. That's why she wasn't happy when Eric said he'd asked him to collect the bullet.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

welcome Miamilvr2024!

Oh bloopers would be wonderful, and you know there would be a lot of them. Plus I read in some article or other that Jonathan Togo and Emily Procter are really quite funny. I'm sure some of that's been caught on camera.

Oh Jakey-Jake...he has a bit o' growing up to do, but I guess we're seeing a little bit of that now. Maybe realizing that he has competition has knocked some sense into him??? Either way, Jake is McDonalds and Eric is prime steak. I could be guessing, but unless Calleigh is six, she probably wants the good stuff :)

Oh (sidenote here) how does one put up a picture deal? I just found out I can put one up, but I don't know how.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ya i heard that too Jacks, that Jonathan and Emily are hilarious off screen. That would be fun to watch.

The good stuff is definitely Eric. Yum! I dont know why Calliegh wastes her time on Jerkley when right around the corner is her best friend who loves her so much and would take her anyday. She just needs to realize how far this "trust Eric with her life" goes and get with him already. It'll definitely keep us from anymore anxiety attacks as we watch two people that are perfect for each other keep from uniting on the show.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

delkolover said:
There are fans out there (mainly H/C fans) who have noticed that in the last 26 episodes (the fact that they went back and counted blows my mind!) H and Cal have shared either one scene, a minute long at most or none at all and they even got Ausiello now wondering if there is a problem between Caruso and Procter in real life.

I just read this in the Miami forum and it really pissed me off. What's the point in attracting attention to all this unfounded drama? For what? What could this possibly accomplish? Ausiello isn't a journalist. His columns are 100% GOSSIP. Now he's going to start spreading these rumors, and the alleged tiff between Caruso and Emily will only get worse.

During seasons 3 & 4 Eric and Calleigh barely had any scenes together. I don't remember coming to this forum and reading rant after rant on the matter. People merely accepted it - some moved on, some kept around. No one cried, no one went off on TPTB, no one e-mailed Ausiello or Kristen. Sometimes things are the way they are and you need to accept it and move on. If things are meant to happen, then they will happen (we were patient and mature about it and got our reward).

If there are problems between Caruso and Emily, no one is going to admit it. No one is going to talk about it. That would be admitting that there are problems on the set and they are never going let people think that, ever. And if the rumors are true, I hate the idea of a few fans creating a stir to force Emily to do something she obviously doesn't want to do. Obviously it's all rumors, but I remember reading that Caruso once went off on her for flubbing her lines and went off to his trailer ranting and threatened to never come out until she learned her lines. Again: rumors, but if they're true then I can absolutely understand why she doesn't want to work with the man. Why force her?

Anyway. I agree with everyone that Jake is on his way out, that is fairly obvious. Calleigh has no patience for liars. Also, it's a little suspicious that he was lying about the drinks and then got all defensive about it. Why did he lie? He could've just admitted he had the drinks, it's not like it's a crime to have mimosas at brunch, anyway. It's pretty much the standard brunch drink (though a little too girly for a man to be ordering them).

What pisses me off is that every man Calleigh dates brings to the relationship nothing but drama. Hagen was batshit insane, Elliott was a liar, and Jake is a lying addict and a jerk. Boy, she really knows how to pick them, doesn't she? This is why I was hoping the relationship between her and Jake would go out with a whimper. I know the writers are trying to show us that Eric is the better man, but I'm tired of Calleigh's relationships drama. Let the woman be happy for once.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Eh...part of the problem is that people need to lay off. Some things you just don't want in public, and if there is a problem, don't freak out over it, just let David and Emily handle it like the professional adults they are. It seems more like a witch hunt than anything to me. For all we know, Khandi Alexander hates everyone but Emily Procter because of all of the CSIs, Calleigh seems to interact most with Alexx (obviously I don't think that at all...I'm just saying they shouldn't go borrowing trouble.)

For Cal's relationships? I've thought about that too. Maybe she doesn't think she deserves any better than them? Maybe she's scared to go for what she really wants/needs because she doesn't want to get hurt that deeply...maybe Calleigh is just way too willing to see the good in everyone and none of those guys took the time to realize what a treasure they had...maybe it all goes back to her relationship with her dad? I dunno. I'm definitely not a psych major/psychologist.

Regardless, she's getting knocked down over and over again, and it's setting her up for a relationship that will be exactly what she needs coughericcough. She'll come to better understand what love, trust, and so on are.

I'm certain (and I honestly hope) that things won't be perfect for Calleigh and Eric. There is going to be turbulance in their relationship, but their pasts have set led them to an understanding of what it really takes to make a relationship work.

Oh I'm rambling. I've been up since four this morning, and I am exhausted!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I'm so sick of people making a huge fucking deal about Emily and Caruso's lack of interaction on the show. I wasn't around during seasons 3-4, but I'm pretty sure nobody here went off about it in the episode thread every single goddamn week. Don't even get me started on whoever the hell submitted that question to Ausiello. A++ for maturity.

At the beginning of the season, I said I could deal with Jake for 6 episodes. I've dealt with 9. This triangle is not working for either side. Just put Calleigh, J/Cers, E/Cers, and basically every single person watching this show out of their misery and end this now, instead of damaging Calleigh's character further. From our point of view, she's an idiot for staying with Jake. From other people's points of view, they could say she's an idiot for leading Eric on. Either way, this triangle is square!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't think that it is such a big deal that DC and EP have had no scenes together as of late. The writers tend to put the actors with the most chemistry in scenes together, and I don't think that anyone could deny how MUCH chemistry EP and AR have together.

BTW, it's nice to have a group who don't mind me going on and on about Eric and Calleigh. My family is sick of hearing about it. Thanks guys...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Wait. Wait. Wait. I had no clue there was drama going on between Caruso and Proctor. But just coming into the subject, I think people should just leave the situation the hell alone. I think they can solve the problem without the fans and press getting them more aroused (if they are in the first place). All its gonna do is hurt the show, and someone could just leave it. Now we dont want to lose Calleigh or Horatio.

Back to the show drama, I definitely dont think that Calleigh wants to keep dating a possible alcholic. She even mentions her father in the scene where Jerkley lies his ass off to her. I think she has gone through enough drama and bad times in her childhood and growing up with her father being an alcholic that she doesnt want it in her "boyfriend" too. I think she is on her last straw with him even if Eric thinks "he is a stand up guy after all." (Which I think he was just saying because he is such a good humble guy and doesn't want to be proud prick like Jake).

Sooo... if any arguments should be going on its between these other forums on csifiles that think that Eric and Natalia should be together and Calliegh should be with Ryan or Jake.(kidding) At least the topic of this thread has a chance!! (not kidding)

P.S.- If someone could fill me in a little more on all these rumors about David and Emily that'd be great.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Welcome Newbies!!!

Me too! Got no idea whats going on. Whats going on between Emily and David? I'm oblivious - but not blissfully.

There are many terms i would use to describe Jake Jerkely but 'A stand up Guy' is not one of them. If its meant in the way that he is laughed at then YES. Hes got an Ego the size of Texas... and Nevada ... and Montana... and Russia ...


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh hey, I was so busy being annoyed at the immature idiot who got Ausiello involved that I forgot to welcome the newbies. So, welcome!

Please guys, I think it's best not to mention any of the rumors that are floating around, because rumors get passed on as fact too easily, and the less it's repeated, the better.

I don't have a problem with drinking, and I don't think 4 mimosas could've done much to Jake. The fact is, he lied to her, and truth is something that's so sacred to her. If it were Eric, he would've paid the tab, first of all, but also, if Calleigh confronted him or asked him about the drinks, he'd admit it immediately. Growing up in such instability, that's what Calleigh needs from a man: honesty.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ask a woman what they like most in a man and they'll tell you ... Honesty, Tenderness, Generosity and Thoughtfulness (Plus other things that are just specific to them) Words that do not appear in Jerkelys Dictionary, The space taken up by Egotistical, Proud, Ass ... but they do in Erics ... along with compassion, Understanding, And Love.

Maybe what women truly desire is a man who is a woman... Well, I do anyway.


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok. Ok. So were dropping the all rumors and drama. That sounds good except for the fact of people calling me a newbie. My brother always said that had some other meaning behind it other than being new but I never got it.

Anyway... and Calleigh is still oblivious, Eric is still gorgeous and has a big heart for Calleigh, and Jake still is a jerk, doesnt deserve Calleigh, and apparently now (according to Drommie) has an ego the size of the world. And we all want him off the show once and for all.

I love how we all are so caught up into these characters lives and we care so much about their feelings and well being.

Brooke...thats my name by the way.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Brooke - Newbie doesn't carry a negative connotation, as far as I'm concerned. Just a descriptive word to denote a person who is new to something, such as this board. I think your brother may be referring to various misspellings of the word that are usually used to describe people who aren't wanted or are disliked, but don't worry, that's not you. ;)

I don't think Calleigh's oblivious, especially after Monday night's episode, but it's getting kinda irritating that she still hasn't gotten rid of Jerkeley, since she's been shown enough times that Eric's the one who'll pull through for her. I think Emily did a good job of showing that Calleigh's letting the idea brew in her head. Just a matter of time!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I kinda figured. My brother can be an ass anyway.

A matter of time is right. Seems like a long time just waiting for the new episode every week. But I guess the writers have to plan out when the events happen since they only have so many epi in the season and want to make it suspensful for us. I'll be happy when their finally together..and everyone here will also.
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