Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lucy, I don't think my review will be intelligible. Here's a preview:


I hope, at least. ;)

Gina, are you abandoning the Futurama theme we have going on? How dare you?! Kidding, I have my SQUEE icon (almost) made, too.

Ack, you guys and your extended promos. I wanna see, I wanna see.

T minus 10.5/13.5 hours!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I know. I seem to just.... miss them all :confused:

To be honest Calleigh showing any sembalance of a negative emotion in Eric's presence is good. Shows she really does trust him as much as she says. And kudos to Emily for her own tears, not many people can do it effectivly... I am one of the few who can when need be. It's quite useful... *sob* I'm so sorry Mr Harpar *sob* my car broke down *sob* :lol: Works every time. ;) As for the hug. I am sharpening my fork for if they cut it. And, boo yeah, kill Stelter Cal!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I love today :D
My best friend of over 4 1/2 years, and I are now dating :D We have been best friends scince the first day of high school. And scince then I've had these feelings for him and theyve been getting stronger. Then yesterday I told one of my girl friends how i felt about this guy. In secret, thinking i could trust her like you do. Then she only went and told him which is the one thing I told her not to do :lol:. 10 minutes later which was about 11:30 he comes knocking on my door. Tells me that she told him and then tells me he feels the same and has done scince we met but he didnt act on it cause he didnt think that i would feel the same way, and he thought that it might be weird cause we are such close friends. Awwwww. Then he started crying :lol:
Anyway the point of sharing my love life with you guys is, if it can happen in real life it can happen on the show and IT WILL. Cause if it doesnt and they drop the E/C storyline (which I doubt they will this far in) there will be a lot of angry hiphuggers with with sharp pointy objects going in the writters direction :lol:

I'm paraniod that they are gonna drop the hug. Cause they dropped the Alexx hug :mad:. But cause of the angry mob I doubt they would be stupid enough to drop this hug :lol: I can't wait to see Calleigh crying. Laura (Emily) crying in Breast men had me welling up, God knows what I'm gonna be like when Calleigh starts crying; cause Calleigh has allways been so strong. But it's going to show just how much she trusts Eric, when she breaks down infront of him.

I Really cant wait!!!! I aint even gonna get to see it but I cant wait :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

My reason to be scared is that the hug is something CBS would've shown in the promo. I mean, they showed the kiss and advertised it to death. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being a pussy. Fingers crossed. At least we have the picture.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

It's 7.30 pm here and I actually contemplate going to bed right NOW... Then it would be TOMORROW morning right away and I could watch the episode!
How creepy is that?!
I should get myself a life...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Caro, you're freaking me out. We can deal with the consequences of a letdown after the fact. For now, let us have optimism! If they cut the hug, I'm gonna write a fan fic.

Leela, I would do the same thing, I think.

Sigh, I know the countdown is annoying but I don't care: T minus 8/11 hours!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Sorry, I didn't mean to. Positive thoughts. It's just kinda frightening when you get close to canon. I'm not a trusting person.

I envy you East coasters tonight. Oh well, I guess I'll try to take a long nap today. From, like non til 9:50 pm.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't think TPTB wanted to display the hug in the promo because the episode is supposed to be very Calleigh-centric. Yes, the prospect of E/C is very enticing to many viewers, but the promo is directed at her character and an event that may threaten her career... and then they have to fit in all the action-packed bullshit that people like. Maybe I'm not making sense or maybe I'm just coming up with anything to reassure myself that the hug and the glorious E/C-ness won't be cut. :confused:

Either way, I'm psyched as hell.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Aaaaaaahhhhh! I've been trying to see this promo luck. I feel like I have split personalities. On one side, I'm Jackie "I have things to do so I'll get them done and I'll act like a normal human being" and then I get in here, and I want to start hyperventilating (not a good idea because I'm in the library...they probably wouldn't react well to that)

Caro, I'm with you, I'm not a trusting person either. I have this lingering doubt in the back of my mind that the writers are just gonna say "oh kidding! Calleigh's going to get with Horatio and Eric will marry a prostitute" Anyway, if anyone has a link of some sort to see this promo, I would really appreciate it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

On the other hand, it would be really weird for Calleigh to start crying and for Eric to just sit there without trying to comfort her. So if they do cut it, the scene will be very awkward. We'll see. Also, I can't wait for the episode where Calleigh is all worried about Eric. Yayness!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Good point, Midnight! Not only is Eric a nice person who would do anything for Calleigh, he loves Calleigh. Ergo, when she cries, he'll be there. I'm super excited to hear that Calleigh is right out crying though! I've found that a good hard cry (or a laugh) can be so cleansing, and I'm sure it's been a while since Calleigh let herself really cry. So I just watched that clip for the beginning of the ep again...where is Calleigh coming out of, does anyone know? Oh, and from what I could see of her purse, it's really cute.

On a similar matter (though not spoiler-worthy), I was watching wannabe the other day with the commentary on. During the dumpster scene when ERic says he'll go in for Calleigh, I find it really interesting that the writers comment on what he's willing to do for her. This gives me the impression that even though they may have 'flirted' with the idea of putting Calleigh and Eric together earlier in the show, they really established that rapport/friendship/budding romance between the two...even when it was something like ants.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yes, it needs a spoiler box. The episode hasn't aired yet and some people are trying to stay spoiler free. And believe me, it sucks when you wanna be spoiler free and people keep talking about spoilers without using spoiler codes.

I think the friendship was pretty much established right away. She was the person he went to when he needed a place to stay and every time they need to talk to somebody about their issues they go to each other. Nobody seemed to care about Calleigh and Hagen except Eric, after all, and he was the only one she talked to about that. Ditto with the toothing and many other things.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Thanks, that's good to know. There wasn't a whole lot of big information in there, but I could see how even the little details would need to stay out of the main area. Thanks!

You've got a point. Honestly, with a relationship like that, it's amazing they managed to stay just friends for so long.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah Jacks. I think they were. It just wasn't the right time for them back then. I'm glad, in a way. Think how diferent it would be if they had got together back in season 1/2/3.

Knowing Miami, they wouldn't be together now.

They both seem to know when something is up with the other. Like in 'Death Grip' (?)- calleigh is the only one who notices Eric wander off.

And the numerous times when one has thought of something pertanant to a case and the other is all 'what' before it is even mentioned.

'Tis cute.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yey Monday! The internet in my building has been down since last night so I have to go to the library to use their wifi. And it didn't even matter that it snowed this morning because I need internet and it's Monday!

I'm so dying to see the ep tonight! Someone's gonna get seriously hurt if anybody touches the remote control!

And don't worry, the hug will still be there because Calleigh needs it...hell, we need it!
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