Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

The ep wasn't too was just as disjointed as the premiere though....Made it a little hard to follow and some of the stuff again, felt forced over all.

The only consolation I have is that in the past the first few eps of the season have been like this and then they pick it up when sweeps roll hopefully things will get better.

As for the lack of E/C...I have nothing to say...b/c Eric and Cal were hardly around in the ep anyway to make one ioda of a difference. And yes, I am very frickin tired of the whole Ryan scenario. Just give the guy back his job so he can stop moping and thinking he is god's gift to the lab....which he is not. He of all people who majorly fucked up last season should not be saying that they need him or are desperate to get him back. The whole characterization of him has gone to the dogs, imo. Just give him his job back...the whole thing has been played out enough.

Sam, while pretty, not overly impressed. Although I want that hot computer she was working on! Nice to know our worries about her and Eric were unfounded...but I didn't think the wirters would go there anyway b/c they already have. Hopefully we will see a little more of her so we can make an accurate review of her character b/c what we saw was boring.

Oh and Stetler's little appearance was boring. They need to use him more often than to do just do little one liners and small scenes. Cuz while he is an ass, I like him and he is not hard to look at :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh Lucy, I can't even begin to tell you how much I agree with you! The EC interaction was pathetic, but really, at least there was no Jake. (nice ff prompt challenge-ish type thing though!)
I hate to say it, but Horatio is really getting on my nerves. There are times I just love the guy, but can we please focus on someone else for a few minutes? Who cares if someone's out to get Horatio? I guess it would be exciting if the whole world wasn't out to get him. Let's do something fresh, shall we?
On a side note, I have a friend who is convinced Eric and Calleigh seem awkward around each other. Clearly, she's not watching the show :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

delkolover said:
Oh and Stetler's little appearance was boring. They need to use him more often than to do just do little one liners and small scenes. Cuz while he is an ass, I like him and he is not hard to look at :lol:

What was the deal with Stetler anyway? He actually seemed worried about Horatio...or at least not as ready to spite him.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Yeah that was an odd switch as far as Stetler goes. But honestly, I think on some level Stetler is just doing his job. Yes, back in the earlier seasons he may have been doing a lot of it to spite H b/c H was chosen over him for the LT. position. But it has seemed lately that he might be over that slightly. Although, there are times that I think Rick enjoys his job way too much.

I can't wait to see how is in episode 9 with Cal's whole situation...I'm sure he will be back to being an ass about everything by then :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Last night ep ,EC wise, sucked beyond compare!!!!!!! Although I didn't expect to see anything between them I was still mad!!! :mad: That so-called scene they were in together was crap. They did'nt even speak to each other. You would think since Jake wasn't in it we would have had SOME type of scene of them(jealous,angsty,flirting) but nothing! These damn writers don't know how to continue anything.

When did they push back Speed's ep?? I'm so out of the loop guys!! ;) :p

And you're right Jacks Horatio gets on my nerves too and I even say it out loud when he does something to irritate me(which is often) but right after I'm back to loving him. :p

I didn't see the preview for next week,anyone know what it is?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Next week's preview from what I saw in commercial, is when H's son broke free with others from the prison bus. Nothing pertained to EC.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

We probably won't see any E/C related stuff until Bang Bang b/c Jake will be that ep as well as a sting of others that follow that one. So more than likely we might see/get something then.

I am really getting the feeling from spoilers that Jake is going to be gone by the end of Nov sweeps but I can't confirm that until I get more spoilers.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Gotta love the East Coast! ) I think I was the only one not posting during the show. Gotta say, it's probably because I fell asleep.

Bah, I needed an EC fix so bad after that epi, I started on your challange Jacks. Can I use a metaphoric goat? ;)

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Pics of "Bang Bang Your Debt" are posted in the Miami picture and spoiler threads guys.

I need a EC fix too adorelo!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Ugh. I was bored by last night's episode. And I totally missed the half-second that Eric and Calleigh were on screen together. :(

Although, being absolutely bored with the episode means I'm tempted to write a missing scene ficlet, maybe. :D I still get the impression that if Eric had been in the room with Calleigh while she was shooting the bow and arrow, that could've been an intense scene. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

YEY YEY YEY YEY please do Jess. I'd love that. I'm writing a fic too, maybe we can wake up the EC-ness of fanfiction!

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Thank you all for the warm welcome! :)

As far as last night's episode, I was disappointed that almost all Cal's scenes were with Natalia. What fun is that? Do you think Cal knows that Nat and Eric were hopping all over each other a few seasons back? I don't think I can ever be a Natalia fan after that.

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

The ep sucked...there is no two ways about it...I thought it was a little better than the premiere but not by much. And just to show you how bad it sucked The Hollywood Reporter had this to say:

CSI Miami (14.9 Million viewers) showed another decline atop its lowest rated original episode in its history, although it was still dominant at 10pm.

The article also goes on to say that "all" shows seemed to decline from last week to this week...not just Miami. Heroes was down as was Prison Break and others shown last night. The overall winner was Dancing with the Stars but the article attributes the decline of all shows to the football and game the baseball playoff game.

Either way, and for whatever reason...the ep still sucked. They need to stop trying to be soo flashy just go back to telling the damn story like they did in the second half of last year. It was all just too disjointed, they went from the main case to H's little thing and back again way too much without any fluid trainsition...something that will hopefully be retified as the season goes on.

It also just goes to show you that romance in any show gets ratings...tell the story and throw in some E/C and then maybe it won't be soooo boring :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

personally i was surpremely disappointed in last nights episode. Not only was there like next to no E/C scenes, but Calleigh and Eric were hardly in the episode!!! I need to see something!! Even if that means Jake has to stay around for a couple more epis & there's some more jealous Eric!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oooh, Jessica, please do write a missing scene! I really need an EC fix. I've been trying to come up with a story, but everything gets so freaking complicated...I'm not good with the one-shots.
Jodie--as long as it doesn't involve strange sacrifice rituals or illegal interactions with animals, that goat can do whatever it wants to do.
Jackie--I don't know if this shows how desperate I am, but I'm so freaking excited for whatever stetler's got going on in ep 9

*the "other" jackie* :)
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