Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I know! When I saw him on Miami I was like, where the hell do I know him from? Then I was like.. Oh... Dam...

Both Emily, Calleigh AND the writers have picked up on the fact that they were planing on starting something between Eric and Calleigh in the earlier seasons. But it wasn't the right time.

It is now.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

it is definately the right time to start E/C and I am pretty happy with the way they seem to be handling things. Sure, it is hard to watch her with Jake but it is making things juicy and interesting. and that is important. We would all be totally bored if they just put E/C together w/o a fight. So what we seem to getting right now (and this inlcudes spoilers) makes me confident we will get something good when the times comes.

4hrs 15 mins til Cal wields a bow!! :lol:

I am just hoping they work the "trust" issue with this whole triangle b/c trust is sooo important to Cal and she even said numerous times last season that she didn't trust Jake and we all know how much she trusts Eric. To be honest, I would love to see Eric show his level of trust in Cal...and I hope that is what we will get to see in Episode 9; a slight role reversal. Cal has showed her trust in Eric so many times and on so many levels; I mean she lied to IAB for him. So hopefully Eric will do something similar to show us and her his level of trust in her.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

So...I definitely replied to this earlier. Don't know what happened to it. Let's try this again, shall we?

Doesn't it seem like they were pushing the relationship really hard for a few episodes and then nothing? But yeah, I agree, then wasn't the right time, now definitely is!

would it be crazy to say I'm going to marry him ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Hopefully we will get a little something in Bang, Bang, Your Debt...that is the ep where Eric sees Speed. So I am kind of hoping we see a little E/C interaction in that one.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh, I could see that happening. You haven't heard anything about that yet then?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

About what? E/C interaction in that ep? I have to go back and look over my spoilers if that is what you mean. They came out sooo long ago that I can't remember and the show does soo many 11th hour changes that it all could have changed by now.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

We would all be totally bored if they just put E/C together w/o a fight.

Well...not if putting them together without a fight meant that every week we got to see an hour of Eric and Calleigh not leaving the bedroom... :lol: :devil: I know I wouldn't be bored then! ;)

I would love to see something, anything that displayed Eric's trust in Calleigh. This relationship is all about trust. Calleigh trusts Eric implicitly, and if we had 100% confirmation that Eric trusted her the same way, then that would seal the deal on these two. From there, canon would be about the only place left for them to go. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Yeah, interaction in the ep. Sorry, I wasn't very clear. You don't have to look though; I'll just wait to watch the episode.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

^^No problem. I will go back and look.

As for the trust thing...I think that is what we will get in episode 9. It makes sense that his trust in her would come out in that ep, given the situation she will be in. And you are right Jessica , once we know that he trusts her as much as she trusts him then going canon will be the only thing that is left as a form of confirmation for these two.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

steps out of lurking :)..i dont think Eric and cal will hook up in episode 9 i think the epi will show us that jake is an ass :mad: and cal needs to kick him to the curb :)..but i highly doubt that she will immediately run to eric..she needs to work on her issues first me thinks before she can actually start a relationship and since she trusts eric soo much she might be afraid that its either she will hurt him or the both of them... do i make sense arrghh :mad: ..E/C might happen either in feb or in the finale coz the writers just like to torture us :devil:ill stop babbling now and go back to study i will post after tonights epi
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Were bringing out lurkers!!! Welcome Pendy & Nicky!!

I think that the whole trust issue will really be what brings Eric and Calleigh together. That is the whole basis for their relationship, once Eric shows how much he trusts her too then your right, canon is the only step left.

Since Stetlers in this epi is this the one where he finds out about Jake & Calleigh?? And Calleigh gets upset with Eric? If so then switching the episodes makes sense & is in our favor. If she gets made at him & is still mad in the Speed epi then our speculation that she will feel guilty for not noticing Eric's trouble would make sense. Am I making sense?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Less than 4 hours to go til we hopefully get some E/C interaction! How fun would it be if we got Cal demonstrating shooting the bow and arrow to Eric! I could see that being a good scene! ;)

I'm bummed Speed got pushed back, that had glimmers of good E/C possiblities written all over it! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Like Eric would be paying any attention to Calleigh actually shooting the bow. You know his attention would be elsewhere, especially if she's wearing another of those super-low-cut tops that you know Eric loves her in. :devil: :D

But that would be a cute scene, yes. :D I imagine that for Calleigh to demonstrate it properly, Eric would have to be really, really close to her in order to watch... :D

I'm bummed Speed got pushed back, that had glimmers of good E/C possiblities written all over it!

I'm not. Isn't that one supposed to be on October 15th now? :D 'Cause that would make it an early birthday present for me, yay! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Stetler isn't supposed to find out about J/C until episode 605 Deep Freeze. I don't really remember why he is in the ep! It probably,and I am speculating here on this, might have something to do with Ryan and his involvement in the case and with the team since he is trying to get resinstated.

Yes, Bang, Bang is supposed to air the 15th now. Nice b-day present for ya Jess!

10 mins to go here on the east coast! ;) The faster we get through these eps the fast we can get to the REAL E/C eps!! ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

well 8 more mins accdg to my clock :)....delkolover which state in the east coast if you dont mind??? sooo excited right now...hope we get E/C interaction tonight ;)
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