Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I prefer looking at my stats cause you can have a story up far ages and have only a few reviews but if you look at your hits it's up in the 100-1000's
The most hits ive had so far is 7375 and that story has only got 16 reviews which means there are 7359 lazy people out there :lol:.
Ive also found that more people read M rated fics.
I feel like im doing stats homework :lol:

I wouldn't put it past the writers to make Cal jealous because Eric is seeing someone while she's with Jake either.

All i really care about is what we all already know and that is that Eric and Calleigh will be together.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

They're bringing in a gorgeous, young, little thing to a show that sees women as sex objects. Ryan isn't working at the lab and Horatio is almost asexual. Sam is all gorgeous and sexy and shit, so you KNOW they're gonna make her flirt with someone, and Eric seems to be the only option. They also have the triangle and they want to make it more complicated. So I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I don't wanna see it, but I'm kind of expecting it. BUT, at the same time I think Sam will notice something's going on with Eric and Cal. In the preview, you see Eric behind Sam but she's talking to someone, so I kinda got the impression Calleigh is in that scene, too. I don't know, we'll see, but I'm honestly not expecting this storyline to be creative at all. They'll probably hit every single cliche on the way to E/C.

I find that people who read NC-17 stories very rarely review, because they don't want people to think they're perverts. But yes, those kind of stories tend to get more hits. Figures.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

skylar that spoiler is so true, and the thing about the NC-17 stories :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

so what if...
Sam ended up flirting with Jake. I mean if we're going cliche might as well go for the gold, right? gah! Jake needs to go already! **touches ears and hums** ((hussa...hussa..)) **repeats mantra** ((patience is a virtue...patience is a virtue...)) seriously, I just don't want Eric to come full circle with this...sleep with everybody...gone mature...then sleeps again with everybody. blah! Hopefully she'll be more like Cooper, just there for technical purposes and nothing else.

I don't even know if that needed spoiler box but oh well..
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Hey guys. Thanks for making a new thread for E/C. Helps with catching up on stuff. I don't go online for 3 days and ppl post so much. Lol. You guys are so obsessed, I love it!

I've been reading lots of Mal/Inara romance fics lately in various Firefly ff sites. Soo freakin' good. Reminds me so much of the sexual tension that Eric and Calleigh are feeling. One difference is that Eric and Cal might get together, whereas Firefly canceled after half a season so no Mal/Inara relationship and the movie 'Serenity' didn't help either.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Aw, Mal/Inara. They were so awesome. E/C and M/I have a few similarities, too, like the freaking lack of communication. Of course, Eric doesn't call Calleigh a whore.

I miss Firefly :(

E/C is like M/I with some of the Simon/Kaylee humor. Perfect combination, if you ask me. I miss the humor on CSI: Miami. Not that they were ever good at it, but at least they used to try.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Okay, guys, I need to find some time to finish my porn and I was thinking that later on I oculd finish that belated Christmas chalange story from last year, since I remember the plot, but I do have one problem...

I understand that criticizing writing is normal but I can't believe some people have the nerve to say how terrible a lot of E/C fics are. The writers are writing them for you and I just think it is sad how you could say how much you hate a certain style of writing. Everyone is different and they are not going to have type of angst or fluff that you want. It makes me wonder why I should continue writing if I might not get any respect. I am sorry I had to say that to you all but it was just bothering me for a moment. And please don't get angry with me, the last thing I want is someone else hating me. :eek: :cool:
Are we still scared of that lab chic? I did think that Eric was checking out her ass in the promo but do you all still think she is a threat?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

You've got to be kidding me. I start a new job for two days, I come back and there's a new thread. And news of some lab girl causing trouble. Damn, it's so hard for me to keep up.

*sigh* *anxiously awaits new episode*

Oh, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with something... I know this should go in the 'Questions' thread, but it's somewhat related to E/C. So, I have finished making my first E/C fanvid on Windows Movie Maker, but when I try to save it to my computer it only saves half of the vid. I don't understand why and it's really irritating. Anyway... I was just wondering if anyone had experienced something along the same lines and could help me out. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

It used to bother me a lot that shitty OOC make-out/sex stories would get a lot more reviews than well-written stories. It's unfortunate that a lot of fans can barely tell the difference between their faces and their asses, never mind between well-written and poorly-written fics.

Badly-written smut is seriously the worst thing ever. While I admit that there's a difference between fan fics and reality (because in my limited experience, simultaneous orgasms should be renamed "coincidences"), there are some smut fics that are so OOC and so unnecessarily lewd that I can't get past the first paragraph.

I don't think I've ever finished a story where the author didn't know how to punctuate (I am so anal about dialogue punctuation). It just really distracts me from the plot when I keep having a little grammar book flipping through the back of my head going, "affect, not effect." Everyone makes grammatical errors, of course, but if it's blatantly glaring, I have to stop reading.

While I agree that it's pretty rude to tell an author a story sucks without any kind of reasoning to back it up, I applaud anyone who has the balls to endure a bad story and list out (nicely!) what about the story needs improvement. I think that kind of feedback is really the best thing a reviewer can do for an author who is having trouble without realizing it. Rarely is it about style of writing.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I really don't see Sam as a threa to E/C on any level b/c the writers have already done the "Eric slept with the new girl" thing and he has changed and matured since that disaster with for the writers to go there again would be boring and redundant. Plus it wouldn't make for much a "triangle" then would it? It would be more of a sqaure then. :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I didn't realize you could check out hits in your story...I think I'm honestly in the previous century or something...dial-up internet, lack of good computer knowledge.
As a writer, I would honestly rather someone tell me that my story (or chapter) sucked and I could improve it by doing _____ ______ and ______, you know?
As far as telling other people about their stories...I'm not going to lie, I tend to read stories written by authors so far above my level of writing that I couldn't find anything wrong if I took a microscope to it. If I do read the less than adequate stories, it's usually out of sheer desperation, and it's really hard to know what to say in circumstances like that. Usually, yes it is mechanics and grammar, but some times, the story needs more meat, and that's hard to say. "Hey, your story is kind of shallow. Maybe you should take things more slowly" you know?

On another note, I just have to say that I love how positive you guys are...I know I've only been here for like a day, but 1. you all care so much for eachother, 2. you care so much for the characters, 3. you have hope. Here's what I mean by hope: you say when Calleigh and Eric get together. I'm not going to lie. I often find myself saying if and not really believing it's going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I think it should, but you know that little feeling in the pit of your stomach (or the back of your head) where you can't help but think they're going to toy with you for a little while and then drop it completely.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

delkolover said:
Plus it wouldn't make for much a "triangle" then would it? It would be more of a sqaure then. :lol:
:) it's true, and really, love shapes are better when there's an odd number of points.
Hey, maybe the sam girl is married or considering going into a nunnery (is that what it's called) and she's not a threat in any way?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Of course I'm gonna say when Eric and Calleigh get together because I know they will.

I just think it is kind of rude to say stories suck when at least they are trying. I enjoy all stories because they are E/C. Anything E/C is okay in my book!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I don't think Sam is a threat to EC either. Eric is too emotionally buried in this one to be deterred by a new girl, though he'd probably allow himself to flirt if it came down to that.

Jacks - someone has to care for the characters, since it's apparent the writers are doing a half-assed job of it. And we believe! Sometimes I do wonder if we're as delusional as some of the other ships, but c'mon, it's EC. It just has to be them.

Xane - I agree that it's rude to say "your story sucks," but as a writer, I don't mind critical feedback that helps me become a better writer.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Well I don't think 'your story sucks' is crucial feedback. I guess I am actually that kind of person who'd rather have someone tell me what I'd need to improve on than here how bad it sucked.

I don't even care about Sam. I haven't heard any mentionings of her in the next episodes so I don't think she has anything to do with Eric. If she does, this kind of storyline would get old quick. I'm tired of Eric getting these late night booty call stories.
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