Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Welcome, lanmwolf! Not lurking is good.

I really wanna see jealous Calleigh this season. Really. Like right around the time when they finally get together, I want her to see him with another girl and be all jealous and pissed, and Eric amused. I would love that.

And yeah, Calleigh never told Eric she didn't wanna be with him. If that's what the writers wanted us to think, then they really dropped the ball. What I got is that she does want to be with him, but thinks they shouldn't because of work.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Hi! I'm a newbie to this thread too... :) I've been watching Miami sporadically over the years and only really got into it the last few weeks. I recently bought DVDs of Seasons 1-4 and have Season 5 on tape and recently completed my marathon of the episodes…I’ve recorded Season 6 episodes already and am almost up-to-date. Anyway, I loved the E/C moments throughout the series and Season 5 was amazing E/C-wise. I love that Eric was so jealous over Jake in Born To Kill and in Dangerous Son.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

As much as I hate anyone having to be jealous...I wouldn't mind a switch from Eric having to jealous to Call having to be yeah I'm with ya a bit on that Caro!

It's true that she NEVER said she didn't want to be with him (we KNOW she does!) she's just scared...silly Call, there's nothing scary about finally getting everything you've always wanted!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Welcome, Katie and Mandy! :)

Yeah, other ships (and maybe even us sometimes!) tend to twist things around to work in their favor, but it's even a stretch for them to say that Eric purposely ratted out Calleigh to Stetler. I mean, what part of "Eric is not dating Natalia and therefore did not understand what Stetler was insinuating" do they not understand? They're either really stupid or have cataracts. For the sake of humanity, I hope it's the latter, 'cause at least it's operable.

When Eric said, "That was different," when talking about her visiting him at the hospital versus her visiting Jake, Calleigh replied, "It is different, because you and I work together," which basically means that it wouldn't be different if they didn't work together in the lab, which means that other than the fact that they work together, there's no difference between what she wants with Eric and what she has/had with Jake (on a purely black and white level, of course, not taking into account actual aesthetics or the degree of affection and trust or really anything other than "yes, Eric, the feeling is mutual").

Which means we are so going canon.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I ship everybody. I've been known to twist everything to work in any pairing's favor, depending on who I'm defending at the time. :lol:

But I agree with you, Lucy. :) There is no possible way that Eric would've known what Stetler was going on about. I despised the E/N scenes, but to Eric himself, that meant nothing. He was merely helping a friend, and even if it had meant something, he didn't know that Stetler spied him hugging Natalia anyway. Of course his mind would jump to Jake and Cal, since that's the only inter-office relationship he knows about right now. I will say, however, that Eric did not have to say anything about Cal and Jake, especially not to Stetler. He knows how Stetler is, and I can't help but wonder why anybody, not just Eric, would say anything like that to Stetler. He could've merely said something along the lines of "why are you telling me this?", which would've been safer for all parties involved, but then again, there would be no reason for this Jake/Cal drama.

He didn't rat her out, most certainly not on purpose. There's no way I'd believe that. Number one, he tried to warn Calleigh. He would not have called her if he meant to tell Stetler about her and Jake; he would've walked off with a smug smirk on his face. But he tried to warn her. And then he confessed and apologized and I'm sure there was some extra talking going on in the Hummer after that scene because I don't think Eric would let that go until he knew that she knew that he didn't do it on purpose. Having her mad at him is just not acceptable to Eric. :D

On a different note, I also agree that it's about time for Jealous Calleigh to make another appearance. :D And that makes me wonder...what if it hadn't been Stetler who'd seen Eric and Natalia on Monday? What if it had been Calleigh?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

That would've been awesome. She'd be pissed no doubt, and really passive aggressive about it. And Eric would've called her on it. I don't know. They really need to remind us that Calleigh has feelings for Eric because right now it's all from Eric's side and nothing from Calleigh. The writers are trying to be so careful and now no one knows what the hell is going on. Hell, it took 5 episode for Eric to confirm he doesn't want Calleigh to be with Jake. At this rate it'll take us, what, 3 years?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I would've liked it a lot better if they played it out that way, because there would be so many things that they could fix:

1) lack of jealous Calleigh
2) Eric being subject to angry Calleigh even though he didn't do anything wrong
3) J/C fans getting mad at Eric even though he didn't do anything wrong
4) J/C fans crying over Jake even though he's the one who suggested they should cool off
5-10) J/C fans

All instances of "J/C fans" refer to those who exhibit an extremely poor grasp of grammar and use excessive amounts of punctuation, i.e. not you, Jessica. ;)

I can't wait three years, dude. I don't know how you guys made it five.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Beleive me, it has been a painful wait ;)

It is hard to see anything from Calleigh, ie jealousy or anger cuz right now she has her head so far up Jake's ass it must be impossible for her to see anything!

I thought we saw the old caring Calleigh in BBYD...but even that stuff is so few and far in between. I agree that being with Jake is making her act like a dumb bimbo. I mean c'mon all of sudden this woman needs this jerk to be the old playful Calleigh??? No, the best for thing for Calleigh is to get as far as away from Jake as possible. Since when does Calleigh talk about coffee machines at a crime scene?? Her professional side is going out the window. The guy is turning her into a moron.

It is like that old drug commercial with the egg and the hot frying pan; this your brain (a regular egg); egg in frying pan sizzling; this is your brain on Jake.

She needs to kick his ass to curb and WAKE UP to the fact that he does not care about her...all he cares about is his job and Monday was a primo example of that.

As for the whole 'heating up' thing...I really think TV Guide printed that before anyone saw Monday's ep! Unless Caro is right and continue things in secret; which is still a possibility. Either way, I think Cal is going to get a very rude and heartbreaking reality slap in the face come ep 609. And God help us if he does come to the rescue! Which I highly doubt he will, otherwise why would Nayar say anything about it in the first place?? These writers know no such thing as subtly and creativity; he basically gave the end result away, IMO. So far it has been pretty easy to guess where everything is going and while I have, at times, been midly surprised, mostly everyhing I thought that was going to happen, is happening in some way or another.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I'd hope that if Calleigh and Jake continue it in secret, Eric would be privy to that knowledge, but then again, Calleigh didn't look like she planned to tell Eric about who was in Antigua with her in the premiere. Actually, I don't think they could even do this, because if J/C were planning to put on a show to get Stetler off their backs, I don't think she would've gotten pissed at Eric. And Calleigh's supposed to be a good actress, but she looked way too hurt/angry to have known the news prior.
Before they got on the Hummer, when Eric was trying to explain, I thought he looked worse-off than Calleigh, probably because Calleigh's so good at hiding her emotions. Adam did an amazing job portraying Eric's guilt (I know he didn't do anything wrong but he probably still felt guilty).
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

It amazes me how the Cake fans are tearing into Eric for his obvious slip up. You could tell he didn't intentionally mean to let the cat out of the bag. I mean as soon as Stetler left the first thing he did was call Calliegh. By doing it purposely he'd be hurting Cal and putting a dent in their trust and Eric would NEVER do that. No offese to any Cake fans but can you say dellusional!!! If it was so easy for Jake Jerkly(a fitting name by far)to say they should cool it he doesn't care for her that much in the first place.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I thought he looked worse-off than Calleigh, probably because Calleigh's so good at hiding her emotions.
I don't think Calleigh really is that good at hiding her emotions...
-- in Deep Freeze she did look annoyed when she asked Eric how Stetler found out about her and Jake
-- last season in Broken Home when Calleigh had to confront Eric about the mistakes he made on his first day back to work, it was more than evident she was really upset and struggling not to cry...her eyes were really moist toward the end of that scene
-- in Man Down when she was sitting by his bed, talking to him, again she looked like she was struggling not to cry

While there are times she does hide how she feels (like in those season 1, 2, and 3 episodes with her alcoholic Dad), there are times her emotions do come to the surface, where she tries to keep them hidden and isn't so successful at it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I wasn’t surprised that Jake was only interested in protecting himself from any potential backlash career-wise. Makes him quite self-centered and selfish, I think. Goes to show that he can be quite the jerk to Calleigh, not once, but more times than she can count. As for Calleigh, she’s almost like a doormat, letting Jake step all over her. Wake up Calleigh, he’s broken your heart before and he’s broken it again. Gah! Oh well… IMO, Jake’s character was introduced into the show in order to create a road block to the entire E/C relationship…Creates for more drama…

I completely agree that Eric would never intentionally hurt Calleigh when he spilled the beans to Stetler. Anyway, just my two cents. I wonder how everything will pan out regarding the new rules Stetler just dished out.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I *am* convinced the only reason Jake is around is to act as a road block for E/C. He serves no other purpose than to do that. Well him being around has also given the writers to the opportunity to promote Frank...with Frank on patrole there would be no one to fill the role he plays at crime scenes; which is exactly what Jake is doing now. Also ever notice how when we barely see Ryan, Jake is around? Keeping Jake as filler and a tool to progress other storylines is the only purpose he serves and it is blatantly obvious. Which is one reason why Jake won't stick around; there are already too many players on the show and right now he is taking up some of their screen time. Not to mention the fact the Johnny is a big actor and very busy.

I think when the writers first introduced Jake he was only supposed to be a passing love interest for Cal and maybe be done and gone by the end of last season but after Man Down the writers changed direction and thought up the storyline we are now seeing.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Welcome, Katie and Mandy!

Calleigh doesn't hide her emotions, per say. But she recovers well. She has almost a 'slip' where we see the vulnrability (otherwise there would be no point her being on camera) but them we see this 'mask' slide back up.

I don't care what they say anymore. I've come to the conclusion that Jake and Calleigh are not going to last. All this stuff about them 'heating up' and 'ending', it's just a way to create drama (of course). I don't think we will have to wrry about Jake for much longer. Well, that's my prediction. Lets see how well my psychic skills serve me...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Right now I'm waiting to see something from Calleigh's side like midnight_tiptoes mentioned. Eric's feelings have been quite clear for everyone (that's a really good thing!) so now I'm eager to see Calleigh either confused when it comes to Eric, or jealous, or something that lets us know exactly where she's at. A scene like in Burned when she whispered his name and gazed into his eyes ;). Or like in Born to Kill when she looked so guilty after the kiss *pukey smiley here, like someone said*. We've seen concerned Calleigh which is great but then all the other shippers just go off saying the whole motherly crap thing. So, yes, I want to see something more from her, cause we all know it's there.

And welcome to all the newbies!!!! :D
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