Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Leela you always spoil us with the manips and caps and I don't think you get enough credit for Thank You for all the pic posting you do ;)

Now where the hell are the caps? :lol: :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

last nights epi...WOW!!! Best episode of the season so far!!!

the beach scene was so cute and the CSI Duquesne line was adorable!! I love flirty Eric and Calleigh!! They are so at ease with each other! coffee maker scene almost made me sick, i thought it was going to happen!! but then the hummer scene brought me back! :D I loved that Calleigh was the one who brought up that Eric might have a problem with her and Jake. It is obviously something that's on her mind!!

Eric's concern for Calleigh after the shooting made my heart melt!!! loved it!! and the scene with Cooper was AMAZING!!! both of them played that so well it just goes to show what amazing actors both of them are! And i loved that Calleigh thought of Eric before herself, shows where her affections lie and that he was on her mind!!

EC is defintally going to happen!! There can be no doubt in anyone's mind that these two are made for each other!! Now it's just a matter of waiting till it finally happens!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Leela, yes, thank you! Oh man, that is pretty awesome and very well-done.

Even though I'm going to be paying my ISP for additional data transfer (yes, I went over my 20 gig download/10 gig upload limit for the month already... damn House), I'm downloading the latest episode because it's the first real EC we've had since the season started and I want to bathe in it forever.

Last Friday, I was at my friend's house watching a rerun of Miami on A&E and two seconds into the first scene, I'm like, "Oh, this is Ashes to Ashes, the fifth episode of the first season!" and she almost kicked me out of her house. :''(
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

agreed delkolover Leela doesn't get enough credit so thanks leela :D

calleighsthebest I know how you feel about having to wait until next year :( so not fair.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I think the coffee machine scene was there because a) prelude to the Hummer scene and b) new viewers needed to learn that she's with Jake. But otherwise the writers aren't putting any thought into the J/C relationship, they aren't developing it, it's just... there. The little moments they get are totally generic. Meanwhile, it's the E/C relationship that keeps getting screen time and development. I mean, if the best they can do with JC is get them talking about coffee machine then it's clear that ship is going nowhere.

Top41 mentioned something interesting in the discussion thread, that Jake's lack of enthusiasm and refusal to indulge Calleigh with her coffee machine spells commitment issues. I could see that. I don't know, if I'm starting a relationship with someone and it's going great and that person talks about a coffee machine they really really want, I'd go out and get it for them. Jake's reaction was like, "I would never use it." What a guy.

Eric would've dropped everything and run to Sears in a flash, case be damned.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Just a reminder that swearing in moderation is fine, but excessive swearing is inappropriate (with this being a PG-13 Board and all). Thanks everyone. :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Ok. I'm back in NY :) I didn't make it back for the epi :( But you're reviews have me hopeful!

Sky, glad you're ok. I'm sorry about your friend, send her our combined love.

It seems I missed a good one, but I'll catch up. It can only get better from here, right? Oh no, wait, this is Miami.

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

My favorite part of last night's episode?

"Come on, Eric. It's me." AWW! I wanted to smack Eric for not talking to her, even though I could understand why he wouldn't, and my inner angst lover was thriving on the fact that he didn't tell her. :lol: But that one line right there nearly killed me. So cute, and so heartbreaking all at the same time.

And I so wish Calleigh had found Eric at Tim's grave at the end. It would've made more sense to me to have it happen that way, since she was with Eric when they busted Cooper. She knew he was hurt; I wanted to see her go to him.

Bottom line, the EC last night was just all kinds of awesome. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

You'll probably be able to buy it off iTunes soon.

I thought last night's episode would be bad, so hopefully the upcoming ones will surprise me. Ugh, probably not. If I had Tivo I'd steal Sky's idea and tape them all and watch them in one sitting, cause I'm not really excited about having to wait 5 weeks for episodes 9 & 10. I hope the writers take mercy on us.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh man, I got warned for the same thing on two different boards (granted it was the same post but still). I always forget this is a PG-13 board. I've never had to censor myself on the Internet before, but I guess if I want to stick around, I'm going to have to watch my language. Oy. Sorry about that and thanks for the heads up.

Jake's never put his personal relationships before work, and Calleigh should know better because she's been here before and should be able to see the signs from five miles away, but nooo they want to drag out this storyline and make us suffer through more Jake than humanitarian laws allow.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

That's why it doesn't make sense to me. If it were a new guy, if she was dating Peter Elliot, then I'd buy it. But she's with a guy she knows isn't realizable and who broke her heart before and she's acting so naive and over-eager. I know it'll be EC in the end and Jake is just an obstacle, but at least make it believable. This just isn't the Calleigh we've always known. Where's the bad ass?

And then the scene in the Hummer, as nice as it was, also made me wanna smack her. Like the only problem Eric could ever have is her dating Jake? Get over yourself. I mean, it's on her mind, and that's cool because it shows she's still thinking about her and Eric, but I still wanted to smack her.

I can't wait till she finds out Eric is relapsing. I really wanted Alexx to mention something in front of her about it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Could you imagine if Hagen scoffed at her coffee machine? She'd totally kick his butt. And for Calleigh, possession is a huge thing. If she says 'we should get a coffee machine' she's serious about it. Barring everything else that's illogical about Jake and Calleigh's relationship, shouldn't Jake have picked up on that if he's supposed to know her so well, instead of making fun of her? It didn't even sound like playful teasing; he was being really dismissive about the whole thing. Season 1-2 Calleigh would've never taken that, especially not from a cocky little poop-face like Jake.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Yeah, it was the fact that he was being so dismissive. And that he only cared that HE wouldn't use the coffee machine, so therefore it was a waste of money. I mean, it works in the sense that they wanna show Eric is better for Calleigh, but it's making Calleigh look really bad.

But on to the positive stuff, Eric's concern for Calleigh during the shooting was awesome. They're always so concerned about each other, I love it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

I've never had to censor myself on the Internet before, but I guess if I want to stick around, I'm going to have to watch my language. Oy. Sorry about that and thanks for the heads up.
No problem - and it's not a big deal or even against the Board Rules as such. You wouldn't ever get a proper warning for using the f-word in your posts, probably just a gentle nudge from the Mods. ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Ok, I'm caught up :) And very happy! God bless the internet.

I didn't like Jakes' "when am I ever going to make a mocha-whatever..." It shouldn't be about what HE want's to make... :angry:

Eric would make her one.
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