Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Caro said:
I think we may have accidentally given her a donkey.
Wait, you gave Donahue her own twin? :lol: No wonder why! If you get her a pony, I want one, too! Please! :)

Okay, I am officially amazed at myself... I wrote fics. Yeah, not just one, but I have three completed so far! I'm working on my fourth and fifth one, and all... at least the first three... should be up soon! I have to type them first, though! If stupid school didn't get in the way, I'd work on them now! But unfortunately, I have reports, projects, and extra-cirricular crap to take care of...


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I can't believe you're putting school ahead of EC, Anne. :p But yay for at least writing fics! That's more than I've done lately! :lol:

I get TV Guide in the mail. But it's at my house, so I won't actually get to look through it before the weekend. :( Like it matters; I bet its all about Horatio anyway. I'd kill for even the smallest mention of EC. You know, especially some kind of mention that confirms that they haven't done something stupid like dropping the entire storyline...I think that would be about the worst thing that they could ever do to us.

Also, Lucy? That fic was hot. Write more, please! Like now! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Okay!! I went out and bought the TV Guide and I am here to spill the news...first of all...Jess they do mention E/C, babe! Yay! Here is what the ditty says...:
Where we left off "...Delko (Adam Rodriguez) caught his new crush, Calleigh (Emily Proctor), kissing MDPD detective Jake Berkeley...."
What's next... "...Elsewhere, Calleigh and Jake try to cool it..."

So bad if this was supposed to be in a spoiler box but since it's mostly what already happened I figured it's okay...yeah? I like that they mention E/C...I'm not sure how I feel about the "crush" word..."love of his life" would have been more fitting! :D And as for C/J cooling...heck way cooled off...that you're just off already! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yes Mo they should've used "love of his life" instead. At least we were mentioned and not forgotten.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think it's cute that it refers to Cal as Eric's new crush, aww. :D At the very least, it confirms in writing that he really, really does have feelings for her. On the other hand, crush makes me think of middle school. :lol:

It's not bad news, but you're right - it's not really anything new. I wanted to hear something more like "episode nine takes place completely within a certain bedroom. None of the cast except Eric and Calleigh appear in this episode. Clothing also does not appear in this episode." :devil: Too much to ask? :lol: :D

Thanks for that, Mo! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

That sutff Mo reported on was in my current ssue of TV Guide Mag (sept 17-23) Are you saying that they just spat out the same stuff again in the new issue??

I am a little nervous at the use of the word 'crush' but remember this is the same mag that reported H was supposed to nearly die in the finally and that they reported for "Going Going Gone" that H would be short a CSI b/c they were shot in the line of duty....and Cal got shot in the last 2 minutes of the ep and nothing happened to her.

So it is hard to tell if that is TV Guide's word or if it is the shows word.

Mo the mag that you have is that for this next week (sept 24-30)? If it is then they have simply regurjitated (sp?) stuff we already know. For God sakes tell us something we don't already know :lol: Mo the new mag has House on the cover. If Patrick Dempsey is on the cover than it is the sept 17-23 issue.

I think through my spoiler site *I* know more than they do :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Calleigh and Jake cooling it?? I'm all for that!!! Not really sure how I feel about the whole 'crush' thing but at least they acknowledge Eric's feelings for her!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Thanks, Jessica. :)

Magazine teasers are kinda irritating in that they're always so damn vague and never tell you anything of substance. I don't even read spoilers anymore; they're rarely ever about EC, usually just encapsulating the case in whatever unaired episode.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Lol, nah Jackie hon, no worries, well yet anyway ;) ...the mag I reported from was the one you have, with Patrick on the just wasn't on any newstands that I could find until today! So hopefully we'll get new and better info in the next mag (the one with House on the cover! ;) )

It's not bad news, but you're right - it's not really anything new. I wanted to hear something more like "episode nine takes place completely within a certain bedroom. None of the cast except Eric and Calleigh appear in this episode. Clothing also does not appear in this episode." Too much to ask?
Oh holy cow, hon! I would LOVE it if they "announced" something like that! :lol: Now THAT is a spoiler! ;) If only right! And I definitely don't think it's too much to ask! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Jess said:
I can't believe you're putting school ahead of EC, Anne. :p But yay for at least writing fics! That's more than I've done lately! :lol:
I've actually put E/C ahead of school, but tonight was a bit different. Here's my sad story for today... but it's got a happy ending... :D

Once upon a time, a girl (that's me) went to school, got a 15 page paper and Power Point presentation to do, and did what she always did... procrastinate. Four weeks later, she had one night left to do it, and she had to place the golden couple (that's E/C) in the backburner... at least until her work was done. About a billion hours later, she finished her work, feels exhausted, yet very happy to hear from E/C shippers... Now all she has to do is sleep, go to school, make a presentaion, wait for the 24th to arrive, and anticipate the time when E/C starts roughing each other up... :devil:

Lucy, have I told you how much I luv ya rite now! :D I mean, gosh woman, why in the world do you not write 23/7 (I'll give you an hour off per day)! :lol: Anyway, that fic was hot... :devil: in so many levels... I'll read it again tomorrow, while my Statistics teacher creepily stares at me :eek: and I pretend to be working on my assignments. :)

Mo said:
Where we left off "...Delko (Adam Rodriguez) caught his new crush, Calleigh (Emily Proctor), kissing MDPD detective Jake Berkeley...."
What's next... "...Elsewhere, Calleigh and Jake try to cool it..."
Awww... isn't that sweet... they referred to Cal as Eric's crush. :) Wait, wait, wait... OMG, I mean, what the hell... this isn't high school... TV Guide so had that wrong. It should be more like: "OMG, this is the woman I've been looking for my entire life. I can't believe it took a freaking bullet to my freaking brain to help me realize what's been in front of my freaking eyes. Seriously, she's the every-second-I-see-you-I-wanna-jump-you-wherever woman that I want, need, and oh, so love very much!" :devil:

I know none of this is new, but it's nice to see that other people care about the story line... no matter how underrated their choice of words are!

Jess said:
I wanted to hear something more like "episode nine takes place completely within a certain bedroom. None of the cast except Eric and Calleigh appear in this episode. Clothing also does not appear in this episode." :devil: Too much to ask? :lol: :D

Thanks for that, Mo! :D
Certainly not too much to ask, Jess! ;) They've made us suffer for more than half a decade we deserve to see some action!

I'd love to see an episode trailer like this... :)
"In Miami" (Cut to Eric,in a bedroom, huge grin on face)
"No one is safe" (Cut to shot of Cal lying in bed, handcuffed)
"No one escapes" (Cut to Eric, now straddling Cal)
"And everyone will be on the edge" (Cut to scene, showing Cal and Eric on the edge of their climaxes, screaming each other's names)
"CSI: Miami, where the windows are never closed"


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

:lol: fadingintherain !!! its so true!!! you crack me up!

im really glad though that they said J/C are cooling off. and even if they did only say crush instead of love of his life at least the feelings are being acknowledged. yay for us!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

fadingintherain said:
I'd love to see an episode trailer like this... :)
"In Miami" (Cut to Eric,in a bedroom, huge grin on face)
"No one is safe" (Cut to shot of Cal lying in bed, handcuffed)
"No one escapes" (Cut to Eric, now straddling Cal)
"And everyone will be on the edge" (Cut to scene, showing Cal and Eric on the edge of their climaxes, screaming each other's names)
"CSI: Miami, where the windows are never closed"

:lol: I can totally hear the Miami promo voiceover dude saying that! Imagine actually seeing a promo like that any Monday night...would we ever make it through the next week of waiting? That would be the slowest week ever. But it would be so worth it. :D

They've made us suffer for more than half a decade we deserve to see some action!

Wow, when you put it that way it really does feel like we've been waiting forever! When it's really been that long, how is it that something is only now happening? Especially since the sexual tension has been there since what, episode one? You know that tension is beyond ready to explode. And we'd better get to watch when it does too. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Okay Annabelle I swear I almost snorted coffee through my nose as I read your post you had my giggling much! :lol: That "preview/promo" of yours...holy heck I want to see that! Even just that promo would do it for me! :lol: You rock!
"OMG, this is the woman I've been looking for my entire life. I can't believe it took a freaking bullet to my freaking brain to help me realize what's been in front of my freaking eyes. Seriously, she's the every-second-I-see-you-I-wanna-jump-you-wherever woman that I want, need, and oh, so love very much!"
Yeah that's way more accurate than "crush"! ;) :lol: Love it!

And yeah I am quite glad they say J/C are trying to cool it off...hopefully that means what we think it means...I mean of course it does! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Wow, it's hard keeping up with you guys! lol Thanks for the nice welcome!! :D

I didn't see much of season 5 yet since they just started airing it over here but I just can't imagine anything serious going on between Calleigh and Jake... I mean... no offence to the J/C shippers but really...

I agree, the sexual tension between Eric and Calleigh's always been there!! Everytime they look at each other there's pure eye-sex!!
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