Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Yeah, that has some really good E/C in it. When you're watching it, fast foward through the Hagen and Calleigh talk in the first part and then start watching it when her dad comes in to save the day(that's when he interupts her talk with Hagen). After that, you shall be pleased. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

The E/C scene in The Best Defense is awesome. Equally awesome is the fact that Eric was partly responsible for breaking them up. You know he knew what he was doing, too. Sneaky bastard.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Oh yeah. Now I remember, Hagen told Eric to ignore some evidence didn't he? And the Eric told Calleigh. Cal dumped John at the end of the ep. Or do I have my eps mixed up?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

The Best Defense:


Also, Eric sucking up to Duke.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

I highly doubt Duke minded Eric sucking up to him b/c he *knows* how Eric feels about his little and vice versa!

And Eric soooo broke Cal and Hagen up. I mean the fact that all it took was something like to that to get Cal to break it off just goes to show you how much she trusts Eric and how much, as much as it sickens me, Hagen was just a booty call!

For some reason I can picture something similar happening with Jake but I can also picture that Cal would have a little harder time believing Eric immediately b/c their feelings are pretty much out in the open. She might think he is just being jealous; either way, Jake is going to hurt our Cal and Eric is going to be there to help pick up the pieces. Which pleases me just fine.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Please. Never put the words "Hagen" and "booty call" in the same sentence again. I'll have nightmares.

I have a feeling that whatever it is that Jake does is going to be bad. Really, really bad. There's already a chink in Calleigh's armour when it comes to him, and if he exploits that, which I'm sure he will, probably some time around sweeps, it's going to be a real blow to Cal. I just hope it doesn't backfire on E/C and turn her back into Robo-Cal.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

He can turn her into a robot all he wants, but Eric always brings her back to life :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Very true. Iron clit or no, Eric always finds away to bring her back around.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Well this time around it was Calleigh who brought Eric to life. And she's going to have to do it again considering how mad she has made him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

I hope they don't go with a like no talking spree. Like Calleigh would tell Ryan stuff and Eric would tell Natalia! That would such! I just saw "Urban Hellrisers" again and Peter Elliot really crushes Calleigh. Like he gets her all excited to go out but then she sees him with his finace and everything goes down hill from there!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Yeah, Peter was a jerk. Calleigh should have shot him right there. It was the perfect place for it, being a hospital and all. They could've taken him right up to surgery...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Yeah I saw that episode yesterday. It's like my favorite of season 4. Those were some crazy ass college students. Anyway, Peter really did hurt her. What would have been awesome was if they added another scene where she went to go talk to Eric about it or they bumped into each other and he asked her what was wrong. Loved how "The Hardy Boys" sent Elliot on a wild goose chase. I would like to know WHY they did though? Any ideas?

Eric was lookin' mighty fine though!!!! I didn't appreciate him staring at that girls ass in the begining. Or was it Derrick?? hehehe
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Alwayswrite: Sexy signature! I love it! :)

Yes... Calleigh should have shot Peter. That asshole, playing with our (and Eric's) Calleigh! :( Stupid idiot! What a jerk; he was engaged....

and Peter was no where as hot as Eric! :rolleyes:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl

Thanks Kissmesweet.

Judging by the stubble and the fact that the first thing I heard was him yelling, I'd say it was Derrick.

Hey Caro is your iPod back in comission yet? I need some fiction in my life.

ETA: Time Tells has an update if anyone is interested.
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