Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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You know Adam's coping a feel. That's why Emily's so happy.

I don't know what the writers are smoking, but I want some. Speaking of, I e-mailed Corey Miller. We'll see what he says. You guys need to e-mail him, too: It's now or never.
I hate school computers. They never load the pics on this site. *pout* But it did load the birthday pic and that is so cool and so unfair because people have so much better computer/artistic skills than me.

10/16's ep was very sad. Eric and Calleigh weren't even on the same screen. Pout. Complaints to TPTB!

Happy Em. I wish i could see.

I'll write to the person when i get home!

Back up off the GSR shippers! *Fake grr*
Gillian Sara Grissom
because people have so much better computer/artistic skills than me.

Not me. Most definitely not me. :lol:

Um. Wow. Three days and already I can't even remember what happened on Monday's episode. :lol: Ah well, if Eric and Calleigh are forced to spend an entire episode apart (something that tortures them just as much as it tortures us, heh), how important could the episode possibly be? ;)

I would email Corey Miller, (you know, like I've been supposedly doing for the past three months :lol:) but I wouldn't have anything more constructive to say than "give us some E/C lovin' NOW, dammit!!" And then he'd be all, "whoa, yeah, okay," and start blocking emails from all the Hip-Huggers. :lol:

...Somebody should write about Eric and Calleigh taking little Eva trick-or-treating. [/random]
Jessica, that is exactly what I told him, actually. So you should definitely go for it. We need the strength, man. The strength in numbers.

Oooh, little Eva trick-or-treating! I'll try to get on that. I love Halloween fics!
Rosefern, that was incredibly sad :(. Eric could never live without his Calleigh.

Xanessa, that would be Not Landing. Calleigh makes Eric her bitch (again). I don't know why, but I got the feeling it wasn't the first time they'd made bets before, and it certainly wasn't the first time Eric lost to her. Heh.
Calleigh makes Eric her bitch (again). I don't know why, but I got the feeling it wasn't the first time they'd made bets before, and it certainly wasn't the first time Eric lost to her. Heh.

You know he loves every minute of it, too. ;) I love how he just grins and hands the money over, like he's used to it. She's got him wrapped around her finger...and he loves it. As do we. :D

And then:


I think that was 5 seconds before she attacked him with her vagina.
I would be cool being either one of them.

Okay, no matter what happens I WILL write something tonight, dammit. It's been too long. So I need encouragement, people. A cheer?
Go Caro go! ...That's all I've got. So, I called my brother today, and my mom answered and apparently I have a new sibling. WTF, why can't Eric and Calleigh breed the way my mother does? And who names a newborn Carl?
My grandmother names a newborn Carl. :rolleyes: I hope Eric and Cal aren't waiting until they're old turkey buzzards. Didn't I say those words before? :confused: Acrtually, to tell you the truth, I don't think Eric and Cal will ever be like that. But it would be hilarious. Getting their glasses mixed up and teeth falling out before they kiss. :lol:

I'm reading some of Jessica's fics. I love reading them at night.
Well, Carl is a helluva lot better than Jayden or Hayden or Brayden or Vomitayden. Congratulations on your new baby brother!

Eric and Calleigh will never get old. Ever. That's the deal, anyway. They both have great genes.

Jessica wrote a new fic?
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