Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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Yay! Write, Caro! Write! :D

She's like, "Eric, take me right here. There's no one around."

Damn his self-control!! Usually it's Calleigh. Heh, Eric's so getting back at her for all the times she wouldn't give in to him at the lab. Now she wants it, and he's not giving it to her. :lol: But we all know he can't hold out that long... ;)

I also loved it when Eric said, "I pulled seniority." He was SO trying to impress her.

And it works, because she gets all smiley and giggly and all that. :D My God, I can't get over how cute that scene was!
Waaa, I want this episode!

You know what's been the best part about the last two episodes? I think the writers have gotten over Eric/Natalia. REJOICE! And knock on wood. Now all we need is for Calleigh's Drugstore Cowboy to truly go the Drugstore Cowboy way, a bit more E/C scenes and we're back on track.

Last night was the first time in more than a year that I actually sat down to watch Miami. Mostly I have it on the background while I'm online. I hope I can continue to do that.

I'm just mad about Saffron
Saffron's made about me...

I can't get that out of my head! But they both looked cute in yellow.
Jessica237 said:
Yay! Write, Caro! Write! :D

She's like, "Eric, take me right here. There's no one around."

Damn his self-control!! Usually it's Calleigh. Heh, Eric's so getting back at her for all the times she wouldn't give in to him at the lab. Now she wants it, and he's not giving it to her. :lol: But we all know he can't hold out that long... ;)

I also loved it when Eric said, "I pulled seniority." He was SO trying to impress her.

And it works, because she gets all smiley and giggly and all that. :D My God, I can't get over how cute that scene was!

I didn't get to see last night's episode. I was in Columbus Oh. visting my brand new nephew Isaac he was born Sunday at 5:53am. he was 6lbs 1oz. 19 in long. Okay sorry to ramble off topic but I was wondering if someone could give me a recap or tell me what happened.

Congrats on your nephew.

Here are some pictures of the episode, which was kind of a bore, but it doesn't matter, cause we got a great E/C scene.




And then they played Spin the Bottle
Things got a little out of hand
]And now Calleigh's pregnant

Edited to change pics into links. Only 3-4 pictures should be posted at once due to some posters who have slower internet connections and the pics take forever to load.
WarricksBabyGirl said:

I didn't get to see last night's episode. I was in Columbus Oh. visting my brand new nephew Isaac he was born Sunday at 5:53am. he was 6lbs 1oz. 19 in long. Okay sorry to ramble off topic but I was wondering if someone could give me a recap or tell me what happened.

Hey I go to Columbus every summer.

About Eric and Calleigh fics again; I understand you but I just feel they would start out having a thing and then getting into it.
That's a possibility, too. I mean, considering how guarded Calleigh is, she'd probably want to rationalize the whole thing and take baby steps. Eric's reputation doesn't help, either.

I wonder how Calleigh would react to Eric asking her out on a date?
midnight_tiptoes said:
Congrats on your nephew.
Thank you he's beautiful.

Here are some pictures of the episode, which was kind of a bore, but it doesn't matter, cause we got a great E/C scene.



And then they played Spin the Bottle
Things got a little out of hand
]And now Calleigh's pregnant

LOL Spin the bottle huh??? I'd play with Eric. Pregnant huh?? YAY!! Looks like a pretty flirty anyone have a transcript???


Edited to change pics to links. See original post above.
If Eric asked Calleigh on a date. Hmm. So many possiblities. Reasonable for me would be that she'd give hime a smirk and say yes, she'd pause in whatever she was doing and reconsider what he just said, or scream at the top of her lungs and rip his shirt off. I could live with any of those, but you could pic.
I think they'd probably have to go on a date without knowing they're on a date. Calleigh thinks too much, so if she went on a date with Eric knowing it's a date, I don't know, it might screw things up. Maybe they go out on a group and people start leaving and then suddenly they find themselves alone, having a couple of drinks and talking, and without knowing suddenly it's 5 am. They decide to do it again, but it doesn't dawn upon them that they're dating until they realize there's some attraction going on.

Or something.
I feel as if he'd ask her out and she says yes but kind of thinks of it as 'just dinner' or something. Then maybe they'd go back to his place (rather his place because if it was her place he might leave and be like this never happened and thats bad) have some whicked fun and 'love' is what Calleigh felt but 'fun' was all she thought and so she tries to forget it until when he comes around her she always melts. Then one day she can't hold it anymore and she blurts out she thinks he is hot and he totally agrees and they hit it off. But I don't care how they get together as long as its sexy!!! But so far nothing is making since on the show so anything, really, would make sense.
Oh, don't worry. Adam and Emily could stand in a dirty bathroom, collecting mold samples and it would still be sexy. There's no way they can't be sexy. Hell, even the way she watches him work is sexy:


(eta: is she looking at his ass?)

I wonder if Calleigh would ever ask Eric out. For some reason I can only see Eric making the first move.
Oh yeah, oh yeah. I could see them anywhere and I agree also that I can basically see Eric making the first move, but when I think of Cal asking him out, I think that the first thing that Eric would do is smile or give a I-knew-you-have-been-dying-to-ask-me-out smirk. Its a killer. But he knows Cal is different from other women. But it still makes her weak.
I think for Calleigh to ask Eric out, a long time should pass. I think she'd have to make sure that he has changed, that he isn't playing around anymore, etc. For this to happen, I think their friendship would have to be on solid ground again. Calleigh just doesn't look like the screw around type. Okay, I could see her doing that, but not with Eric. I think with Eric it would have to be serious.

Eric's reaction? He'd probably be surprised at first, then he'd grin like an idiot, then he'd excuse himself, go to the bathroom, and squeal and dance around like a 14 year old. Then he'd come out and pretend everything's cool.

And then he'd try to make their first date absolutely perfect, and something would go wrong, and he'd get pissed, but Calleigh would tell him that the fact that she's with him makes it the best date she's ever been on. Aw.
(eta: is she looking at his ass?)

You know, I think she might be! I can't really tell though...she needs to come a little closer and then look, and then we'd know for sure. :lol:

Hmm...dates, huh? I don't know if I can see either of them actually asking the other on a date (to me, it seems like a date between them would more or less just happen, both of them realizing afterward but refusing to admit that it really was a date.). Anybody want to write me a fic and change my mind? :p

I do agree though; I don't see Calleigh starting anything with Eric, if she knows it's just gonna be a fun, one-time thing. With previous boyfriends, sure, but not Eric. There's just too much there.
That's what I think, that it would just happen and then they'd have to deal with it. Calleigh would try to ignore it and Eric would wanna talk about it. Oh, man. So many great possibilities. Someone freaking write something before I explode. Ooh, Jessica has a new fic!

This cracks me up:


I make that face all the time. Shout out to meeeeeee!
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