Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

I think Frank would be the first to find out because he'd walk inon them doing it in his patrol car. Patrol car sex is hot ;)
I think Calleigh will get along great with Eric's family, but Eric will ba scared of her dad.
Dude, I just gave my 2 weeks notice for my job, I feel so free!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

You know, when it's time to get married, I can see Frank sitting down with Eric to give him a small chat about being responsible and what not. Eric would look at him like, WTF?

Yay! So you don't have to babysit brats anymore?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Wow you're shooting the questions way too quickly for me, but it's way too much fun :lol:

Who'd pop the question?
Eric. Calleigh being the sounthern girl she'll wait for him to ask... and she'll probably make him wait some time before saying yes :devil:

Who remains calmed during labor and who freaks out?
Hmm... Eric will definitely freak out. Actually once they'll find out they're pregnant, he will switch to over-protective mode and from that moment on, calm won't be his main characteristic. As far as Calleigh is concerned... I'm not sure. Somehow I can't picture her shooting swear words during labor. I see her more trying to get him out the room before she feels the urge to shoot him, because he will drive her mad.

Baby's first words - mama or dada?
Hehehe I agree with Leela on Bullet

Who at work notices first and how do they find out?
I'd say Alexx. The first moment she will say together after the deed, she will see it. She knows them both very well, so she'll notice the shift in their relationship. But close second will be Valera.

Who gets along better with whose family? Who doesn't?
I have this feeling that Calleigh would get along fine with Eric's parents. Her parents seem a little bit more dysfunctional, so I guess they might be a challenge for Eric.

You gave your notice? Cool for you :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

midnight_tiptoes said:
Ha, totally. And then Eric would teach her to say "Ryan's an idiot."

LMAO :lol:

oh I love you guys. I'm missing for like week and you guys keep the thread alive. :D :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Who'd pop the question?

Eric, definitely.

Eric: Listen Cal, I know we haven't been dating for a long time-
Cal: Eric, it's been six months by now.
Eric: Uh, yeah, right. Er, well, I thought that we've known each other very well for years and we both know what being together is like so... Uh... I was wondering if... If you...
Cal: Honey, are you trying to propose?
Eric: Uh, no... I mean yes... But... Uh... Oh, f**k! *kneeels down holding a small box in his hand* Calleigh Duquesne, will you marry me?
Cal: *beams* Why, Mr Delko, I would love to.
Eric: Oh... Great! *thud*

Who freaks out during the labour?

Eric, definitely (again :D). I read a beautiful fic in which he made Ryan time him to see how much he would take to get to the car to bring Cal to the hospital! :lol:

Baby's first words - mama or dada?

Porn! Duh, look at the parents: they'll probably be making out all the time, what do you think that baby will learn? His/her Maths basis will be Hot Boy + Hot Girl= Porn.

Who at work notices first and how do they find out?

Horatio, IMO. One day he'll see them smiling to each other(as we've already noticed) and everything will be clear.

Who gets along better with whose family? Who doesn't?

Cal is sweet and friendly and beautiful and cute (well, she's everything), so it wouldn't be hard for her to be loved by Eric's parents.
For Eric it could be a little different, cause he'd have to deal with the Bullet Girl's father and I'm pretty sure Kenwall would get overprotective with Lambchop, even if he was sure Eric is the perfect guy for her (and he is).
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Oh, well, they already live near the bach, so I wanna say somewhere unusual. Like India, maybe? Somewhere that's not like Miami at all. Or to the slopes. Fresno? Aspen? I can see Calleigh tying to teach Eric how to skii, and Eric falling on his ass over and over again.

Who's more likely to forget an annyversary?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

Calleigh will come home late that night, open the door and there's Eric, sitting by the table, the lights are all out, a few burnt out candles in front of him. She'll be all,

Calleigh: Eric, what are you doing?
Eric: What am I doing? What am I doing?
Calleigh: What's all this?
Eric: What's all this?
Calleigh: Will you stop repeating everything I say?
Eric: I don't know, will you?
Calleigh: ... okay.
Eric: You don't even remember, do you?
Calleigh [looks around, it starts to sink in]: Oh, no.
Eric: Oh yeah.
Calleigh: Oh, Eric, I'm so sorry.
Eric [looks away, tries to remain nonchalant]: It's okay, let's just go to bed.
Calleigh: I just forgot. Look, I've been working so hard lately...
Eric: Oh, it's all work, work, work. What about me?! I have needs!
Calleigh [moves in close to him, tries to hug him] Let me take you out to dinner.
Eric: Don't touch me!
Calleigh: Come on, baby, don't be like this.
Eric: I think I'm going to take the guest room tonight, if you don't mind. If you're hungry, I made chicken. Which, by the way, was for two.
Calleigh: Look, I said I was sorry...
Eric: Good night.
Calleigh: Eric!
Eric: Good night.

The next day, Calleigh will take him out and buy him a pretty shirt and he'll forgive her.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

LMAO Oh Carol.

Calleigh: I just forgot. Look, I've been working so hard lately...
Eric: Oh, it's all work, work, work. What about me?! I have needs!

Yeah what about Eric's needs??!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #18

I guess she can always do paperwork and take care of Eric's needs at the same time. It's Calleigh. She can do anything.

Okay, how would Eric react if he foudn out Calleigh has faked orgasms with him?
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