Re: Eric & Calleigh #18
Who'd pop the question?
Eric, definitely.
Eric: Listen Cal, I know we haven't been dating for a long time-
Cal: Eric, it's been six months by now.
Eric: Uh, yeah, right. Er, well, I thought that we've known each other very well for years and we both know what being together is like so... Uh... I was wondering if... If you...
Cal: Honey, are you trying to propose?
Eric: Uh, no... I mean yes... But... Uh... Oh, f**k! *kneeels down holding a small box in his hand* Calleigh Duquesne, will you marry me?
Cal: *beams* Why, Mr Delko, I would love to.
Eric: Oh... Great! *thud*
Who freaks out during the labour?
Eric, definitely (again

). I read a beautiful fic in which he made Ryan time him to see how much he would take to get to the car to bring Cal to the hospital! :lol:
Baby's first words - mama or dada?
Porn! Duh, look at the parents: they'll probably be making out all the time, what do you think that baby will learn? His/her Maths basis will be Hot Boy + Hot Girl= Porn.
Who at work notices first and how do they find out?
Horatio, IMO. One day he'll see them smiling to each other(as we've already noticed) and everything will be clear.
Who gets along better with whose family? Who doesn't?
Cal is sweet and friendly and beautiful and cute (well, she's everything), so it wouldn't be hard for her to be loved by Eric's parents.
For Eric it could be a little different, cause he'd have to deal with the Bullet Girl's father and I'm pretty sure Kenwall would get overprotective with Lambchop, even if he was sure Eric is the perfect guy for her (and he is).