Eric and Calleigh-First time

Nicole just take your time!!! I really hope that you're safe and that your family is alright!

I've been through Katrina and I know how it feels to have disasters strike you, so good luck in your (and your city's) efforts to rebuild everything...from your homes and materials to your confidence in mother nature.

The weather these days is just absolutely dreadful...quite dangerous.

I wish you the best of luck and again...stay safe!


Luv yall...
Thanks. you went through Katrina?WOW! Im going to be putting up a vid of the srom on youtube. and when I do , I give ya'll the link.
Yeah...I live in Louisiana and my house had 14 feet of water in it. :(

Anyway, I'll be waiting for that link...and again, stay safe!


Luv yall...
Ditto! Just worry about your personal problems first Nicky! (If you don't mind me calling you that, that's what I always called on of my best friends Nicole in Illinois.)
I dont care if you call me Nicky. Ok. Time for me to write the story. Its gunna be short. My mom finally convinced me to go get stiches.

*I meant 6 months not 7 the last time I wrote*

About 20 minutes later...
Cal:Eric!OMG! Ithink Im having the baby!
Eric and the team: OMG!
*They got her to the hospital just in time. Eric walks out about 10 minutes later with baby Marisol*
H:Wow. She look like Cal.
Alexx:Awe sooo cute.
Ryan:Your one lucky man.
Eric:Thanks.Well Im gunna take Marisol back to Cal. The doctors said you guys can come in and visit Cal and Mari.
*The team walks in and see Cal.*

(Oh snap. I gatta go. Ill post more when I get back. sorry to cut ya'll short. I gatta get stiches!)
Hahaha. Yea. That was fun. THERE SOOOOO ITCHY!

Still at the hospital...
H:Hey Cal. How are you feeling?
Cal:Umm, well haha good.
Ryan:Wow she look alot like you Cal.
Cal:Thanks Ryan.
Alexx:Another little squirt to run around the lab. Maybe she WILL be freaked out by dead bodies.
Cal:Yea, I dunno why Little Eric doesnt get scared.
*Anna walks in with little Eric*
anna:Eric wanted to see his new sister.
Cal:Hey baby!
*E.Jr:Crawls up onto the hospital bed* E.Jr;Can I hold her?
Cal:Sure honey, but you have to be extreamly careful.
*Marisol grabs little Erics nose*
*Every one in room laughed*

At home...
*Cal was released from the hospital*
Cal:Its so good to be home.
Eric:I know. No more hospital food.
Cal:Actually, you get used to it after a while.
Eric:Haha, ok.
E.Jr:Can I play video games??
Cal:Hmmm, yes. For 1 hour tho!OK?
*E.Jr was already running upstairs to his room*
Eric:Ill put Marisol to be for you.
Cal:Thanks babe.
*Eric take Mari and lays her into her crib*
Ok. Im made this icon. tell me what ya'll think!


*if any of you want me to make you an icon. I will!*
Sorry I havent posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years later...
*Marisol second birthday*
E.Jr:Happ birfday Mari!
Mari:Thanks Ewic.
Cal:Ok you to. Eat your breakfast so we can leave.
Eric:ready to go?
*Two kids run to car*
Cal:Why do they like going to the lab?
Eric:I dunno *they kiss and Ryan walks in*
Ryan:Well, wrong timing I guess....right?
Eric:Hahahaha yea.
Cal:Well Im gunna go get the kids in the car.
Ryan:Kids coming to lab?
Eric:Where else do they go on Fridays?
Eric:Heard about your dad.Im really sorry man.
Ryan:Yea. Well, its not your fault. But I was running his DNA threw the system and found out he has another child.
Ryan:Yea. I have a brother
Eric:WOW!What the guys name.
Ryan:Its you Eric.


(Ill post sooner next time!)
Hehehheheh!!! YAY!

Loved the Icon!!!!
I'd like one! Except can you make it bigger, with black and red with white words and it says "I'm not telling you to shut up, but I'm thinking it." If that's to much I understand. :)
Okay, I've returned from hell...also known as school! :mad: Although I have to go back...tomorrow! :mad:

Now to business...

Please tell me you're kidding about the whole "we're vbrothers" situation. Eric's family doesn't seem to be one that is, for lack of a better word, dysfunctional. His mom isn't one to have an affair, at least that's what it seems like from Eric's perspective.

Anywho, continue your story as we all have another month to try and survive before the season premiere.

I'm enjoying this, especially the idead of 'bring your kids to work day." :)

Update soon...(but take your time, with your situation and all.)


Luv yall...
Ryan and Eric brother :eek: :eek: :eek:
I just can't imagine it :lol: :lol:....that would be really funny :lol: :lol:
Ok. Im really sorry about not beong around., I have been swamped with schhol work leaving no time. and i feel really if you hate me for not ok.


Ryan:There is no way WE are brother. We fight to....
Eric:*smiles*It fits.
Ryan:Why are you ALWAYS right.
Eric:Cuz Im the smarter one.
Ryan:HA!You wish.
Eric:Nope, Im just gifted like that.
Ryan:You are a moronic boob!
Eric:No, you are a monkeys uncle.
Cal:Eric Jr. get in the car with your sister!
Cal:Hey guys, whats goin on?
Eric:Me and Ryan are...uh...mmm...
Cal:WHAT?!Hahahaha, you guys are funny.
Eric:No sweetie, seriously *Ryan hands cal the paper*

At the lab...
Eric:Should we tell H about this?
Ryan:Well, knowing H, he'll find out...but yea, we should tell him.
H:Tell me what?
Eric and Ryan:Holy Shhhnapple jack!
H:*smiles*Is there something you to want to tell me.
Ryan:Me and Eric are brothers.
Eric:Yea. It shocked us to.
*Natalia over heard*
Nat:You to related?That explains why you fight CONSTANTLY!
