Eric and Calleigh-First time

CSI_Lemur said:
fadingintherain said:
CSI_Lemur said:
*LE GASP* OMIG! Who's he? lol
You mean Antonio Riaz??? Well if you're talkin about him, he's the guy the ordered the Mala Noches to kill Marisol :( (Eric's sister) during CSI: Miami's season 4.
Ahh, I never got a chance to see the whole episode :D
Well, it's pretty good in a sense, but extremely sad...Alana De La Garza played Marisol really well and I can't believe CSI: Miami killed her off :mad:!!! Not only am I mad at the Mala Noches/ Antonio Riaz for killing her, I'm also mad the writers for putting it into action.

CSINicole said:
Yea, Riaz put the hit on marisol.God I hate that guy!
Doesn't everybody hate him I said, I actually enjoyed Marisol's character. She actually made Horatio seem human...LOL :lol:!!!

CSI_Lemur said:
Yay! Happy endning!
Great...she lives :D!!! However, I hope this isn't the ending...get the hint ;)!!!

E/C fanfics are like, seriously experienceing a dry spell so thanks a bunch CSINicole for the E/C story!!! Much appreciated... :)


Luv yall...
ok. time to post!

Three years later at little Erics birthday pary...
*The whole team was at Eric and Cal's place for Eric.Jr.s b day party*
H:Happy birthday partner.
E.Jr.:Thank H!*Er.cJr. stole H's sunnies and ran off*
H:*laughs, and walks into the living room.*
Cal:Eric.Jr. give Horatio his sunglassess back.
H:Its ok.*Eric Jr. came running into the room with a toy gun and H's sunglassess on*E.Jr:Look at me!!!!!
*Everybody laughed*
H:*He clips his badge to little Erics blet* Now your a real cop.
Eric:Great, another Horatio.
Ryan:No, its more like another Eric.
Eric:Whats that supposed to mean.

A little while later...
*Eric.Jr opend all his prsents and it was about 9 30 when they all started laveing.*
Eric.Jr.:Wait! H!...*he took of H's sunnies and handed them to H.*
*H kneeled down*H:Ya know what partner...why dont you keep them.
E.Jr.:Thanks H.
*Little Eric went running into his room with his toy gun and new sunnies...about and hour later Little Eric fell asleep on his bed.*
Cal:Awe...he is just so cute.
Eric*smiles*I know, and now he has H's sunnies.
Cal:I never though H would let anybody touch them.
Eric:Im sure H prolly has a full closet full.
Cal:Know I know why little Eric call Horatio H...cuz you always do.
Eric:Well, you try and yet a three year old to say Horatio, half the time I barely can.
*They walk in to tuck him into bed*
Cal:Well since were alone and Eric is in his room sleeping...want to have some fun?
*They walk upstairs to thier room and close the door.*

I wish i could steal Horatio's sunnies :)...Eric's probably right about the whole "probably has a closet full of them."

Any kid that comes from Calleigh and Eric would be doubt about it :D!!!

Anyway, Eric and Calleigh should be having "fun" on the show :devil:...but I'll settle for "fun" in our fics...sounds like Eric Jr. will be getting a sibling...HAHA!!!


Luv yall...
About three months later...
Cal:Eric, honey, Im not feeling to great.
Eric:What wrong?
Cal:My stomach has been killing me for about a week.
*Eric take Cal to the Dr*

At the Dr's...
Dr:Ok, Mrs.Delko, you are going to have another baby.
Eric:Thats Eric.
*As they leave the Dr;s office*
Cal:How do you think little Eric will react.
Eric:Im sure he'll be good. I should call H.
Cal:Lets go to the lab to tell everyone.
*At the lab, Eric.Jr. was with Natalia and Ryan in the DNA Lab*
Eric:*picks up a test tube* Whats this thingy?
Ryan:Wow your full of question.
Nat:Its a test tube.
*Eric walks into the DNA Lab*Eric:Hey buddy, have in here.
E.Jr;Look at this test tube!*He puts it up to his dads face.
Eric:WOW!You like the DNA Lab dontcha?
Eric:Hey, can I talk to you guys in the break room.

In the break room...
Cal:Ok, We just found out today...That im pregnant agian!
H:How far along?
Cal:2 months.
Natalia:Oh great, another Delko around here!*says with sarcasim*
Ryan:Just what we need!
E.Jr.:Be nice Ryan, or Im gunna poke you...with... the *Runs over to his dad* what this called agian
Eric:Test tube.
*E.Jr runs back over to Ryan* test tube * and he poke Ryan in the legs*
Ryan:Ok, ok Ill be nice!
*Everyone laughed*

2 months later at the Dr's...
Dr:Ok, Mrs.Delko...Its a girl.
Eric:Really?Thats great!
Cal:Were gunna have a little girl.

*They tell the team its a girl*
Nat:What are you going to name her?
Eric:Well, me and Cal thought about it, and
Nat and Ryan:AND...
team: :D!

OMG!!! You have been reading my mind...stalked much???...LOL!!! :lol:

I always thought that Marisol would either be their daughter's name or middle name!!!

Oh, it's such a beutiful name, too!...Marisol: mar y sol (in Spanish) and translate into sea and sun :)...just so y'all know what i was talking about!

I miss Marisol...Alana De La Garza was awesome! :D

More kids...YAY!!!...and it's a girl :)...I love kids!!!


Luv yall...

H:*H stood there with that smile he hardly ever shows*Congrtaz.
Cal:Thanks*Cal and H hugged*
Alexx:Well he taking it well.
Eric:He was so exccited when we told him!

7 months later...
Eric:Heres your toast.
Cal:Thank huney.
E.Jr.:Daddy, can I go to work with you today??
Eric:Well, its up to ur mommy.
Cal:Whats up to mommy?
E.Jr.:Can I go to work with daddy?
Cal:I think that would be great!
E.Jr.:Are you goin to work to mommy?
Cal:Yes baby.

They arrive at work...
Erc:Ok, now you gatta what we say...ok?
E.Jr:Ok. i wont ruin the evenince.
Cal:Hahaha, its evidence sweetie.
E.Jr;Thats what I said, evinence.
*They walk into the lab*
H:Well, we got a new CSI today.
*Eric Jr. has the sunglassess H gave him on.E.Jr:Yup!
*Eric Jr. saw Natalia talking to Ryan*E.Jr:Mommy, can I go see Natalia and Ryan?
Cal:Sure baby.
H:How come he didnt go to the babysitters.
Eric:He wanted to come to work.

*Little Eric runs oner to Ryan and Natalia*E.Jr:HI GUYS!
Nat:Hey!whats up buddy
E.Jr:I came to work with mommy and daddy today.

*Little Eric even looked like a little CSI. He had his toy badge clipped to his belt. he had his toy gun in its holster attched to his belt and he had his sunnies on*
Ryan:Wow, your start to be like H with them classess.
Natalia:Hahaha oh great another H.
E.Jr:*puts his hand on his his like H*I am not, im like my daddy!

*E.Jr runs back over to his mom, but he runs into Alexx.*
Alexx:Whoa, buddy! Where did you come from?
E.Jr.:Uhhh i dunno.My mom?
Alexx:*laughs*Hahaha ok smarty pants.
*Eric walks over*Eric:Hey alexx
E.Jr:Can I see a body today?
Eric:You will, ur gunna go to a crime scene with us.
E.Jr:YAY! Do i get to were them white gloves?

At the scene...
E.Jr:EEEE! I get the clove on.
H:Let me help you.

*Little Eric walked over to Alexx*E.Jr:How did he die?
Alexx:Well, he sufferd from a GSW.
E.Jr:What a GSW?
Alexx;*laughed*He was shot.

*Out of nowhere,a guy jumped out and started shooting.Little Eric got scared.He hid inside the closet till the guy was dead.*
Cal:OMG! Weres Eric?
Alexx:Oh no!
*H walks towards the cloest door,*H:hey partner, you okay?

Wow that is an interesting little boy. You'd think most kids would scream at the site of a dead body! :lol: Can't wait for more!
Wait...I'm confused...what happened to baby Marisol??? :confused:

Wasn't Calleigh pregnant??? (In the previous post Cal was 2 months pregnant when they found out about their second baby. Then, they went to the doctors 2 months what happened cause this new update say 7 months later...that's a total of 11 months???) <---unless it was a typo??? :confused:

CSINicole said:
*E.Jr run;s back over to his mom, but he runs into Alexx.*
Alexx:Whoa, buddy! Where did you come from?
E.Jr.:Uhhh i dunno.My mom?
Alexx:*laughs*Hahaha ok smarty pants.
He totally stole my line..."Uhh, I mom???" (Gets me a glare from a friend or a weird, yet funny look from adults <--- mostly teachers! LOL... :lol:)

As xane said most kids would usually scream or run after seeing a dead body, Eric Jr, however, is becoming his own man! :D

As I said in the E/C thread, sorry I've been MIA for awhile...I was in Utah and I destroyed my laptop :mad:, until my Daddy got me a new one! :D

Update soon... :D


Luv yall...
sorry i havent posted. I was going to yesterday, but we had twisters. One touched down in Salem, Ohio ( town North of me) and one started to form in my yard and touched down 4 miles away. pretty off day we had. and I was home alone with the sibs during the first twister.