Eric and Calleigh-First time

Ok hipp huffers, here a new installment.

2 month later....
Eric:Thanks H for being my best man.
H:Your welcoms...where is Ryan?
Eric:I dunno.
*Ryan walks in*
Ryan:Hey, Im here.
Eric:Ok, good, I thought you werent coming.
Ryan:Why wouldnt I?
Eric:I thought you would be mad since I didnt ask you to be my best man.
Ryan:Hey, its ok man.

In the girls room...
Cal:Were Natalia?
Alexx:Umm, I have no clue sweetie.
Nat:Im here.
Cal:Good, I thought you wouldnt come.
Nat:Why wouldnt I, Im in the wedding.
Cal:Yea, I just thought you were mad...
Nat:B/c Im not the madden-of-honor, no Cal, Im just glad to be in the wedding.
Cal:Yea, wel, lets go.

The Ceremony...
Preacher:We are gathered here today to join these to in holy mattromony...
Later into the ceromony...
Preacher:Eric Delko, DO you take Calleigh Duquense to be you bride?
Ryan:I do.
Preacher:And do you Calleigh Duquense take Eric Delko to be your husband?
Cal:Yes, I do.
Preacher:With the power invested in me, I know pronounce you Man and Wife.
You may kiss the bride!

CSINicole said:
Ok hipp huffers, here a new installment.
Hip-huggers...LOL!!! :lol:

Later into the ceromony...
Preacher:Eric Delko, DO you take Calleigh Duquense to be you bride?
Ryan: I do.
Preacher:And do you Calleigh Duquense take Eric Delko to be your husband?
Cal:Yes, I do.
Don't you mean Eric and not Ryan??...isn't an E/C wedding??? Why is Ryan saying I do?...He really must be jealous...LOL! :lol:

I know what you meant, but please do continue, I love this fic and so far my day has been great!...with your help of course...please make this last! Afterall, September seems to be coming by just a little too slow.


Luv yall...
Yeah. I meant friends was talking about Ryan and I got thrown off majorly!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea Sept Is coming WAYYYYYYYY! slow.

At the reception...
DJ:Ok, Now its time for a slow song.
*Elliott Yamin-Wait for you*
*They start dancing*
Cal:im really happy with you.
Eric:Me too. I love you.
Cal:I love you too!
*They kiss*
*song ends*

A month later...
*In the break room*
Cal:Ok. Eric and I have something to say. Im pregnant!
team:Yea! CONGRATS!
Eric and Cal:Thanks.
Ryan:Im really happy for you guys.
Cal:Thanks Ryan!
H:Well, another CSI *he says it jiking around*
*Alexx is so happy, she huggles Eric then Calleigh*

9 months later...
*Eric runs into living room*Eric:Whats wrong Cal.
Cal:I think Im haveing the baby!

A few hours later at the hospital...
Dr:Its a boy!
Eric and Cal:OMG!

In the waiting romm...
*The team awaits the news, and Eric walks out*
Eric:Ok...Its a boy!

*Looks at the calendar and sighs* Not yet September... :(

Great're really helping me make it through this hiatus!!!

I've always been a fan of Eric and Calleigh with a baby girl as a first child, but their boy would amazing. A mini Eric...there isn't enough of that...that little man would be irresistible in the playgrounds :devil:.

I call being his I can come to their house and watch his Dad...Daddy Eric/Mommy Calleigh...Love it :D!

Can't wait for more...seriously...I can't wait!


Luv yall...
56 days is to far away for me!


Later in the hospital room...
*H walks in to see Cal, Eric and the baby*
H:Hey, How are you feeling Cal?
Cal:Like I just gave birth to a baby.
*They all laugh*
H:What are you going to name him?
Eric and Cal:Eric Delko Jr.
H:Oh god. Onother Eric!*he says it sarcastically*
Eric:Hahaha thanks H!
H:Well, I got to go.

Two months later...
Cal:Eric, Im so nervous leaving him alone.
Eric:Hes not alone. He with Anna*baby sitter Cal knows*.
Anna:You know Ill take care og little Eric!
Cal:I know, just, uhhh your right.
*eric and Cal kiss E.jr goodbye*

Baby!!!...I love kids...Eric Jr. will be one lil' playa...LOL!!!

I called baby-sitter and you sort of made that happen...Anna is close enough to Anne!!!

Calleigh being herself, always worries about others, and Eric, well family is one of the most important things to him so of course he'll be is their baby. Just LOVE it.

They would so make two of the best parents imaginable and the hottest ones at that...uh, yeah!

Craving more E/C updates are immensely wanted.


Luv yall...
At a crime scene...
Cal:I check the room for evidence.
Eric:Ok, Ill check all the cars and garage.
Ryan:Bathroom. Darn it. Why me.
Cal:We got seniority.

In the room...
*Cal lokks around for evidence of the missing vic...She sees a figure at the window. She thought it was just her imagination. Then a guy came through the window and dragged her out. Ric cam running with Ryan*
Ryan:OMG! That guy is taking her.
*They begin to shoot. H walks in*
H:Whats going on
Eric:They took Cal.
Eric:Two guys...i dunno, I heard the window break and seen to guys carying her to there SUV.
H*Well, we will find her Eric...*Puts on sunnies* If its the last thing I do.

Back at the lab...
*Eric was in the lab working. He had gotten a hand pring from Calleighs gun...but it wasnt Cal print.*
H:Eric, did you get anything from that print?
Eric:Im running it now.
*BLEEP, AFIS got a match*
Eric: Antonio Riaz.

CSI_Lemur said:
fadingintherain said:
Baby!!!...I love kids...Eric Jr. will be one lil' playa...LOL!!!
I know! Can't you just imagine him flirting with the other kidnergarteners on the playground? lol
It's so destined to happen...Eric is his dad!!! :D

Lillte girls would be like...
Girl 1: "I saw him first!"
Girl 2: "No, I saw him first! Go away or I'll tell my mommy."
Girl 3: "He's mine." *She kisses Eric Jr. on the cheek.*
Eric Jr.: Hey girls, there's room for everybody.
*They'll all walk together hand-in-hand.* :D

....HAHA... :lol:

CSI_Lemur said:
*LE GASP* OMIG! Who's he? lol
You mean Antonio Riaz??? Well if you're talkin about him, he's the guy the ordered the Mala Noches to kill Marisol :( (Eric's sister) during CSI: Miami's season 4.

Anyway, I'm hoping you don't kill off Calleigh :(...what about Eric and Eric Jr :confused:??? Riaz must go down or else i'll come after him myself :devil:...LOL!!!

Oh by the way, CSI Lemur, you were asking about updates on brookeAp3's story...Love's Long Journey...on another thread, so did you see my post it being updated on If not, I posted a link to it on the other thread...just wanted to make sure because E/C fics should be shared to everyone.

Update soon...


Luv yall...
fadingintherain said:
CSI_Lemur said:
*LE GASP* OMIG! Who's he? lol
You mean Antonio Riaz??? Well if you're talkin about him, he's the guy the ordered the Mala Noches to kill Marisol :( (Eric's sister) during CSI: Miami's season 4.
Ahh, I never got a chance to see the whole episode :D
Yea, Riaz put the hit on marisol.God I hate that guy!

Continueing scene...
Eric:I gatta go to Anna's to see Eric.Jr. I gatta make sure he ok.

Where Calleigh is...
Riaz:So...Whats your little man Eric been up. Horatio stabs ma, and all of a sudden there gone.
Cal:OMG! Riaz?
Riaz:Smart blonde arnt you?
*Cal got pissed, Kicked Riaz in the balls and took his gun and held it to his head*
Cal:Gimmie your cellphone?
Raiz:Who said I have one?
*She hit him with the gun, He hands her the cellphone*
Cal:Wasnt that easy?
Riaz:You hit the wrong man.
*Cal calls H*
Cal:H its Cal.
H:Cal, where are you?
Cal:In a warehouse by the ports.
H:Ok, Ill be there.
*Riaz get up and hit Cal, she starts bleeding, she shoots him.

At Anna's...
Eric:Wgere Little Eric?
Anna:Inside.Ill get him.
*Anna brings out little Eric.*
Eric:Im gunna take him.
Anna:Ok, is everything ok Eric.
Eric:Yea yea, fine.

Eric and Eric arrive at the lab...
Ryan:Hy man. H found Cal there going to get her.
Eric:Ok. Thats great. Is she ok.
Ryan:H said she sounded ok.
*Little Eric was making noise and swinging his arms and feet around.*
Ryan:Awe, he is so cute. He look alot like you Eric
Eric:*laughs*Your saying IM cute.
*Alexx walks out into where Ryan, Eric, and Eric are*
Alexx:Oh Eric! He is so cute. Can I hold him?
Eric:Sure Alexx.
*Alexx hold little Alexx*
Eric:Ill be back, Im gunna call H.

At the warehouse...
Cal:Over here H
*H walks over to see Riaz bleeding*
H:Cal, why is he bleeding like that?
Cal:He it me so I shot him!
*Cal was bleeding from when Riaz hit her*
H:Riaz, this time you are going to pay, I f its the last thing I do.
Riaz:Really Caine?
*H got mad and shot Riaz in the head*

At the lab...
*H and Cal arrive at the lab*
Eric:OMG! Cal!
Cal:Eric! Is E.jr ok.
Eric:Yea.he is fine.
*Ryan and Alexx walk over. Alexx is still jolding Little Eric as he sleeps*
Alexx:Thank god your ok Calleigh.
*Alexx hands Cal E.jr. Everybody stood around and watched him sleep.*
