Eric and Calleigh-First time


Police Officer
Ok. Im new, so Im going to try and make a good attemp at this. Please post your thoughts!

At a crime scene...
H:Alexx, whats the CoD?
Alexx:gsw to the back of the head, poor baby didnt stand a chance, they bruses on her wrists say she fought.
H:and fought she did.
H leaves the scene.
Cal:I found a nine mil shell casing
Eric:Do you think its the killer bullet.
Cal:I dont now, Im gunna get back to the lab and process this.
Ryan walks in.
Ryan:Sorry Im late, alarm didnt go off.
Cal:Ry, can you help Delko finish collectin evedince, I ggata get this to the lab.
Ry:Sure, no prob.

Back at the lab...
H:Cal, did you get anything off the bullet?
Cal:Yea, It came up as a Jon Garretson. He has a pretty long record for domestic assult.
H:Ok, lets get down to Alexx and she is she I.d. the girl.

At the morgue...
Cal:Hey Alexx, got anything on our Jane Doe?
Alexx:Yea, her ane is Maria Garretson.
H:Really? That intersting.
Cal:The bullet belonged to a Jon Garretson.
Cal:I dunno lets bring em' in?

Back at the crime scene...
Eric:Hey Ryan, If I asked Cal out, do you think she would say yeah?
Ryan:Yea, I think she might have the hots for ya man.
Ryan:Yea, totally.

H:Jon, do you know a woman named Maria Garretson?
Jon:Yea, shes my ex-wife.
Cal:She was found dead with a bullet from your gun in her head.
H:Do you know anything about that?
Jon:NO! Why would I kill her.
Cal:B/c she put a T.R.O on you.
Jon:I know nothing about her death!

Later in the lab...
Eric:hey Cal. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?
Cal:Uh, is this like a date?
Eric:umm*pauses for a second*..Yea, it is.
Cal:I loved to, listen, my shift end in 5, ya wanna leave then?
Eric:Yea, that will be great.

A little bit later...
Cal:Hey, Eric, ready to go?
Eric Yea, *looks at Ryan* I gatta go.
Ryan:Have fun.
Cal:Oh trust me...we will*she has a devilish smile*.

Hehehe. Bad Calleigh! Behave *Hits her hand with a ruler* Very good! I was aliitle cofused though, I just may be dumb but how did they know the bullet belonged to Jon?
Ok. Im here to continue. The question aint sdumb. Cal ran it threw AFIS. Opps, i left that out.

At a club inb south Miami...
Eric:Were are here, its a really nice club.
Cal:I think Ive been here befor.
Cal;I dunno.

Inside the club...
*a slow song comes on*
Eric:Would you like to dance pretty lady?
Cal:Hahaha, Eric!
*Cal blushes*
Cal:Yes ill dance with you handsome man.
*they begin to dance*
Eric:Did you know...I think you are beautiful?
Cal:Oh Eric, stop, im blushing!
*Eric smiles*
*Cal really wasnt sure what to do now that the song ended*
Eric:Thanks for the dance.
Cal:*giggleS*Your welcome, and thank you.
Eric:for what?
Cal:*she kisses Eric:For taking me away from a night of paperwork.
*Eric grins*
Eric:Do you wanna leave and go...

Next day st the lab...
Ryan:Hey Eric, how was the date with Cal?
Eric:Lets just say...I really like the ending to our date.
*Natalia comes in*
Nat:You what?
Natalia:eek:k, anyway, the results from the rape kit didnt come back as the ex like we thought.
Ryan and Eric:Who did it come up as?
Natalia:A Billy Montez.
Ry:Ill go tell H.
Eric:Im gunna go check the gun for prints, Ryan,who was supposed to, forgot.

In the print lab...
Cal:Hey Eric, I had fun last night*giggles*.
Eric:Really? Me too.
Ry:*walk in*Ok love birds, did you get a print off the gun?
Eric:Yea, Billy's prints were on it and so were Johns.
Ry:*sighs*Well wich in shot her?
Eric:Well, Its to late to check for GSR, so I have no clue.

Interogation room...
H:Billy, do you know a woman named Maria Garretson?
Billy:Hhahaha, nope.
H:Why is that funny?
Billy:I know her husband...well, ex-husband.
H:Billy, spit it out. We found your prints on a gun that was used to shoot her.
Billy:Im sorry, I didnt mean to shhot her. Me and Jon were buddies. We go shooting, she comes out of nowhere, it scared, and I shot. I didnt mean to kill her.
H:Why didnt you call 9-1-1.
Billy:Jon has a long record for beating wemon, and we thought the police would think it was him.
H:Well, they thought wrong.
*H leaves*

Locker room...
Ryan:Hey Cal.
Cal:Hey Ryan, I heard H got the to comfess.
Ryan:Yea...In like three seconds..That man is gifted.
Cal:*laughs*No, he just knows how to get them to crack.
Ryan: You too are good together.
Ryan:You and Eric.
Cal:Oh, thanks. Well I gatta go...I have plans.

This is like a short scene so...yeah.

Parking lot...
*Eric and Cal meet and Eric car, they kiss*
Eric:Hey babe.
Cal:*smiles*Hey sexy.
Eric:Ya ready to go.
Cal:Yeah. Were are we going?
Eric:Its a suprise!!
Cal:YAY! I love suprises!

Under neath the board walk during the Miami sunset...
Cal:Oh my god Eric.
Cal:This is my favorite did you know.
Eric:I heard you mention it once or teice.
*they kiss and get out of the car*
*They find a place under the board walk and sit and talk.

1 hour later...
*they start passionetly kissing*
Eric:You want to go somewhere more private?
Eric:My house?

Next morning at Erics condo...
*calleigh wakes up to no Eric, she walks into the kitchen in one of Erics t-shirts*
Cal:Umm, Eric, why is Ryan here?
Ryan Why is Cal here? Wait...You to...OH MY GOD!
Ryan:Ok, ok. I wont.
*Ryan leaves*
Cal:I think Im gunna go.
Cal:I need to shower before my shift.
Eric:shower here.
*Ryan really hadnt left and was listening*
Cal:Ryan?You better run!
Eric:Yea, Alex aint here to save you know!
*Eric kisses Cal and runs after Ryan*
*Calleigh goes and takes shower.

Later at work...
*the whole crew is in the break room when Ryan walks in*
H:why are ou saying Ryan like that?
Eric:Uh, I dunno.
Cal:I gatta go processs some bullets.
Eric:I ahve prints to...uhh...yeah. BYE!
H:Ryan...whats going on?
Ryan:Nothing H!
Natalia:*walks by Ryan*You lie.
Ryan:DO NOT!


ok..that was kinda gay...but ill think of some good stuff!
Oh hahahaha.
Well I shall continue...

*H get called to a crime scene and the whole crew is in the hummer*
*There is silince in the whole hummer*
Cal:Ok. I lose!
Eric:Lose what?
Cal:the quiet game, god, not talking is a killer.
Ryan:Yea, and when your around Eric you cant shut up!
Cal:RYAN!*she smacks him*
Ryan:Im telling Alex.
Cal:No, Ryan...Im sorry!
Ryan:eek:k, I wont tell.
Eric:Hey, thats not fair if she says sorry you wont tell but if i do you still tell.
Ryan:Cal is prettier.
Cal:Thank you Ryan.
Eric:Hey..dont hit on my...umm...never mind.
Natalia:Spit it out Eric!
H:Hmmm, Eric, What goin on btw. you and Cal?
*Eric looks at Cal*
Cal:Fine.Tell them.
Eric:Me and Cal are....*long pause*
team:0.o tell

I have been reading this since you first posted and I love it. Please (x100) continue and make it a happy ending. i love E/C togetehr and they should be together. Any E/C fic, makes me happy. Yours just makes my day better (x100).


Luv yall..

Eric:Cal and I are going to a baby together.
Ryan:WHAT! But you guys have only beed dating for 3 months!
Cal:Well. We really love eachother.
Natalia:Well Congrats you to!
Eric and Cal:Thanks.
H:*silence for a moment*Crongatulations!

Three months later...
Cal is in bullistics lab...
Eric:Hey babe.
Cal:Hey sexy
*they kiss*
Eric:I have something to ask you.
Cal:Sure Eric.
Eric:*gets on one and knee and pulls put a black ring box* Cal, will you marry?
Cal:*smiles and tears up* Yes Eric.
*They kiss, and Ryan walks in*
Ryan:Hey, whoa, not in the lab please.
Eric:Were getting married.
Ryan:Really? Wait, when did you propose, you never told me.
Cal:Just now!
*H walks in*
H:Whats all the excitement about?
Eric:Me and Cal are getting married.
H:*smiles*Well, congrats.
Eric and Cal:Thanks.
Cal:I have to go ask Alexx something.
*She kisses Eric and leaves*

In the morgue...
Cal:Hey Alexx.
Alexx:Hey Cal, whats up?
Cal:Umm, ok, your like a mother to me...
Alexx:Spit it out Cal.
Cal:Me and Eric are getting married, and I want you to be the maid-of-honor.
Alexx:Yes I will Calleigh!
*She hugs Alexx*
Cal:Thank you!


You have to wait to see who the best man will be. Will it be H or Ryan?
"Ryan: WHAT?! But you two have only been dating for 3 months!"

You almost make it sound like Ryan's jealous...haha...Calleigh's taken, but Natalia is free so have at her Ry. ;) ;)

Hip-Huggers all the way!!! :D :D

Can't wait for your updates...continue, continue, continue...please!


Luv yall...