well from the spoilers I read, Calleigh is really upset. She does care about him. I also think she feels a little guilty b/c she probably feels that if she sided with him the situation could have been avoided. I am curious to see what Eric says to her after he wakes up that starts the rift between them. I hope he isn't a complete arse and is like "get the hell away from me" or something like that. Then again knowing these writers....that is exactly what will happen
These writers really do lack creativity and the ability to write anything interesitng. I have given them the benefit of the doubt for far too long.
Adam's departure has brought about "out of characterness" for these two characters stretching all the way back to the second to last ep of the season through the finale. That whole situation with his dad calling him and him talking to him behind her back was total crap imo. After what happened in 716 and they pretty much agreed no secrets he goes and does that? Yeah no way. Both of them were very out of character in those eps. Another reason I think his departure from the show was either known or in the works before last season ended. I have let my feelings be known about that in previous posts so I am not going to go into it again.
I am honestly hoping that they won't end E/C when Adam leaves. They can write it like Grissom/Sara and still have them together w/o him on the show. Adam has said in an interview that they are leaving his character's future if you will "open ended" in order to give him opportunities to "stop by" from time to time. So E/C could stay together. I really hope the writers give us something b/c we have waited so long and cirmcustance such as they are shouldn't mean that we get punished or disappointed. In the end, the only casualties in all of this, are us, the fans. Which is sad b/c we are the ones who keep this show on the air in the first place....you'd think they want to keep us happy. Plus by having them stay together gives hope and excitement when and should the opportunity arise for Adam to return. Oh man, they are going to screw this up I know it :lol: