So, on Earth are we supposed to wait all summer to see this get resolved?! I'm going to go CRAZY.
A few comments: I felt for both of them in this episode. I think Eric was honestly trying to help his father out because he truly believed his dad could be better. Now, whether that's true or not is really unknown. We have NO idea what his dad is truly like, and we also don't know how well Eric really knows him, which is frustrating. Calleigh was in a hard place; I think she got so emotional and mistrusting because she cares for him so deeply and she's terrified he's untrustworthy just like everyone else she's encountered in her life.
And a few thoughts: Did anyone else notice that when Eric's father was getting out of the car, he not only had blood on his shirt but on his HANDS? That's pretty indicative... I mean, either he was involved in something there or he tried to help Eric out. Also, with them being near the water...where the heck did Eric go? I was confused by Horatio following the footsteps or whatever because I don't think Eric could just dive on in. Maybe there was a boat there...? Kinda random, but I don't know what the heck could've happened there.
I foresee a lot of fanfic writing and reading to get me through summer! We should start a countdown or something.
I can't believe we have to wait that long. And I wonder if how they are going to handle it. Will we get to see the 'rescue', will we see Cal finding him or will we see a fit eric or an Eric in the hospital with flashbacks? ... I really hope they'll just pick up where they left with H standing there but I'm affraid they won't.
I too feel bad for both. I do think he was just trying to help his father and he was blinded by the fact that his father helped him. I think he felt like owned his dad one but lying to Calleigh...NOt a hood move, he should know she can see right through him.
I think it's hard for Calleigh to make him see the truth about his father. Somehow it's natural for eric to defend his dad. And I don't think she's mad about it, just about the fact that he was lying about finding the car. But I'm confident they'll overcome this. Seeing her cry; it kinda broke my heart. Not knowing where Eric is, whether she shot him or not. I felt so sorry for her especially because they were arguing, they didn't have a chance to work it out. That's got to be frustrating but it shows how much she loves him.
Maybe he got injured at the armory? And now they make us believe it's by Calleigh's doing but in reality he was injured before he got in the car. So the nearmiss would have been Cal shooting at him.
It was a good episode but maybe Ivan's death was a bit fast...this is someone who's been in several episodes as their enemy and then bang he's suddenly death. I think they could have done something better. In the end Yelina was in danger but not really in danger...
Eric's father his hands were covered in blood, made me wonder too. He must have tried to stop the bleeding...this could indicate, eric is seriously wounded (as Adam said in the clip earlier). I wonder what happened, I don't think the mob is still involved. unless they were followed but somehow I doubt that but H confused me even more.
Looking at the water like that...I guess all we can do is wait and hope september comes quickly although it seems far...far away.
I too feel bad for both. I do think he was just trying to help his father and he was blinded by the fact that his father helped him. I think he felt like owned his dad one but lying to Calleigh...NOt a hood move, he should know she can see right through him.
I think it's hard for Calleigh to make him see the truth about his father. Somehow it's natural for eric to defend his dad. And I don't think she's mad about it, just about the fact that he was lying about finding the car. But I'm confident they'll overcome this. Seeing her cry; it kinda broke my heart. Not knowing where Eric is, whether she shot him or not. I felt so sorry for her especially because they were arguing, they didn't have a chance to work it out. That's got to be frustrating but it shows how much she loves him.
Maybe he got injured at the armory? And now they make us believe it's by Calleigh's doing but in reality he was injured before he got in the car. So the nearmiss would have been Cal shooting at him.
It was a good episode but maybe Ivan's death was a bit fast...this is someone who's been in several episodes as their enemy and then bang he's suddenly death. I think they could have done something better. In the end Yelina was in danger but not really in danger...
Eric's father his hands were covered in blood, made me wonder too. He must have tried to stop the bleeding...this could indicate, eric is seriously wounded (as Adam said in the clip earlier). I wonder what happened, I don't think the mob is still involved. unless they were followed but somehow I doubt that but H confused me even more.